cigars anyone?

Pinkster, that's what he/she said, unless he/she edited.....
I've seen some posting that says "Smoking is uncool," "Smoking is bad for you."

If you can read the title very clearly, He asked Just curious to see if there is anyone else out there who enjoys a good cigar? <<Was that a hard question to understand?

Think about it, It's just like homosexual threads, When someone make a title of a thread, asking "Who is lesbian or gay?" Someone comes in and say, "Homosexual is a sin, You're going to hell."

Another one, When someone make a thread about Abortion, asking about your experience in abortion, someone comes in and say "Your baby is in hell now because you are a sinner that had the abortion." "You're murder!"

What's wrong with people? Can anyone respect a title of a thread? If you don't like the title of the thread, Don't post.

Just my 2 cent.
Cheri said:
I've seen some posting that says "Smoking is uncool," "Smoking is bad for you."

If you can read the title very clearly, He asked Just curious to see if there is anyone else out there who enjoys a good cigar? <<Was that a hard question to understand?

Think about it, It's just like homosexual threads, When someone make a title of a thread, asking "Who is lesbian or gay?" Someone comes in and say, "Homosexual is a sin, You're going to hell."

Another one, When someone make a thread about Abortion, asking about your experience in abortion, someone comes in and say "Your baby is in hell now because you are a sinner that had the abortion." "You murder!"

What's wrong with people? Can anyone respect a title of a thread? If you don't like the title of the thread, Don't post.

Just my 2 cent.

I admit that I do enjoy Cuban cigars - whenever I am visiting British Columbia, I grab the opportunity to buy some Cuban cigars while there. I would take my last puff then quickly throw away while pulling up to Canadian-US border ;) The border guys usually laugh when they see me huffing/puffing so fast to get it done. :o
Why does American says that smoking is bad for people? Why does they make it?
Ok, after doing a bit more research, cigars can be additicive, and yes, they do contain nicotine. If you were to inhale cigars, then yes, I think it'd be alot more worrisome. But all I'm asking is if anyone else enjoys a good cigar every once in awhile, like my roommates who like to get together every so often and have a nice social smoke.

And people say smoking is bad for you because of what it can do to your health. It can cause lung cancer, mouth cancer, heart disease enphysema, , throat cancer, and lead to countless other diseases, including leading upto blindness, in some cases. Also because of the the ingredients, you become addicted to it, which makes your brain think that you cannot function without it. They make them because there is a market for it. It is too big of an industry just to shut down and is too vital to the economy, and it was in the 1600's when smoking tobacco first gained popularity, and the harmful effects weren't known until the 1960's.
Cheri said:
I've seen some posting that says "Smoking is uncool," "Smoking is bad for you."

If you can read the title very clearly, He asked Just curious to see if there is anyone else out there who enjoys a good cigar? <<Was that a hard question to understand?

Think about it, It's just like homosexual threads, When someone make a title of a thread, asking "Who is lesbian or gay?" Someone comes in and say, "Homosexual is a sin, You're going to hell."

Another one, When someone make a thread about Abortion, asking about your experience in abortion, someone comes in and say "Your baby is in hell now because you are a sinner that had the abortion." "You're murder!"

What's wrong with people? Can anyone respect a title of a thread? If you don't like the title of the thread, Don't post.

Just my 2 cent.

cental34 said:
Ok, after doing a bit more research, cigars can be additicive, and yes, they do contain nicotine. If you were to inhale cigars, then yes, I think it'd be alot more worrisome. But all I'm asking is if anyone else enjoys a good cigar every once in awhile, like my roommates who like to get together every so often and have a nice social smoke.

And people say smoking is bad for you because of what it can do to your health. It can cause lung cancer, mouth cancer, heart disease enphysema, , throat cancer, and lead to countless other diseases, including leading upto blindness, in some cases. Also because of the the ingredients, you become addicted to it, which makes your brain think that you cannot function without it. They make them because there is a market for it. It is too big of an industry just to shut down and is too vital to the economy, and it was in the 1600's when smoking tobacco first gained popularity, and the harmful effects weren't known until the 1960's.

I see. Some my family member started smoking when their are 13 years old, happened in mid-century like in 50's and 60's.
Yup, and believe it or not research shows that Nicotine is MUCH harder to kick than heroine!!! I dropped my jaw when reading the results in research.

I advise against playing with smoke, once you get there there is NO turning back. Trust me on this one! I did play for a while then one day Im done addicted and didn't realize this after its TOO LATE! grrrr Now I understand why it is nearly impossible to kick the addiction of Nicotine.

pinkster said:
Where do you get "cigarettes are non-addictive" from? Why do you think people have such a hard time quitting? Nicotine is addictive. Why else do they have pills, patches, programs for people to quit smoking?

Unless you mean that they are not addictive like cigarettes are.
Suppose tobacco manufacturer shuts down overnight, what do you think will happen? There will be plenty of people going nuts and possible riot... worth the risk? I don't think so.

^Angel^ said:
Good question! :thumb:
I understand you clearly and loud of course. However I would disagree about giving opinion about whats right or wrong. Like homosexual, it is just pure opinion and have nothing to do with risk of health problems like smoking do. Homosexuality and abortation issue is purely based on religious opinion not fact. Tobacco danger is a hard printed fact, and proof is clear and loud.

I am sure there are number of people who do enjoy cigars it is their business, but don't share the smoking with me, nor ask me to foot the bill for health treatment directly related to smoking.

Last thing I could say, I did enjoyed cigar back then. I know what it is like, some way I DO miss it but mess up with my asthma, forget it.

Cheri said:
I've seen some posting that says "Smoking is uncool," "Smoking is bad for you."

If you can read the title very clearly, He asked Just curious to see if there is anyone else out there who enjoys a good cigar? <<Was that a hard question to understand?

Think about it, It's just like homosexual threads, When someone make a title of a thread, asking "Who is lesbian or gay?" Someone comes in and say, "Homosexual is a sin, You're going to hell."

Another one, When someone make a thread about Abortion, asking about your experience in abortion, someone comes in and say "Your baby is in hell now because you are a sinner that had the abortion." "You're murder!"

What's wrong with people? Can anyone respect a title of a thread? If you don't like the title of the thread, Don't post.

Just my 2 cent.
diehardbiker65 said:
Suppose tobacco manufacturer shuts down overnight, what do you think will happen? There will be plenty of people going nuts and possible riot... worth the risk? I don't think so.

Going nuts and possible riot? :confused: ...Think of it this way, if tobacco manufacturer were to be closed down, then it would have save more people from getting lung cancer....

btw, I apologize for going a bit off the topic here.... :Oops:
^Angel^ said:
Going nuts and possible riot? :confused: ...Think of it this way, if tobacco manufacturer were to be closed down, then it would have save more people from getting lung cancer....

btw, I apologize for going a bit off the topic here.... :Oops:

I agree but isn't easier with protest and riot.
Try get some of Costa Rica's local cigar and it is total heaven cigars ever I had in my life. I do really miss them and I brought 40 cigars and I gave 20 to my brother. I killed 20 cigars and its sooo delicious. I believe it is way better than Cuban's cigar. I had smoked Cuban's cigar and it is okay okay to me. Costa Rica's cigar is omg!

It is not addicative to me but it is just delicious and feels good. I uses it once while on like 1 time per 4 months. Right now I quit smoking cigar because I can't find excatly same as I smoked the Costa Rica's cigars. Only the way I can get them is to fly to Costa Rica and get them but I have no time for that so I quits.

Homo, abortion and etc is the moral issue. Cigarette or cigars is the fact issue. It is different world.
Crazymanw00t said:
Try get some of Costa Rica's local cigar and it is total heaven cigars ever I had in my life. I do really miss them and I brought 40 cigars and I killed em all and its sooo delicious. I believe it is way better than Cuban's cigar. I had smoked Cuban's cigar and it is okay okay to me. Costa Rica's cigar is omg!

American cigers is bad? :lol:
TrippLA said:
American cigers is bad? :lol:

It made me vomits all the time after I finish smoking the American Cigar. It is no good for me. I smoked like umm 5 different American cigars and people said that they are best American cigars. They are still seriously horrible anyway, lol.
I cant remember what year ? and my girlfriend think it is april, 1986 .... My girlfriend and i was heavy chain-smoke. my cigerette ran out .... so I dont have enought money to buy cigerette so i decided to buy a four cigars.... I take a filter out of a cigar paper and a smoke pot put inside a cigar paper and I taste a cigar/smoking pot and ekkk i hate to taste cigar but the brain started a buzzzzzzz , my girlfriend kept a laugh at me what i put pot in cigar.... and my mouth is too small and cigar is too bigggg. I never forgot what i put a cigar and it is very good memories in 1986 .... I am honest with you and taste so uwful cigar but just add smoking pot without fitler and help me more buzzzz and damn drunk!!!!!!!!!!
My grandfather is very heavy cigar for a long times... when my grandma got lung cancer from cigar so my grandpa felt so lousy and found out about my grandma has lung cancer so he decided to quit a cigar. he didnt even try a cigar almost ten years ... clap clap and he is 90 year old last one month ago ... he is very healthy and still drive on road !!!!!!!
I quit cigerette in 1989 because found out i was preggy with my oldest daughter. I felt good and i dont need a cigerette any more !
There's a good reason for the Partagas taste. Has to do with the collective qualities of Cuban culture. And it make anyone feel like a happy member of a large collective.


I agree with Cheri so, ummm, ....that makes 8 cents..... :D