Going through candidacy process and Waiting for dates
Dark Half (First CI)
Ismi First (CI)
Surgeries :dj:
Devbaby 25th January (First CI)
Old Navygirl 29th January (First CI)
Victoria 7th February (First CI)
Hondu 7th February (First CI)
Marshall (Frag's son) 12th February (Second CI)
Blazing Sunset 15th February (First CI)
Deafskeptic 20th March (First CI)
Ashley 28th March (Bilateral CI)
Lily 1st February (second CI)
Lake Tahoe 8th February (First CI)
Blazing Sunset 26th February? (Frist CI)
Devbaby 26th February (First CI)
OldNavygirl 6th March (First CI)
Victoria 6th March (First CI)
Boult 7th February to AB F120