Come up to Western NY, we'll go to Regal Cinema together!

You can bring your kids. We'll test out those glasses and see how they really work for us.
Funny reading your comments about your ex-husband as that's my biggest fear with women.
I have gone to the movies with my daughter and her friends (Wreck it Ralph, Calvin and the chipmunks), but never once was able to enjoy it because of the lack of open captions. I have never gone to a movie theater that actually had open caption. As I just recently learned it can be turned on or off at the movie theaters. Just not in 3D, but like you I could care less about 3D. Give me too much of a headache, personally.
I already deal with not being able to follow conversations with 'so called' friends I have. Funny thing is, I always invited myself to their parties. I haven't seen any of them over a year, and they never once asked if I'd like to join them. Seems I need a new set of friends who wouldn't mind calling me for once and say 'Hey we going out tonight, wanna come?'
So tired of being left out. My mother's biggest fear is I will isolate myself from every single person around me. Seems it's coming true. Nobody ever seems to understand and bitches when I don't 'get with the program'.