Cochlear Implant Patients.

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This thread went downhill faster than a bowling ball. ZEE came here pre-surgery seeking advice from people who had the surgery on what to expect! thats it.. And the ANTI-CI population stuck their head in here like always.
I don't like CI because of many reasons, doesn't mean I'm anti-CI isn't it?
some of us like me aren't complaining if some ci users stuck their heads in the thread of "Those who decide not to get a CI" sharing their personal experiences there that we had reasons not to have CIs.
Just about all of us (early-deafened, at least) have been made fun of.

We may not "hear" ourselves being made fun of, but we're very well darned aware of it. So it DOES matter.

Yes, :cry:
some of us like me aren't complaining if some ci users stuck their heads in the thread of "Those who decide not to get a CI" sharing their personal experiences there that we had reasons not to have CIs.

True enough. But we also did not use any sarcastic puns. To make those who choose not to get a CI that they are doing something wrong either. Which is what has gone on in this thread itself.
One can only hope that zebadee 2010 did get enough useful information for his recent implantation. His big moment coming up-Mapping.

Implanted Advanced Bionics- Harmony activated Aug/07
I'll be very satisfied with being able to hear again. I already know it's not going to be as good as my old hearing, I could hear up to 17000 hertz and now i'm limited to only 8000 hertz. However living with a family of hearing people, it makes it hard to communicate when i can't tell if they are talking to me or someone in the other room, Also i never know when someone in the other room is talking..

It will work out just fine for my career, as I have been promised to work hearing or not. If i can't do my normal job I will be running a camera, which is kinda ironic because thats how i lost my hearing in the first place. But whats to lose? My hearing? I already lost that.

I am in reality, and the reality is that your apparently in hell.. And last time I checked the devil never had anything good to say!:ty:

Church boy - I know you probably think hell has only one definition. Might want to brush up on the definitions of 'hell' itself. If you think I am evil and such, so be it.

Oh, and arent church boys supposed to be humble? You haven't been demonstrating that either.

:) If you want to start firing out, I am game... Sadly I can continue for years. Be wise in your choice.
This thread went downhill faster than a bowling ball. ZEE came here pre-surgery seeking advice from people who had the surgery on what to expect! thats it.. And the ANTI-CI population stuck their head in here like always.

Sorry to say.... That is not physically possible. ;)
Only a metaphor-of course not literal. Correct- contingent on the size of the bowling ball, 5 VS 10 of course and the length of down hill.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Church boy - I know you probably think hell has only one definition. Might want to brush up on the definitions of 'hell' itself. If you think I am evil and such, so be it.

Oh, and arent church boys supposed to be humble? You haven't been demonstrating that either.

:) If you want to start firing out, I am game... Sadly I can continue for years. Be wise in your choice.

My dictionary says this "hell |hel|
a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.
• a state or place of great suffering; an unbearable experience : I've been through hell | he made her life hell." -- Apple Dictionary Application

So clearly my dictionary says that it is still a place.
My dictionary says this "hell |hel|
a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.
• a state or place of great suffering; an unbearable experience : I've been through hell | he made her life hell." -- Apple Dictionary Application

So clearly my dictionary says that it is still a place.

Do you REALLY want to start off on the wrong foot with me? Ask quite a few members here...

I'd toss that bibical dictionary out, and replace it with some dictionary that has more definitions. ;) Probably one could be enlightened more that way.

There is a reason behind my username, and it has been invoked. I laugh at newbs but I'm being nice with you.

Remember: this is a thread about YOU and your experience. Not about you nitpicking me. I merely made a suggestion for you earlier on, and got attacked for it. Comical.
(To these who attacked me... which is it, am I antici, or am I for cis??... Ya see.. comical)
Archaic use of "hell"- "A tailor's receptacle."

Also in the 1800's "For fun"
some of us like me aren't complaining if some ci users stuck their heads in the thread of "Those who decide not to get a CI" sharing their personal experiences there that we had reasons not to have CIs.

Excellent point. We are not trying to convince anyone to have their CI removed. Why do they insist on telling others how much better their lives would be if they got one?
Excellent point. We are not trying to convince anyone to have their CI removed. Why do they insist on telling others how much better their lives would be if they got one?

Maybe we arent saying their lives would be soo much better. but maybe we are sharing our EXPERIENCE WITH THE CI.. I could be wrong tho. * shrugs*
True enough. But we also did not use any sarcastic puns. To make those who choose not to get a CI that they are doing something wrong either. Which is what has gone on in this thread itself.

I stated what my reaction to the surgery and why I am less than eager to promote this surgery for small children. Why are you so threatened by that? Does reality upset you? You continue to state that I tell people their decision is wrong, when in reality, it is you that continually tells me my personal feelings regarding the implantation of small children is wrong and unnecessary. Isn't that rather hypocritical of you? At least I take the time to explain my reasoning with hard cold facts. You might try doing the same. And if you don't want to feel criticized on a personal level, get a grasp of the fact that my posts have virtually nothing to do with you. There is not a minute in my day that I agonize over your decision or what you have to say. You are not that important in the grand scheme of things.
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