Maybe not fore some, but in a way it IS a miracle. And integration in the hearing world is something that is done by many deaf children nowadays, that grow up with CI.
Except that this time daef people are able to hear. It is a different ballgame compared to 20+ years ago, and totally incomparable to 100+ years ago.
With more than 90% of the deaf children born from hearing parents, who else would the industry turn to? These parents (like me) have no previous knowledge of deafness. These parents live in a world with sound. Deafness is something foreign to them.
But fear of deafness is not the reason for choosing the road where the child can hear sounds, it is the knowledge of sounds that is driving them.
Communication, music, nature.... who wouldn't want their child to experience that.
Previously, oral or sign would still mean "no sound" and parents listened to the experts (who sometimes were wrong) before making a decision. Nowadays there's a third choice, that actually does not exclude the previous two!
The CI is developed with the best intentions. When you suggest that they just want to dump their products, and do not care about future development, then I believe you are wrong. Everything (in combination with willingnes and effort of the person with CI) is done to make it a success.
When for some reason CI is not the solution, other people will step in to help.
People like you and Shel and many others. Just like you will help deaf people that never had a CI and have similar problems. Problems with communication.
Don't blame the CI-manufacturers when CI "doesn't work" because technically, it does work.
Often the problem lies with the implantee. Being deaf too long, thinking hearing means understanding, not accepting that CI means hard work as well.... etc.
"Allowing" would sugest that there is concern from the majority, and basically, most of the majority has no clue. It is almost up to the government to protect the minority.
I mean; are we really concerned that Chinese people in the USA retain their language??? I really don't think about it... and I really do not want 1 hour of chinese on our schools just for the Chinese minority.