Hi. My name is Mike. I am in my early 50s. I have cochlear otosclerosis that has worsened to the point of being a candidate for a cochlear implant in one ear.
I have been researching brands, and am most interested in the differences in technology as it relates to music.
It is my impression that, for the most part, the differences in current technology will be less stark to perhaps non-existent for speech scenarios. However, much of the technological differences, in theory, could have significant impacts on the perception of music. I am hoping to retain some semblance of a musical experience as music is very important to me (both as a listener and player). I am curious to understand what people's experiences have been with music.
So I guess the first question is simply what kind of musical experience you have had with your implant. I understand not everyone is focused on music and that a direct comparison is never possible. But I am still interested in experiences, good or bad.
I might followup with some more discussion of the technology differences, as the descriptions rarely seem to be accurate or complete. But this is enough for now..
Thank you!
I have been researching brands, and am most interested in the differences in technology as it relates to music.
It is my impression that, for the most part, the differences in current technology will be less stark to perhaps non-existent for speech scenarios. However, much of the technological differences, in theory, could have significant impacts on the perception of music. I am hoping to retain some semblance of a musical experience as music is very important to me (both as a listener and player). I am curious to understand what people's experiences have been with music.
So I guess the first question is simply what kind of musical experience you have had with your implant. I understand not everyone is focused on music and that a direct comparison is never possible. But I am still interested in experiences, good or bad.
I might followup with some more discussion of the technology differences, as the descriptions rarely seem to be accurate or complete. But this is enough for now..

Thank you!