cochlear implant opinons

I lived through 3. LOL PMS raging hormones etc....I did survive so will you. :)

Thanks, I'm surviving just learning things that would have been helpful when I was a teenage boy!
The consequences of such surgeries (club foot, as you have used as an example) are not the same as the possible consequences of neurological surgery. Further, CI has not been in use long enough to determine what possible neurological consequences there may be in the future. We already know that a loss of any residual hearing is a given.

Surgery for a cleft palate is life saving. Giving the nature of the deformity, the simple consumption of life sustaining nutrition is prevented.

And, again, those are surgeries to correct deformities.
We already know that a loss of any residual hearing is a given.>>>> the newer implant arrays are designed to miminize the risk to residul hearing. I can still hear sounds in the implanted ear. Besides if I had been profoundly deaf rather then only severely deaf I would have concidered the residule hearing to be even more worth the risk of losing. Giving the child the gift of hearing is just as important as giving the child the gift of sight. Would you give a severely sight impaired child the chance of decent vision if a surgical option was available? Sight is a sense so not necessary for survial.
Yep, studies do show that early language development is easier for the child, but this is where you are confused. The studies don't say verbal language, they just say language. Sign is as much a language as spoken English.

I am not confused at all. I'm more realistic then you perhaps. I know that the world is based on spoken language and anything I might be able to do to enhance my childs spoken language would be to his or her advantage. There are going to be many times in a deaf persons life when not being able to hear is detremental. Life threatening? possible but probably very rare. I would rather give a child the chance to interact with thier FAMILY (not just imediat but extended) then to worry to much about if they are being denied a 'culture'. To me FAMILY is more important. The culture can be developed if the child feels it's necessary at a later age.

NOTE: I did not say some type of visual language should not be used, young children should have access to total communication when necessary.
Perhaps your daughter likes living in the dorms and going to school because she has found a place that sees her as a whole individual, and not as a disabled individual. She is permitted to function to the best of her ability without judgement as being inferior.


And no CI is absolutely a real choice, and a choice that is made every day by many Deaf. It is as viable as the choice to implant.

I said ssdi, now ssi they are two different programs. besides one has to decide if deaf is a disablity or not? ADA is a law protecting those with DISABILITIES, since accomdations for the deaf are covered under the Disablity law deafness is a disablity. You can't parse it both ways. Do the disabled funtion in the community, yes and some with very miminal accomodations but they are STILL DISABLED.

As for my daughter, she's mentally retarded, she's still outcast in the dorm situation. There are stil kids there who look at her as inferior and there are still kids who do 'include' her in things just like in her old school. And there are actually staff who think she 'can't' do things or who would never go out of their way to include her or think up a way to include her, who would run the other way rather then help her assistant find a way for her to do something..... but my point was I had talked with a woman who is DEAF and grew up in the dorms because that was basically the only option at that time, she would have graduated around 1980. She didn't like being away from her family.

Oh a CI is an excellent choice and I'd make it for a child jsut as I made it for myself. As I said some of us can't pack up and move to the 'community', some of us actully have something like a 160 acres or other type of busicness sitting under us. The CI gives the child a chance to grow up with his FAMILY. The CI is a wonderful gift to FAMILIES.
I'm with Pacman and Cheri.

I agree with Pacman and Cheri

The medical society becomes more pressure on the parents. It destroyed our next Deaf generation school, etc....

Too many mainstreams and CI user. Where is our future Deaf leader ?
The consequences of such surgeries (club foot, as you have used as an example) are not the same as the possible consequences of neurological surgery. Further, CI has not been in use long enough to determine what possible neurological consequences there may be in the future. We already know that a loss of any residual hearing is a given.

Surgery for a cleft palate is life saving. Giving the nature of the deformity, the simple consumption of life sustaining nutrition is prevented.

And, again, those are surgeries to correct deformities.

There are dozens of other examples that I could have used and and although they require surgery, not all cleft palates are life threatening but like I said above, I am not going to argue semantics.

CIs have been around for over 20 years so your long term consequnces argument is not credible.

Too many mainstreams and CI user. Where is our future Deaf leader ?

But Kalista, they don't have to be rejected because they can hear when wearing the CI, but by some they are? If you choose to apose your deaf leaders because their signing skills aren't up to par and your reject the fact that the communicate effectivly without having to have others interpet only YOU are rejecting some of your future deaf leaders. Just as you are doing in DC at this time.

I took the time to read the different blogs. I saw enough comments on the presidents sign mistakes. I saw the list of things stating her lack of leadership. I saw that the students and falculty thing they shoudl make the decisions. (do you guys have knowledge of all the rules and regulations that need to be followed and have time to sit and do all the paperwork needed for every little thing ?) I saw that in her past job she somehow lessened the tenure system which I take means made it easier to fire or dismiss inadequet teaching staff. (this alone will get a vote of non confidence from teachers anywhere in the system, deaf or not)

What I see is deaf young people who do well with CI's and spoken language with great leadership skills probably saying why bother getting involved with the deaf community when all they'll do is rip you apart because thye disagree with you? (or don't sign fluently enough)

In other words, after reading the blogs you guys listed I still see those protesters as rejecting her because she does not sign as well as you, does not back down when pushed, and doesn't exactly follow the herd mentality. Have a nice day. :)
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I'm only against Cochlear Implant on children, my reasons are simple, Cochlear implant is a choice, a person who wants to have one should be the one who should decide to have one, I don't believe in parents rights to make that choice because they're not the ones that wearing it, the children would be the one who's wearing it, and the choice should be upon them alone.

Because, the surgery is not life-saving, it's only decision that made by parents wishing the child to be "normal" or "hear better" Some hearing parents delaying on learning sign language or even teach their children sign language because it was not even needed, but the child is deaf without CI, Why can't the parents understand their child, where their child came from, how they were born, they were born with hearing loss, should the child be learning sign language, learn about the deaf culture, instead of living life as a normal child, with no knowledge about their true self. I have not yet to meet a parent with a child who has a CI involving with the deaf community, or know any sign language. It's more like shutting the child out from the deaf community and opening the doors to the real word, (hearing world) only. That's not right, because it's not about them, it's about their child who is deaf without CI, CI is only a tool to help the child to hear better than what they used to hear with hearing aids, but it doesn't change the fact that the parents should shut the doors on the deaf community because now that their child has a CI.

That is what I strongly disagree here, I've watched the movie "Sound and Fury" not even ONE CI CHILD knows any sign language not one. What does that tell me? It tells me that how selfish some hearing parents can be. It's more on them rejecting the deaf community than it is with the deaf community rejectingly those with CI, I'm telling you, I haven't seen at least one child with CI at any deaf events in my hometown and that's sad if you ask me.

Yea, I agree but forget to add other something.

I'm against to implant on babies, toddlers and children with parent's decide. Also, I don't let to implant on my future children for personal reason because of focus on deaf culture. I don't care about other children who want get CI and that their decide since they aren't my children.
I also feel strongly aganist parents putting CIs on kids unless they have a special case where the child loses hearing after a certain age and the child can make a choice. I dislike the idea of doctors telling parents the best option for their child is the get an implant, instead of showing the parents that a deaf person can be succesful and there are schools for the deaf.
I also feel strongly aganist parents putting CIs on kids unless they have a special case where the child loses hearing after a certain age and the child can make a choice. I dislike the idea of doctors telling parents the best option for their child is the get an implant, instead of showing the parents that a deaf person can be succesful and there are schools for the deaf.

Yea, that's great post. :)
Pacman, "I'm against to implant on babies, toddlers and children with parent's decide. Also, I don't let to implant on my future children for personal reason because of focus on deaf culture. I don't care about other children who want get CI and that their decide since they aren't my children."

Dude, which is it? Are you for letting parents making the decision on implant, or against it? You have once again completely contradicted yourself. Only this time I think you have set a new record. You usually do it over a series of posts. This time you do it in 1 paragraph.

Dr. Strangelove, Have you or anyone you know personally ever been "Pressured" into CI surgery for a small child? I do not know your situation, So I'll ask, Have you ever been in the situation where a dr has tried to pressure you into CI surgery?

Well, I have been there, and by reading my posts, you can easily figure out my choice. I as sick of people making the statement that doctors pressure parents in CI surgery. I actually tried to get the opinion of the Pediatric ENT who did my daughters surgery and the audi staff at CID about CI. NONE OF THEM WOULD GIVE ME THEIR OPINION! THEY ALL TOLD US THAT IT WAS A PERSONAL DECISION THAT WE HAD TO MAKE FOR OUR OWN FAMILY!

Please show me a parent here that was pressured into this decision. Besides, it is a decision that will impact the rest of your childs life. You are deciding if someone will drill a hole through your childs head. Its not buying a used car or a puppy. You are trult a sad parent if you leat ANYONE pressure into that decision.
The consequences of such surgeries (club foot, as you have used as an example) are not the same as the possible consequences of neurological surgery. Further, CI has not been in use long enough to determine what possible neurological consequences there may be in the future. We already know that a loss of any residual hearing is a given.

Surgery for a cleft palate is life saving. Giving the nature of the deformity, the simple consumption of life sustaining nutrition is prevented.

And, again, those are surgeries to correct deformities.

Why do you believe that CI surgery is neurological surgery? The brain isn't touched.

It doesn't bother me either way what your point of view is, but I'm not sure if you are using the correct facts here. Maybe you can clarify what you mean further?
Pacman, "I'm against to implant on babies, toddlers and children with parent's decide. Also, I don't let to implant on my future children for personal reason because of focus on deaf culture. I don't care about other children who want get CI and that their decide since they aren't my children."

Dude, which is it? Are you for letting parents making the decision on implant, or against it? You have once again completely contradicted yourself. Only this time I think you have set a new record. You usually do it over a series of posts. This time you do it in 1 paragraph.

Dr. Strangelove, Have you or anyone you know personally ever been "Pressured" into CI surgery for a small child? I do not know your situation, So I'll ask, Have you ever been in the situation where a dr has tried to pressure you into CI surgery?

Well, I have been there, and by reading my posts, you can easily figure out my choice. I as sick of people making the statement that doctors pressure parents in CI surgery. I actually tried to get the opinion of the Pediatric ENT who did my daughters surgery and the audi staff at CID about CI. NONE OF THEM WOULD GIVE ME THEIR OPINION! THEY ALL TOLD US THAT IT WAS A PERSONAL DECISION THAT WE HAD TO MAKE FOR OUR OWN FAMILY!

Please show me a parent here that was pressured into this decision. Besides, it is a decision that will impact the rest of your childs life. You are deciding if someone will drill a hole through your childs head. Its not buying a used car or a puppy. You are trult a sad parent if you leat ANYONE pressure into that decision.

I'm against on CI for parent's decide on their children because children don't know about CI or haven't hear about them, that why about against on parent's decide but... If children who know about CI then enough for them to get one or whatever and not much from parent's support to pay on health insurance to cover it. I'm not happy with CI anymore and not let children to get one until they are adult and get their own health insurance, and I love to give an influence on them about deaf culture and encourage them to attend CSDF.

If I get hearing children then I will still happy for them to learn to use oral language and ASL but pre-school would responsible to teach them to use oral language or hearing wife, finance and girlfriend would teach them to use oral language too.

I prefer to get hearing woman for personal reason.
Pacman, "I'm against to implant on babies, toddlers and children with parent's decide. Also, I don't let to implant on my future children for personal reason because of focus on deaf culture. I don't care about other children who want get CI and that their decide since they aren't my children."

Dude, which is it? Are you for letting parents making the decision on implant, or against it? You have once again completely contradicted yourself. Only this time I think you have set a new record. You usually do it over a series of posts. This time you do it in 1 paragraph.

Dr. Strangelove, Have you or anyone you know personally ever been "Pressured" into CI surgery for a small child? I do not know your situation, So I'll ask, Have you ever been in the situation where a dr has tried to pressure you into CI surgery?

Well, I have been there, and by reading my posts, you can easily figure out my choice. I as sick of people making the statement that doctors pressure parents in CI surgery. I actually tried to get the opinion of the Pediatric ENT who did my daughters surgery and the audi staff at CID about CI. NONE OF THEM WOULD GIVE ME THEIR OPINION! THEY ALL TOLD US THAT IT WAS A PERSONAL DECISION THAT WE HAD TO MAKE FOR OUR OWN FAMILY!

Please show me a parent here that was pressured into this decision. Besides, it is a decision that will impact the rest of your childs life. You are deciding if someone will drill a hole through your childs head. Its not buying a used car or a puppy. You are trult a sad parent if you leat ANYONE pressure into that decision.

Pressure? Did I say pressure? I merely stated that doctors often present the idea of getting a CI as the best option for their deaf child, more often in the case of a very young child and its parents have never met or have no awareness of Deaf culture. Pressure? Maybe. I'd prefer to think of it as Audism in doctors showing that being deaf is not an option and their child must hear like them, and be no different from them. NO! Being deaf is ok, and your child will be succesfull! To quote I.K. Jordan, >_< "Deaf people can do anything but hear."
........ I also know many Deaf adults that were raised in an oral environment in an attempt to give them skills that would allow them to "live in a hearing world and be able to communicate just like hearing" that suffered needlessly on an emotional level.
Most of these growing in in an era BEFORE CI was an alternative.
Should you choose to do some research on the negative effects on identity, educational achievement, social adjustment, and mental health issues that are experienced by the deaf that are not exposed to sign and Deaf culture, I will be happy to refer you to some excellenct resources.
I would love to read them... when they are dated in the last 5 to 10 years. YES, please provide them to me.
......The Deaf Adult who has survived childhood....
is about 10% of the people born deaf. The rest stays deaf or becomes Deaf later in life.

My decisions don't need to be justified. I raised a profoundly deaf child with the advise and support of many wonderful people from the Deaf community. I sent himt to a school for the Deaf as a day student--relocating so that he would not have to go as a residential student. My son is currently a sophomore at a major hearing university and maintains a 3.5 gpa. He has a social life that is so active that I don't get to spend nearly as much time with him as I would like. That, my friend is the only justification I need for my decisions.
Congratulations. Your choice worked out well. That doesn't mean another choice - like mine - is a disaster....
In conclusion, A CI has the potential to influence identity formation, and also has the potential to lead well meaning parents into faulty assessments of their child's deafness.
Any choice will have that affect..
Cleft palate, club foot, or one leg shorter than the other do not carry the implications that deafness does. And if you categorize deafness on the same level as a club foot, it tells me quite a lot re: your ideas of what it is to be deaf. You put it in the same category as a physical disability. Which is the very basis of our disagreement. You see deafness as a disability, I see it as a cultural and linguistic differnce.
of course... but that doesn't mean that it is not a handicap.
For example:
I raised a child with club foot with the advise and support of many wonderful people from the club foot community. I sent him to a school a day student. My son is currently a sophomore at a major hearing university and maintains a 3.5 gpa. He has a social life that is so active that I don't get to spend nearly as much time with him as I would like. That, my friend is the only justification I need for my decisions.
If my child was profoundly deaf and an option was available to help them develope spoken language then I as a parent would have to take advantage of that. why? because studies show early language developement is easy, toddlers in bi lingal home switch easily from one language to the other, if I would wait to let a toddler decide if he 'wanted' the CI then I've failed to give that toddler the chance to communicate with his extended family.
I can confirm this... from personal experience.
I have 2 hearing children and 1 deaf child (with CI) that all speak dutch and norwegian and know sign. The oldest is now 9 years old. The oldest 2 are now also learning english....
...... Further, CI has not been in use long enough to determine what possible neurological consequences there may be in the future. We already know that a loss of any residual hearing is a given..........
How long is long enough... CI's have been in use for 20 years now, with increasing success..

Residual hearing actually is still there with some users...

Neurological consequenses??? The CI is outside the skull. The nerve is stimulated from outside the brain.... How would you get Neurological consequenses??

Have you investigated CI close enough before YOU choose not to go that way??
Dude, which is it? Are you for letting parents making the decision on implant, or against it? You have once again completely contradicted yourself. Only this time I think you have set a new record. You usually do it over a series of posts. This time you do it in 1 paragraph............
It's either TrippLA, bla-bla or Pacman... can't keep up with the multiple identities over there... Guess depending on the month each identity can choose a username.......
Can anyone recall all the names of pacman...
