Cochlear Implant Patients.

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I stated what my reaction to the surgery and why I am less than eager to promote this surgery for small children. Why are you so threatened by that? Does reality upset you? You continue to state that I tell people their decision is wrong, when in reality, it is you that continually tells me my personal feelings regarding the implantation of small children is wrong and unnecessary. Isn't that rather hypocritical of you? At least I take the time to explain my reasoning with hard cold facts. You might try doing the same. And if you don't want to feel criticized on a personal level, get a grasp of the fact that my posts have virtually nothing to do with you. There is not a minute in my day that I agonize over your decision or what you have to say. You are not that important in the grand scheme of things.

Well said. There is nothing personal in what we are sharing with the people here. However, people find it difficult to listen sometimes because it's not what they want to hear.
Do you REALLY want to start off on the wrong foot with me? Ask quite a few members here...
I'd toss that bibical dictionary out, and replace it with some dictionary that has more definitions. ;) Probably one could be enlightened more that way.

There is a reason behind my username, and it has been invoked. I laugh at newbs but I'm being nice with you.

Remember: this is a thread about YOU and your experience. Not about you nitpicking me. I merely made a suggestion for you earlier on, and got attacked for it. Comical.
(To these who attacked me... which is it, am I antici, or am I for cis??... Ya see.. comical)

I certainly wouldn't recommend it.:laugh2: Nor, for that matter, with me. All this defensiveness and ad hominem crap is very annoying.
Well said. There is nothing personal in what we are sharing with the people here. However, people find it difficult to listen sometimes because it's not what they want to hear.

so far i have seen no one mentioned if ci is bad. They were only stating that they feel perfectly fine without relying on the form of making sounds as well. Only if someone mentioned how much silent it was without relying on the form of making sounds. nothing else.

Yet, how many times have we seen it said, in this thread alone, that not hearing is bad? I'm really tired of the hypocrisy and the projection.
I have read in other threads your comments. I am not threatend by what you have to say. I feel you dont have the authority to tell parents that Your decision for your child is better than their decision. When that child is not your's and does not live with you or has your lifestyle. Thats what I feel is wrong. I did not go into the "Why did you choose not to have a CI" thread and say OMG ASL is bad or ASL is useless. Many different people live many different lives and choose to live those as seen fit. I do not feel angry at my parent's for not getting me into ASL classes when I was young.... Sure it would of been a different outcome in my life but life it to be lived,regardless of what decision's are made. Also you tend to try to analyze people by what they post when you truely do not know these people or how they live their lives on a day to day basis. I find that quite rude. If we wanted to be analyzed we would seek a qualified therapist that we feel comfortable with and not someone who says they are a therapist online.
Over protective, or under-educated? You clearly do not wear or intend to wear/have a CI, so why not leave? I did entitle this Cochlear Implant Patients after all. It is perfectly ok to cause children pain if it allows them to do more in the long run. You can't listen to music.. And as I have said they forget it..

A CI doesn't make us feel deaf. Getting one doesn't make us feel deaf. It does however make us deaf When we are not wearing it. Otherwise we are still able to hear. You seem to get told a lot about these CI's however you don't actually have one. So I consider your input irrelevant.
Also you say you see resilience wearing thin in all your adolescents. The definition of adolescent is the process of developing from a child to an adult. That generally is about ages 15-20 or so. However we are talking about implanting a child at maybe 13 months or maybe a year or two old. They won't remember any of it, unless you tell them. How much of your childhood do you remember?

:laugh2::laugh2: You really are funny. Overprotected nor undereducted.:laugh2: It would appear you are using some projection, there.:laugh2:

Getting a CI doesn't make you deaf. You were deaf before you got one. Duh. Otherwise, you would not have qualified. What you aren't, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.

Why don't I leave? Because I have been accepted by the Deaf community on this forum. I have friends here, and have no intention of letting some snot nosed newcomer attempt to bully me into leaving somewhere I have earned the right to be. Does that answer your question satisfactorily?
I have read in other threads your comments. I am not threatend by what you have to say. I feel you dont have the authority to tell parents that Your decision for your child is better than their decision. When that child is not your's and does not live with you or has your lifestyle. Thats what I feel is wrong. I did not go into the "Why did you choose not to have a CI" thread and say OMG ASL is bad or ASL is useless. Many different people live many different lives and choose to live those as seen fit. I do not feel angry at my parent's for not getting me into ASL classes when I was young.... Sure it would of been a different outcome in my life but life it to be lived,regardless of what decision's are made. Also you tend to try to analyze people by what they post when you truely do not know these people or how they live their lives on a day to day basis. I find that quite rude. If we wanted to be analyzed we would seek a qualified therapist that we feel comfortable with and not someone who says they are a therapist online.

It would appear that you have difficulty understanding my posts all the way around then, because I have never told a parent that. I have shared the reason I made the decisions I made, the success achieved as a result, and the biological and cognitive reasons that some methods are more beneficial for the child than others.

Words speak loudly here. How do you think a psychologist analyzes anyone? By what they say. Words are powerful.

There have been those members that have requested my assistance with emotional or psychological issues. However, I don't do that on this forum. I do it in private, and I do it pro-bono.

What I say in my posts is not an analysis. It is nothing more than an informed observation of certain behaviors and phrases. Even those with no psychological training at all can do that. And what you seem to fail to realize is, they do it here. They just don't put it into the same words I do. But they are saying the same thing.
I will admit that some of what you say is clearly correct in some situation's. But when you said your sarcastic comment it hit a bone in me. I have a nephew who is HOH and may end up just like me.. A late deafend adult. It is not so cut and dry to hear most of your life then have it gone in one day with no warning. With the EXPERIENCE I have with the CI I can see how beneficial the device could be for a child. I do not see it as torture. The pain is not as bad as what seems to be projected on here. Sure it sounds gruesome, any surgery for that matter sound's gruesome. When I woke from surgery I felt groggy and that was about it I actually felt as if I didnt have anything done to me. Sure I felt some pressure in the ear but you feel that with a simple ear infection. I don't dislike you jillio I just see things differently from you and took some offense to some of the things you say.
I will admit that some of what you say is clearly correct in some situation's. But when you said your sarcastic comment it hit a bone in me. I have a nephew who is HOH and may end up just like me.. A late deafend adult. It is not so cut and dry to hear most of your life then have it gone in one day with no warning. With the EXPERIENCE I have with the CI I can see how beneficial the device could be for a child. I do not see it as torture. The pain is not as bad as what seems to be projected on here. Sure it sounds gruesome, any surgery for that matter sound's gruesome. When I woke from surgery I felt groggy and that was about it I actually felt as if I didnt have anything done to me. Sure I felt some pressure in the ear but you feel that with a simple ear infection. I don't dislike you jillio I just see things differently from you and took some offense to some of the things you say.

I'm sorry that you took offense. And my comment was not sarcastic. It was a realistic reaction to what I was reading. If your nephew is HOH, he cannot become "late-deafened". He is already a member of the community of people with a hearing loss.

I don't dislike you either. And, as I have said numerous times, my concerns are not with adults who are fully capable of making their own decisions. My concerns are for the children...and even then not so much whether a parent chooses the surgery, but the way that parents misuse the intention of a CI and use it as an excuse to keep that child in an oral only environment.

Perhaps I get too passionate sometimes in expressing my views. But I see the effects on the deaf kids every day of my life. And I find it extremely frustrating that, as a society, we don't seem to have made much progress in our humanity or our logic.
I too am a passionate person an sometimes let myself go when I know its better to turn the other cheek. But I also experience what life is like with hearing loss and know its not easy.. I am sure those who do not have any assitive devices face many of the same problems I do on a day to day basis. I just really wish the world was a more forgiving place an that people with a loss whether it is hearing, sight, mobility or any other problems they face could deal with it without retribution for their decision's on how to cope with their issue's at hand.
Well personally I feel that if someone is deaf ( a child for instance) that it is much better to get them implanted while their young as opposed to them growing up being told about all these great things they are missing out on and then deciding well i'll get a CI.

Getting a CI while young is much better than waiting until your older, especially if you have no hearing to begin with. When you get a CI young you have almost no memory of surgerys and such that happen when you are young. I personally have been having surgery's since i was 4 and don't remember any of them up until i was 13.

Honestly although your child may go through pain during the recovery, they won't remember any of it. I however will remember the pain that I have went through during recovery. Which i must say isn't that much at all, especially if your taking the pain medication.

I really think that it's selfish of you to keep your child from hearing. Do you know what it's like to hear?? I thought not. So you don't know what you are keeping your child from, apparently he is 25 now and supposedly doesn't regret it..
As far as surgery risks.. Go to a good doctor to get it performed, don't go to some local guy who smokes weed on the weekends. Go to someone who is good. Surgery risks are very high risks, but if you follow all the procedures you don't have anything to worry about. Re-implantation is not that big of a deal. The surgery actually isn't as long from what I hear. And there probably isn't as much swelling and stuff.

You may think that you are perfectly fine without hearing, but I beg to differ. Sure this is a post from someone who has had hearing most his life. But it has made me able to do many more things like listening to music. Playing games with your eyes closed. There are disadvantages to being deaf. Again i'm not saying i'm cured by getting this but its like taking medicine for a head ache. When you have it, it helps.

Honestly I think most of you are being childish in your repeated arguing. Some people want there kid to have hearing, just because you are just fine without it doesn't mean your child will feel the same way. If you want the best for your child give him every opportunity he has, don't limit him because he can't hear anything.
And on the no pain while deaf thing. My ears have been ringing quite loudly ever since i became deaf.. I don't know if that occurs in people who are naturally deaf, but it is really unpleasant and at times somewhat painful. And before you try to say this is from being implanted, it isn't because it's in both ears..

Stop arguing you guys, and girls.. I cot on here yesterday to look and i come back today and have 3 new pages full or arguing..

You dont want arguements? Dont say s*** like the ones bolded above to a deaf audience. You are operating from an audist view. If you want a CI, great but dont say that we are limited and other s*** because we are deaf.
Perhaps I should mention the fact that I am profoundly deaf. I wear only one hearing aid in my right ear. I cannot hear anything at all in my left ear, despite the fact the hearing test showed that I can hear better in that one. Go figure!

My parents started raising me with the oral-only method on the advice of the family doctor who died shortly after. They realized that it wasn't working by the time I was three. They decided to adapt the SEE method. Suddenly, everything became much easier for everyone involved. I started learning ASL in the fourth grade. Yes, I did have speech therapy for years, just in case you were wondering.

I was in a total communication program for the deaf at a public school from kindergarten to grade six. After that, I decided to attend a school for the deaf. I graduated with the highest grades in the school leading to a post-secondary scholarship awarded by the government. After I graduated from high school, I decided to enter a college. They provided interpreters. No problem. I graduated with honours.

Yep, yep.

I have a full-time employment. I own a car. I own a house. I have a wonderful wife. I enjoy my life a lot. I cherish and enjoy the gift of life that I have been given. I don't take life for granted and never will.

To bemoan the absence of the ability to hear on a daily basis is just sad and a waste of time. If you want to hear, go for it. If you feel the need to get defensive with us over the choices you make in your life, it shows that you are not fully confident in yourself. If you are confident and comfortable with the choices you have made, you would not see the need to argue with people over it. Just let it be.

You should be happy to be who you are and take pride in the choices you have made with your life.

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

:gpost: Banjo
Interesting that Jillio claims the person-zebadee 2010 -who started this thread about his upcoming Cochlear Implant operation- is a snot nosed newcomer-626. Some deep therapeutic diagnosis-pro bono! An Interesting exercise to analyze her from some of her comments. Yeah even Harlan Lane would approve- of "a Journey into the DEAF-WORLD" diatribeimfamy!
Perhaps you can contact my user name: Dr Phil-website: -why did I continuously
spiel about the "alleged horrors of Cochlear Implants"? Is there "something compulsive" of my actions? Is this ongoing basis of my actions triggered from the "recent" past -dealing with the deafness of my son by relabelling as "cultural" and use ASL only?
Not to psychoanalyze- of course.
No comment on any other person claiming to be "pontificating" from "non- time hell". I understand from a theological viewpoint human deafness as such doesn't carry forward to "non-time existence".-post death. What next?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
In the below comment who is actually real deaf-silence vs self defined "cultural" has been around for a few years. Seems this discussion was triggered by actual electronic devices-Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants which have been invented in the recent past. A study of history seems sign language was "devised" in France a couple of hundred-?- years ago. Silly question- what did the deaf do before that? Even more interesting no schools for the then- general public- apparently. Even more incredible- no computers either. Isn't reality- shocking?
Do our "cultural" labellers of the deaf want that actual "past" situation prior to ASL to be replicated today?
From some prior discussions -apparently I didn't become bilateral deaf-silence- on December 20, 2006 because I didn't IMMEDIATELY learn ASL. Thus NOT deaf -just my imagination? To this pious ravings-gee I didn't know about back then! I joined in July 2010. Would this forum offer an interesting insight on deafness perhaps Jillio can do a "case study" on various attitudes articulated?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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:laugh2::laugh2: You really are funny. Overprotected nor undereducted.:laugh2: It would appear you are using some projection, there.:laugh2:

Getting a CI doesn't make you deaf. You were deaf before you got one. Duh. Otherwise, you would not have qualified. What you aren't, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.

Why don't I leave? Because I have been accepted by the Deaf community on this forum. I have friends here, and have no intention of letting some snot nosed newcomer attempt to bully me into leaving somewhere I have earned the right to be. Does that answer your question satisfactorily?

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Apparently you are under-educated. Or am I for not knowing what undereducted is? Also I think you mean to say "What you are, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.." Not aren't.

I'm not saying you should leave the forum, just this thread. You are providing no benefit what-so-ever to this thread. You are only giving ridiculous and unneeded comments!
You dont want arguements? Dont say s*** like the ones bolded above to a deaf audience. You are operating from an audist view. If you want a CI, great but dont say that we are limited and other s*** because we are deaf.

1) I would prefer you didn't use profanity. Not telling you to quit, only asking..
2) None of that would have been said if I didn't have people in here trolling and going on about how they think people should just accept that they are deaf.
3) Not having a natural sense is what I would call being limited. You are limited to talking to someone or watching TV by either reading captions or ASL. Both of which are difficult to understand when in a group setting.
4) Repent!
:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Apparently you are under-educated. Or am I for not knowing what undereducted is? Also I think you mean to say "What you are, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.." Not aren't.

I'm not saying you should leave the forum, just this thread. You are providing no benefit what-so-ever to this thread. You are only giving ridiculous and unneeded comments!

:) Now you're just getting started...

She said exactly what she said, and I understood it. I also agree with it. Her statement didnt need one bit of correcting.
:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Apparently you are under-educated. Or am I for not knowing what undereducted is? Also I think you mean to say "What you are, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.." Not aren't.

I'm not saying you should leave the forum, just this thread. You are providing no benefit what-so-ever to this thread. You are only giving ridiculous and unneeded comments!

Deaf culture lesson anyone?
:laugh2::laugh2: You really are funny. Overprotected nor undereducted.:laugh2: It would appear you are using some projection, there.:laugh2:

Getting a CI doesn't make you deaf. You were deaf before you got one. Duh. Otherwise, you would not have qualified. What you aren't, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.

Why don't I leave? Because I have been accepted by the Deaf community on this forum. I have friends here, and have no intention of letting some snot nosed newcomer attempt to bully me into leaving somewhere I have earned the right to be. Does that answer your question satisfactorily?

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Apparently you are under-educated. Or am I for not knowing what undereducted is? Also I think you mean to say "What you are, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.." Not aren't.

I'm not saying you should leave the forum, just this thread. You are providing no benefit what-so-ever to this thread. You are only giving ridiculous and unneeded comments!

What she was getting at was the difference between Deaf and deaf. I can see from reading your response that went entirely over your head. Her statement about you being deaf before you got a CI was correct. Her statement about you not being Deaf, pre- or post-CI was correct.

I understand that you went through a huge shock and loss at suddenly losing your hearing. I can't even begin to comprehend the feelings associated with that. What I do understand is that there is an entirely different association of loss for those of us who are early-deafened, such as at birth, and many of your comments have been very offensive to us in that scenario.

(And just for your background information, I am deaf. And Deaf.)
:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Apparently you are under-educated. Or am I for not knowing what undereducted is? Also I think you mean to say "What you are, pre-CI or post-CI, is Deaf.." Not aren't.

I'm not saying you should leave the forum, just this thread. You are providing no benefit what-so-ever to this thread. You are only giving ridiculous and unneeded comments!

Typical of one who has run out of logical argument to support their illogical perspective. Ad hominem attacks. We see it all the time around here. Makes you appear to be attempting a battle of wits without any ammunition.

And no, that is not what I meant to say. I suggest you attempt to alter your understanding, not my phrasing.
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