Cochlear Implant Patients.

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The integrity electodes test which is done in surgury and each time I come in for a new map you normally do not hear anything. On the cochlear implant there is three passes done with each of the three grounds to each electode.

True.. Before every mapping they test to make sure the electrodes are working. You can see the diagnosis being performed on the computer and see what electrodes ( would) be malfunctioning. But yeah like grendal said they do test to make sure it is working before sewing ya up in case the internal would malfunction. But we are unaware of this during it being performed since we are under anesthesia.
They didn't use metal stitches. I've never heard of those. T.

I think that what they mean by "metal stitches" is surgical staples which are commonly used in place of stitches for larger incisions - they actually work BETTER than stitches for many applications especially were there is surface tension (skull) or muscles (abdomen etc).

The only other alternative I can think of would be surgical wire - but that isn't used to suture.
i really feel like this guy most likely does have a scar and you just can't see it because he either never showed you or his hair grew over it..
I linked it again to show dr phil.

However ..... this dude doesnt have a scar. I live with him, ive seen him skinheaded... and ive actually see him every week at least the past 2 years.... I can assure you that he doesnt have a scar.

I'm just saying that his operation, both of them, were the most nifty ones ive seen. ;)

Also saying that with your motivation being this high you could have pushed for even earlier activation so you can be used to it more prior to your assignment in Jan.
When my daughter was reimplanted,she was activated after 7 days, however as the swelling had not yet subsided, she could not get a good map. Her audi said to wait another week and at that time she was able to get a map that worked fine.

I am sure there is one person who was activated the next day but so what, who really cares. You are going to have your implant the rest of your life and waiting 10 days to 2 weeks is so insignificant in the grander scheme of things.

If you are going to have your implant the rest of your life, why the re-implantation?

Additionally, there are those who have had to have their implant completely removed due to negative side effects. We have one that is currently active here and a couple more that haven't posted for awhile.

"For the rest of your life" may be ideal, or what you are told by the surgeons...IRL is something different.
PFH it is irrelevant that someone else "recovered in one day'/one week/one month" from their Cochlear Implant operation-whats counts is what does a real, actual person do. The ongoing surgical refinements which have been going for years changes nothing to actuality-now. Accessing Google for every possible techniques/ to crackpot ravings- interesting "parlour game" if one wants to waste their time. Does want to be a surgeon to understand every possible permutation? Again one's time allocation to what is deemed important.
Healing should be one's concern which the medical people you deal with advising you-not Google! It is not exactly a linear but highly contingent on one's health-now! To be more specific- another person at the same time as my Cochlear Implant operation-had a heart doctor in the operating room- and actually saved his life. The operation had been delayed for one year due to his heart trouble. I personally didn't feel I that required same treatment-fortunately my heart seems "okay" in part to my endurance daily swimming. One wants them to consider all medical aspects by one's actuality-now.His heart trouble had NO bearing on my health A younger person could recover quicker than an "older person"-so what- can't operate backwards to be younger! Okay except here on computer screens!
One wants to be very careful in consulting Dr Google!
Motivation brought one to consider the possibility of Cochlear Implant but doesn't affect your actual healing of the skull bones/cochlea et al.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
PFH it is irrelevant that someone else "recovered in one day'/one week/one month" from their Cochlear Implant operation-whats counts is what does a real, actual person do. The ongoing surgical refinements which have been going for years changes nothing to actuality-now. Accessing Google for every possible techniques/ to crackpot ravings- interesting "parlour game" if one wants to waste their time. Does want to be a surgeon to understand every possible permutation? Again one's time allocation to what is deemed important.
Healing should be one's concern which the medical people you deal with advising you-not Google! It is not exactly a linear but highly contingent on one's health-now! To be more specific- another person at the same time as my Cochlear Implant operation-had a heart doctor in the operating room- and actually saved his life. The operation had been delayed for one year due to his heart trouble. I personally didn't feel I that required same treatment-fortunately my heart seems "okay" in part to my endurance daily swimming. One wants them to consider all medical aspects by one's actuality-now.His heart trouble had NO bearing on my health A younger person could recover quicker than an "older person"-so what- can't operate backwards to be younger! Okay except here on computer screens!
One wants to be very careful in consulting Dr Google!
Motivation brought one to consider the possibility of Cochlear Implant but doesn't affect your actual healing of the skull bones/cochlea et al.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
PFH it is irrelevant that someone else "recovered in one day'/one week/one month" from their Cochlear Implant operation-whats counts is what does a real, actual person do. The ongoing surgical refinements which have been going for years changes nothing to actuality-now. Accessing Google for every possible techniques/ to crackpot ravings- interesting "parlour game" if one wants to waste their time. Does want to be a surgeon to understand every possible permutation? Again one's time allocation to what is deemed important.Healing should be one's concern which the medical people you deal with advising you-not Google! It is not exactly a linear but highly contingent on one's health-now! To be more specific- another person at the same time as my Cochlear Implant operation-had a heart doctor in the operating room- and actually saved his life. The operation had been delayed for one year due to his heart trouble. I personally didn't feel I that required same treatment-fortunately my heart seems "okay" in part to my endurance daily swimming. One wants them to consider all medical aspects by one's actuality-now.His heart trouble had NO bearing on my health A younger person could recover quicker than an "older person"-so what- can't operate backwards to be younger! Okay except here on computer screens!
One wants to be very careful in consulting Dr Google!
Motivation brought one to consider the possibility of Cochlear Implant but doesn't affect your actual healing of the skull bones/cochlea et al.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Are you implying that the person that was activated after one day is not a real person?

Time allocation is more important than the well being of the patient?
PFH it is irrelevant that someone else "recovered in one day'/one week/one month" from their Cochlear Implant operation-whats counts is what does a real, actual person do. The ongoing surgical refinements which have been going for years changes nothing to actuality-now. Accessing Google for every possible techniques/ to crackpot ravings- interesting "parlour game" if one wants to waste their time. Does want to be a surgeon to understand every possible permutation? Again one's time allocation to what is deemed important.
Healing should be one's concern which the medical people you deal with advising you-not Google! It is not exactly a linear but highly contingent on one's health-now! To be more specific- another person at the same time as my Cochlear Implant operation-had a heart doctor in the operating room- and actually saved his life. The operation had been delayed for one year due to his heart trouble. I personally didn't feel I that required same treatment-fortunately my heart seems "okay" in part to my endurance daily swimming. One wants them to consider all medical aspects by one's actuality-now.His heart trouble had NO bearing on my health A younger person could recover quicker than an "older person"-so what- can't operate backwards to be younger! Okay except here on computer screens!
One wants to be very careful in consulting Dr Google!
Motivation brought one to consider the possibility of Cochlear Implant but doesn't affect your actual healing of the skull bones/cochlea et al.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Dude, stop clicking twice on the submit button for all your posts. If you updated your computer and/or your internet service, you wouldn't have to wait so long for the submit to go through.
All these descriptions of the surgery make me want to run out and have my kid implanted as soon as possible.:shock: OMG, yes!!!!! Hearing is that important!!

**end sarcasm**
Tomorrow is supposed to be my implant date. and we got about 15 inches of snow yesterday. I'm worried now that they are gonna cancel my operation. And if they do then everything is gonna change for me... My out of pocket expense is paid in full for the rest of this year and if i have to wait till the beginning of next year, I'll have to come up with 5 thousand out of pocket expenses to pay which I don't have... So now i don't know what I'm gonna do... i hope this snow melts.
Tomorrow is supposed to be my implant date. and we got about 15 inches of snow yesterday. I'm worried now that they are gonna cancel my operation. And if they do then everything is gonna change for me... My out of pocket expense is paid in full for the rest of this year and if i have to wait till the beginning of next year, I'll have to come up with 5 thousand out of pocket expenses to pay which I don't have... So now i don't know what I'm gonna do... i hope this snow melts.

Thats messed up, girl.
PFH it is irrelevant that someone else "recovered in one day'/one week/one month" from their Cochlear Implant operation-whats counts is what does a real, actual person do. The ongoing surgical refinements which have been going for years changes nothing to actuality-now. Accessing Google for every possible techniques/ to crackpot ravings- interesting "parlour game" if one wants to waste their time. Does want to be a surgeon to understand every possible permutation? Again one's time allocation to what is deemed important.
Healing should be one's concern which the medical people you deal with advising you-not Google! It is not exactly a linear but highly contingent on one's health-now! To be more specific- another person at the same time as my Cochlear Implant operation-had a heart doctor in the operating room- and actually saved his life. The operation had been delayed for one year due to his heart trouble. I personally didn't feel I that required same treatment-fortunately my heart seems "okay" in part to my endurance daily swimming. One wants them to consider all medical aspects by one's actuality-now.His heart trouble had NO bearing on my health A younger person could recover quicker than an "older person"-so what- can't operate backwards to be younger! Okay except here on computer screens!
One wants to be very careful in consulting Dr Google!
Motivation brought one to consider the possibility of Cochlear Implant but doesn't affect your actual healing of the skull bones/cochlea et al.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

If you werent dense - you'd see the difference between healing and activation..................... I'm going to end this discussion with you right now.
If you are going to have your implant the rest of your life, why the re-implantation?

Additionally, there are those who have had to have their implant completely removed due to negative side effects. We have one that is currently active here and a couple more that haven't posted for awhile.

"For the rest of your life" may be ideal, or what you are told by the surgeons...IRL is something different.

Well if you knew more than 35 people with cochlear implants and were truly the "expert" you proclaim yourself to be then you would be aware of the fact that there are people who were reimplanted due to device failures.

Having an implant for the rest of one's life is indeed the reality for the overwhelming majority of implant users.

All these descriptions of the surgery make me want to run out and have my kid implanted as soon as possible.:shock: OMG, yes!!!!! Hearing is that important!!

**end sarcasm**

If you do not want to participate or read about a discussion about cochlear implant surgeries, then don't. Your "sarcastic" comments add nothing, however you had the chance to implant your child but blew so it seems your posts are filled with a lot more envy than sarcasm.
Tomorrow is supposed to be my implant date. and we got about 15 inches of snow yesterday. I'm worried now that they are gonna cancel my operation. And if they do then everything is gonna change for me... My out of pocket expense is paid in full for the rest of this year and if i have to wait till the beginning of next year, I'll have to come up with 5 thousand out of pocket expenses to pay which I don't have... So now i don't know what I'm gonna do... i hope this snow melts.

Thats too bad but it seems like the storm is over so perhaps you can keep that date or at least sometime this week.

good luck,
If you do not want to participate or read about a discussion about cochlear implant surgeries, then don't. Your "sarcastic" comments add nothing, however you had the chance to implant your child but blew so it seems your posts are filled with a lot more envy than sarcasm.

She didnt blow it. Comments like that are very audist.
Thats too bad but it seems like the storm is over so perhaps you can keep that date or at least sometime this week.

good luck,

But.. But..... If they were so kind, they wouldnt make her fork over $5000, right? ;)
All these descriptions of the surgery make me want to run out and have my kid implanted as soon as possible.:shock: OMG, yes!!!!! Hearing is that important!!

**end sarcasm**
WOW just WOW! With a statement like that then you are against reconstructive knee surgery for your child as well,because well walking is just that important right? I dont see that as sarcasm I see that as sadistic!
PFH I am aware of the difference between Healing which FOLLOWS the Implantation operation which leads to activation of the external processor- which is a computer driven action. - PERHAPS you are "dense"( cultural?) not to understand OR choose not to!
That calls for celebration: NO MORE PFH drivel!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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