cigars anyone?

Crazymanw00t said:
It made me vomits all the time after I finish smoking the American Cigar. It is no good for me. I smoked like umm 5 different American cigars and people said that they are best American cigars. They are still seriously horrible anyway, lol.

I did tried American cigers with friend at dorm in deaf school, opened the window and covered the smoking dector.
Crazymanoot said:
Homo, abortion and etc is the moral issue. Cigarette or cigars is the fact issue. It is different world.

You missing my point, My point is r-e-s-p-e-c-t-i-n-g a title of the person's topic, You see why some people are scared to make a topic because maybe their thread would go in flames cuz of people who don't want to read a title of the thread. If you don't like when people smoke, Good! keep it to yourself, But this thread did not ask, if you like smoking or not. Don't try to twist the tile of the thread around. Understand my point? Thank-you. ;)
Cheri said:
You missing my point, My point is r-e-s-p-e-c-t-i-n-g a title of the person's topic, You see why some people are scared to make a topic because maybe their thread would go in flames cuz of people who don't want to read a title of the thread. If you don't like when people smoke, Good! keep it to yourself, But this thread did not ask, if you like smoking or not. Don't try to twist the tile of the thread around. Understand my point? Thank-you. ;)

Okay I was just posting the different world between them that's all.
Look at history of Prohibitation. That is how mafia was started, when booze becomes illegal, hence bootlegging was born back then,.

It is NOT worth outlaw anything. The best tool is education, not law.

^Angel^ said:
Going nuts and possible riot? :confused: ...Think of it this way, if tobacco manufacturer were to be closed down, then it would have save more people from getting lung cancer....

btw, I apologize for going a bit off the topic here.... :Oops:
i dont like smoke that!! yikes!!! but i am smoker on smoker on cigs thats it.. ;)
TweetyBird said:
i dont like smoke that!! yikes!!! but i am smoker on smoker on cigs thats it.. ;)

Puts down his cigar
TrippLA said:
Why does American says that smoking is bad for people? Why does they make it?

For the same reason they make anything thats bad or good for you - profit.
American can't stop selling the cigarettes because the America really make big money from the cigarette's tax.