Cochlear Implants in noisy bars and nightclubs

That's the media that you see in headlines. No one here is saying that they deliver perfectly normal hearing. In fact, no one hears "perfectly". There's a middle ground. That middle ground does not equate to what some of these Deaf fanatics or Deaf wannabes that have made it out to be on this forum.

However, they are miraculous devices just the same and can provide reasonably good results beyond what hearing aids can do for those candidates who are most appropriate for these devices.
Point is, most hearing people get their perspective about CI's from people who promote CI's, not from "Deaf fanatics or Deaf wannabes."
Point is, most hearing people get their perspective about CI's from people who promote CI's, not from "Deaf fanatics or Deaf wannabes."

They shouldn't be getting their perspectives from either the media press releases that exist independently of the CI companies OR these Deaf fanatics/wannabes who promote all the information as black and white. Deaf people who speak about CI's without having any concept of them and those who do not have them are not qualified to give any information about them. Why? Because they have no first-hand experience of the device itself. For the record, I don't believe in news reporting sources who have wildly inaccurate titles such as "deaf man hears his voice for the first time" etc, either. They too have no business spreading information about the CI.

I believe that much of what the CI companies will tell you is accurate as far as what the CI can do, and does, having a CI myself.
Ok so sticking to my original topic

Reading through this forums i can summarise the discussion as this

1. Everyone does differently with a Cochlear implant depending on factors such as
a. how long they have had the cochlear for
b. how soon they got the cochlear after losing hearing
c. if they are pre-lingual or not
d. their commitment to learning/training to hear with a cochlear
e. their choice of cochlear implant
maybe a a few other...but the point is there are variables on how well you will do so it difficult to say how well you each will do. I think everyone agrees here.

regarding point e

From what i'm getting is...

Advanced Bionic (if your brain is capable of processing the information well) has some potential in noisy environment because it technology is more advanced

Cochlear will always be very ordinary because it implant technology is outdated? Can anyone vouch for having some success with Cochlear in noise?

Medel? i havent seen any talk about Med-el in noise through this forum. I know the latest processor, the sonnet has two microphones so will obviously do better than the Opus by comparison. As for the implant? how does it compare to AB and Cochlear. Could there be potential?
They shouldn't be getting their perspectives from either the media press releases that exist independently of the CI companies OR these Deaf fanatics/wannabes who promote all the information as black and white. Deaf people who speak about CI's without having any concept of them and those who do not have them are not qualified to give any information about them. Why? Because they have no first-hand experience of the device itself. For the record, I don't believe in news reporting sources who have wildly inaccurate titles such as "deaf man hears his voice for the first time" etc, either. They too have no business spreading information about the CI.

I believe that much of what the CI companies will tell you is accurate as far as what the CI can do, and does, having a CI myself.

The manufacturers rely on what various measuring equipment will tell them how a CI will perform, so in advertising the device, usually the maximum improvements possible are pitched. In reality, the majority experience well below that threshold. In my experience, I would describe my level as "slightly better than during my HA years".
I think it is great that some of you with a CI have almost "perfect" hearing. What I don't understand is why some of those people get so upset when others do not share their same experience. Everyone is different, we lose our hearing in different ways and different times in our lives. I have severe tinnitus and I also have Hyperacusis, both interfere with my quality of hearing. I still love my CI, I am learning ASL and I am considering going bilateral. I also still use CC, my CI microphone clip and anything else that can provide me with clearer hearing. Everone is entitled to their opinion regarding their CI, does not make it right or wrong.
Sign will set you free. Learn sign. No drilled holes in your head needed, no batteries, no plugs, no creeps in white coats wanting to put holes in you.
LeArn sign. Its free, its real, its yours for the taking.

It set me free that's for sure!!!!!
Why is it so important for one's opinion to be the only right opinion?

Show some respect....I started this have hijacked my forum for your own self interest. I have asked a very reasonable question for my own education. I am trying to do some research about getting cochlears. I'm not asking for you to take up your own agendas...Getting cochlear is a big decision and i am looking for some support and help

85% of you have been really helpful and i appreciate that but i think the topic has evolved too far away from my question i asked. So back to original topic

I started this topic..

Ok so sticking to my original topic

Reading through this forums i can summarise the discussion as this

1. Everyone does differently with a Cochlear implant depending on factors such as
a. how long they have had the cochlear for
b. how soon they got the cochlear after losing hearing
c. if they are pre-lingual or not
d. their commitment to learning/training to hear with a cochlear
e. their choice of cochlear implant
maybe a a few other...but the point is there are variables on how well you will do so it difficult to say how well you each will do. I think everyone agrees here.

regarding point e

From what i'm getting is...

Advanced Bionic (if your brain is capable of processing the information well) has some potential in noisy environment because it technology is more advanced

Cochlear will always be very ordinary because it implant technology is outdated? Can anyone vouch for having some success with Cochlear in noise?

Medel? i havent seen any talk about Med-el in noise through this forum. I know the latest processor, the sonnet has two microphones so will obviously do better than the Opus by comparison. As for the implant? how does it compare to AB and Cochlear. Could there be potential?

and please have some consideration...

Show some respect....I started this have hijacked my forum for your own self interest. I have asked a very reasonable question for my own education. I am trying to do some research about getting cochlears. I'm not asking for you to take up your own agendas...Getting cochlear is a big decision and i am looking for some support and help

85% of you have been really helpful and i appreciate that but i think the topic has evolved too far away from my question i asked. So back to original topic

I started this topic..

Ok so sticking to my original topic

Reading through this forums i can summarise the discussion as this

1. Everyone does differently with a Cochlear implant depending on factors such as
a. how long they have had the cochlear for
b. how soon they got the cochlear after losing hearing
c. if they are pre-lingual or not
d. their commitment to learning/training to hear with a cochlear
e. their choice of cochlear implant
maybe a a few other...but the point is there are variables on how well you will do so it difficult to say how well you each will do. I think everyone agrees here.

regarding point e

From what i'm getting is...

Advanced Bionic (if your brain is capable of processing the information well) has some potential in noisy environment because it technology is more advanced

Cochlear will always be very ordinary because it implant technology is outdated? Can anyone vouch for having some success with Cochlear in noise?

Medel? i havent seen any talk about Med-el in noise through this forum. I know the latest processor, the sonnet has two microphones so will obviously do better than the Opus by comparison. As for the implant? how does it compare to AB and Cochlear. Could there be potential?

and please have some consideration...

It's not "your forum". This is a public forum and no one individual person owns it. Having said that, you are right that we have gotten off track as to your original questions. Here is a link that could be helpful in breaking down the different things about each brand from a very objective perspective:

This will show you the technical specs, sound processing strategies for each CI brand, bluetooth capability, waterproof capability, stimulation rate, IDR, etc. It also explains what each thing is a little bit in layman's terms so that minimizes confusion about anything.

Cochlear Implant HELP online is a great site. There is a plethora of resources from people who have all 3 CI brands:

I suggest that you look at that site in-depth. I think you will also find people who are more receptive to CI's and to giving you their experiences/answers on one of the CI recipient forum websites:

Hearing Journey, (Advanced Bionics)
Cochlear Community, (Cochlear America)
Hear Peers, (Med-El)

Keep in mind that people from each of these websites will most likely have strong opinions about their own brands if they feel that they are satisfied with their results. You are going in the right direction in terms of asking questions about how each of the CI's do in noise. That is key for better hearing, your life does not take place in a soundproof booth! I can't speak to how I would do in noise with Cochlear or Med-El, but with my AB implant I experienced an immediate improvement in my ability to converse with others and hear & identify other people's voices as their own unique voices in noise- it was absolutely phenomenal for me. I also hear much more fine detail in music than I ever did with AB's Fidelity 120 sound processing strategy. AB has partnered with Phonak so the latest generation of the AB processor, the Naida, is able to utilize the Phonak technology. AB also offers the option of a separate completely waterproof processor, the Neptune. The Naida can even be waterproof now as well, with AB's AquaCase. I do not know if Med-El is partnered with Oticon or not.
:barf: So sad when Deaf people can't say what they think on a DEAF FORUM!!!!!!!!!


This is the Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant board....

I've lived in the hearing world and the deaf world....the hearing world is far superior. I have zero desire to learn sign language and I hope to God I never have to learn.....


Show some respect....I started this have hijacked my forum for your own self interest. I have asked a very reasonable question for my own education. I am trying to do some research about getting cochlears. I'm not asking for you to take up your own agendas...Getting cochlear is a big decision and i am looking for some support and help

85% of you have been really helpful and i appreciate that but i think the topic has evolved too far away from my question i asked. So back to original topic

I started this topic..

Ok so sticking to my original topic

Reading through this forums i can summarise the discussion as this

1. Everyone does differently with a Cochlear implant depending on factors such as
a. how long they have had the cochlear for
b. how soon they got the cochlear after losing hearing
c. if they are pre-lingual or not
d. their commitment to learning/training to hear with a cochlear
e. their choice of cochlear implant
maybe a a few other...but the point is there are variables on how well you will do so it difficult to say how well you each will do. I think everyone agrees here.

regarding point e

From what i'm getting is...

Advanced Bionic (if your brain is capable of processing the information well) has some potential in noisy environment because it technology is more advanced

Cochlear will always be very ordinary because it implant technology is outdated? Can anyone vouch for having some success with Cochlear in noise?

Medel? i havent seen any talk about Med-el in noise through this forum. I know the latest processor, the sonnet has two microphones so will obviously do better than the Opus by comparison. As for the implant? how does it compare to AB and Cochlear. Could there be potential?

and please have some consideration...

I have had my CI's for a year and a half. I went from 30% speech scores with my HA's to 100% with my CI's. I hear sounds I haven't heard in almost 20 years, since I lost my hearing suddenly. I enjoy music, watch tv, going out to eat, going to movies, all the things I couldn't do with my HA's---and use no assistive devices to do any of these activities. I can hear and understand people in other rooms without having to lip read, I hear birds outside my window--with the window closed. The kids down the block running and yelling and having fun are music to my ears because I can hear and understand them. A side benefit, I can evesdrop on conversations from quite a distance away :giggle:

Yes, AB has the best product on the market, Med-el has the second best. It also has the smallest market share so finding people that use Med-el is less likely.

The issue with Cochlear is that they have not upgraded their internal component and it's maxed out. They put all kids of bells and whistles into their design, but don't put their money where it matters, into the electronics. Their remote looks nice though.

I have friends with Cochlear, similar hearing history to mine, sudden loss in adulthood, on paper should have had fantastic success, except that they were implanted with Cochlear. Sitting in the same room, hearing the same noises, they can't function at all. I end up interpreting for them most of the time because they just don't have the software in their head to do the job.
don't even know sign, so tell me how that can do any good if I don't know it. How can it be "better" for anyone who doesn't know sign?.

Easy take the time and learn it, its that simple really. No drills, holes, wires, batteries,engeneerers, sceintists, multinational companies needed. these days you can learn sign almost for free, besides your effort, and time.

I Sign is an alternative, but it doesn't provide the opportunities that would otherwise be available with implants.

Sign offers different oppurtunities, oppurtunities where you dont need to be plugged in, or powered on, hooked up. Drilled into, wired through. Sign is language, the most human and beautifull of all gifts.

I thank the engineers and my surgeon every day that their "empty promise" of a drill and hole in my head resulted in being able to hear at 20db, have a conversation in a restaurant without struggling, and hear a full score of music.

indeed you do,but its not just about you, the fact is the tech you so charish, has a history and an ideology behind it. And which still drives it. i challange your idea that multi national companies have your best interests in mind, rather i think if you werent so blinded by the shock and awe of your maricle you would see, your best interets r rather down the list of what drives them. Im a student of the history of chochlear implants, and its fundemental ideology which drives it. I have explored this subject in great detail, ive been in this fight for a rather long time.
Sign Offers you more freedom. it can be taken anywhere, used any place, rather then holes in yoir head and computer implanted, it just asks one thing of you and one thing only
to learn it,
Sure i grant and accept the drill for you was the easier bargain.
Fair enough.
now, i admit here and accept that its only a matter of time, before your multinational companies and engeneers due to the advance.of digital tech rids the world of us deaf. I know that is our fate. Ive witnessed this march of folly for decades. Having said that. I wont go meakly into the night. I wont lay down and shut up. No. Instead every damn chance i get ill hold our candle to your darkness. No matter how faint its flickering flame will be. And that light is our signs, and our signs is our language, and our language is our culture and our culture is our stories, our poems, our jokes, our very living breathing, moving, soul.
Your engeneerers and scientist will indeed cure the world one day of us, i have no doubt. As thats what they promise to do and get paid large sums of money to do.
In spite of that,
Our sign will remain our light.
It can be yours too
I don't even know sign, so tell me how that can do any good if I don't know it. How can it be "better" for anyone who doesn't know sign?.

Easy take the time and learn it, its that simple really. No drills, holes, wires, batteries,engeneerers, sceintists, multinational companies needed. these days you can learn sign almost for free, besides your effort, and time.

I Sign is an alternative, but it doesn't provide the opportunities that would otherwise be available with implants.

Sign offers different oppurtunities, oppurtunities where you dont need to be plugged in, or powered on, hooked up. Drilled into, wired through. Sign is language, the most human and beautifull of all gifts.

I thank the engineers and my surgeon every day that their "empty promise" of a drill and hole in my head resulted in being able to hear at 20db, have a conversation in a restaurant without struggling, and hear a full score of music.

indeed you do,but its not just about you, the fact is the tech you so charish, has a history and an ideology behind it. And which still drives it. i challange your idea that multi national companies have your best interests in mind, rather i think if you werent so blinded by the shock and awe of your maricle you would see, your best interets r rather down the list of what drives them. Im a student of the history of chochlear implants, and its fundemental ideology which drives it. I have explored this subject in great detail, ive been in this fight for a rather long time.
Sign Offers you more freedom. it can be taken anywhere, used any place, rather then holes in yoir head and computer implanted, it just asks one thing of you and one thing only
to learn it,
Sure i grant and accept the drill for you was the easier bargain.
Fair enough.
now, i admit here and accept that its only a matter of time, before your multinational companies and engeneers due to the advance.of digital tech rids the world of us deaf. I know that is our fate. Ive witnessed this march of folly for decades. Having said that. I wont go meakly into the night. I wont lay down and shut up. No. Instead every damn chance i get ill hold our candle to your darkness. No matter how faint its flickering flame will be. And that light is our signs, and our signs is our language, and our language is our culture and our culture is our stories, our poems, our jokes, our very living breathing, moving, soul.
Your engeneerers and scientist will indeed cure the world one day of us, i have no doubt. As thats what they promise to do and get paid large sums of money to do.
In spite of that,
Our sign will remain our light.
It can be yours too
I see a few trolls. What a sad and sorry mess this forum thread have rapidly turned into. 1. I do sign and I have CI. 2. the OP was ASKING for what CI brand he/she should get. 3 I am going to put the answer straight.

Whatever CI brand you're planning to get, I recommend to look for one with software-defined 3D microphones (two microphones) in the sound processor(s) as it do DEFINITELY help with noisy environment (I have Naida CI Q70, and it made WHOLE biggest difference, no that's wrong, a HUGE upgrade beyond Harmony sound processor). And lastly, you will quickly learn that software is a part of the biggest picture, so don't expect a rapid miracle - it's definitely recommended to keep tuning up the electrode channel mapping and microphone preference (if you are getting Advanced Bionics Naida CI Q70, get myPilot too as you will want to be able to adjust the microphone sensitivity as necessary).

And, ClearVoice do actually make a huge difference - as an experiment, I compared ClearVoice, and regular HiRes 120 while listening to music over a roaring computer fans (I build a computer from scratch as a hobby, and I generally prefer higher powered fans for radiator to remove processor heat and they do get LOUD, thus perfect for that kind of experiment), I can hear music clearly with ClearVoice - ClearVoice is your BEST bet.
No mess here. Actually one of the great things about the net is the mutitude of opinions that can put forward.
Call that a mess all you want, i call it freedom
Then, as a simple question, why did you provoke the others? Look, I was NOT forced to get CI, like some people here would (wrongly) assumed, rather it was out of my choices - hearing aids were 100% useless to me, I can't even hear quiet sounds so it was a primary decision factor along with few things in choosing CI. I do computer repair / building as well as building electronics from scratches so hearing is a lot important to me so I will know what to expect.

I picked Advanced Bionics CI due to the fact that Clarion CII hardware also found in HiRes 90k implants is 100% software programmable (largely set and forget), which also have introduced a lot of firmware improvements such as HiRes 120 and ClearVoice - significant hardware improvements also came slightly later after AB got bought up by Phonak's parent company, Sonova. Adaptive 3D microphone array which Claro and later Spice based hearing aids from Phonak are known for is a large improvement and do actually complement the ClearVoice nicely from what I have noticed when I used Naida CI Q70 for the first time.

In other words, never underestimate the recent CI hardwares. They are a lot better than before (I have went through fourth generation of AB sound processors on right ear: Platinum Series bodyworn processor > Auria > Harmony > Naida CI Q70 And the subsequent generations were improvements over atop.)

I would encourage one considering getting CI to determine the rewards and risks outta CI implantation. Everyone are different. So is the mapping for each individuals and it affects the outcome.
I offered an alternative opinion, which i do hope provokes within some people considering ci to consider the alternative that costs little and requires no drills in their head, and battaries and wires so on so forth. An alternative thats not held and controled or created by multinational corporations whos goal is pRofit, an alternative technology which is superior.
you were not forced. Fine, but are you aware thay ci are forced in certain nations on the deaf?
And their iS allot of coehersion On the deaf, and on deaf parents to have there babies implanted.
Again this technology isnt just about you, it has a life, an ideology of its own very much seperate from what ever bells and whisles you now.hear
*facepalm* It is not always an option. At least not everyone have the patience to learn ASL. Before you say it's easy, IT IS NOT. You have to understand language barriers a bit better before you jump into conclusions.

Holes in my skull? Hell if I care, you have HOLES in your skull already, it's called mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

Before you also complain about battery, it can be prolonged as many hearing aids and CI sound processors use chips with transistors smaller than 65 nanometers. They are therefore efficient now.

Don't like it? Troll somewhere else.

Show some respect....I started this have hijacked my forum for your own self interest. I have asked a very reasonable question for my own education. I am trying to do some research about getting cochlears. I'm not asking for you to take up your own agendas...Getting cochlear is a big decision and i am looking for some support and help

85% of you have been really helpful and i appreciate that but i think the topic has evolved too far away from my question i asked. So back to original topic

I started this topic..

Ok so sticking to my original topic

Reading through this forums i can summarise the discussion as this

1. Everyone does differently with a Cochlear implant depending on factors such as
a. how long they have had the cochlear for
b. how soon they got the cochlear after losing hearing
c. if they are pre-lingual or not
d. their commitment to learning/training to hear with a cochlear
e. their choice of cochlear implant
maybe a a few other...but the point is there are variables on how well you will do so it difficult to say how well you each will do. I think everyone agrees here.

regarding point e

From what i'm getting is...

Advanced Bionic (if your brain is capable of processing the information well) has some potential in noisy environment because it technology is more advanced

Cochlear will always be very ordinary because it implant technology is outdated? Can anyone vouch for having some success with Cochlear in noise?

Medel? i havent seen any talk about Med-el in noise through this forum. I know the latest processor, the sonnet has two microphones so will obviously do better than the Opus by comparison. As for the implant? how does it compare to AB and Cochlear. Could there be potential?

and please have some consideration...

While I am not a fan of Cochlear, I cannot dismiss them as utter crap or any other manufacturer. You will find high performers among all brands. They all deliver speech.

Cochlear has the most basic internal implant. It lacks the current steering capabilities that AB offers and Med El is capable of (I believe they do employ it for low frequency response.) It also has the lowest Input Dynamic Ratio (sound window of quietest to loudest sound heard in an instant) which is a factor in both music quality and overall sound quality. Whether or not this is important to you is entirely up to you Cochlear does hold the market-share at this time as they are the oldest company.

It's in your best interest to weigh the features among your brand choices. You can find an excellent comparison chart at You will also find explanations for the terms and technology you will encounter.

Hearing in noise is a combination of rehab and technology. The fact that most implantees I know become much more social and outgoing compared to dragging along with a hearing aid should tell you something.
I second BleedingPurist - leviathan54, I can only recommend so much it falls on you to make the decision for yourself, as far as the brands of CI goes, and what is your expectations before and during CI usage.

If you can do a bit research, you would be able to make a better, well-informed decision for yourself.
Hey man, im a radical lover of liberty. What you do with your body is yor bussiness if you want a whore for multinational corporations to probe and poke and drill into you, all the power to you.
Its not about like or dislike with me. My postion in this is rather more profound then personal taste. Because the multinational companies pushing this messiah tech of yours has deep pockets, and with those deep pockets comes deep power of cohersion and by extension control. which is paired as it has been from the start with an ideology, which further if you cared to look pushes a world view.
And that world view is a world with no deaf. and a world with no sign. Since sign is our language, and language is deeply rooted with and connected to culture, this world view in a nutshel means a world cured of people like me as in deaf, and my culture and language. Thus i wont lay down and shut up. I wont stop offering the better alternative.
An alternative rooted in freedom. An alternative that costs little and has no drills included. An alternative that can breach the language barrier of yours. With a little effort and a little will. An alternative that works better in noisey enviroments, an alternative that works better in any enviroment compared to the latest razzle and dazzle of your multinstional corps latest trick. An alternative that is not controled by mutlnstionals, nor held by white coated doctors.
That alternative
Is sign.
Call me a deafie on a deafie forum arguing for our language and culture a troll all you want.
Fine by me

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