CI surgery & switch on calender thread!

Just blowing the dust off the calender as Deafmama asked that we update it :) so that we can help people buddy up :

Going through candidacy process and Waiting for dates:
Dark Half (First CI)
Ismi (First CI)
R2D2 (second CI)

JohnJoe1011 3rd April (First CI)
Deafskeptic 24th April (First CI)
Deafmama78 17th May (First CI)

Ashley 5th April? (First CI)
I just got my surgery date, yippee! Looks like I'll be flying home the day after final exams end and the surgery is about a week after that. So here's the updated list:

Going through candidacy process and Waiting for dates:
Dark Half (First CI)
R2D2 (second CI)

JohnJoe1011 3rd April (First CI)
Deafskeptic 24th April (First CI)
Deafmama78 17th May (First CI)
Ismi 30th May (First CI)

Ashley 5th April? (First CI)
Congrats on your date Ismi!

Hope that Johnhjoe's surgery today went well and that he'll be back to let us know how it went.

Deafskeptic is next!:fingersx:
Ashley's activation went very well. I started a new post to keep everyone up to date on her progress. Thanks for the support!!
Tried to update the calender. Hope I didn't miss any one.

Going through candidacy process and Waiting for dates:
Dark Half (First CI)
R2D2 (second CI)

Deafskeptic 24th April (First CI)
Deafmama78 17th May (First CI)
Ismi 30th May (First CI)

JohnJoe1011 ??
Thanks for updating the list.

I'm going through candadicy for a second CI on my right, unimplanted ear. I've already trialled other hearing aids, had speech tests and now my surgeon wants me to have a balance test, which I will be doing next month with my audie.
Activation date is set! :dance:

Going through candidacy process and Waiting for dates:
Dark Half (First CI)
R2D2 (second CI)

Deafskeptic 24th April (First CI)
Deafmama78 17th May (First CI)
Ismi 30th May (First CI)

Ismi 13th June
JohnJoe1011 ??
Activation date is set! :dance:

Finally I have been able to post.

Activation day is May 14th. First mapping is May 21.

Update I am doing great but i still have the salty and metal taste in my tongue. The facial nerve is good not a problem.

Before the surgery on the right side, I do remember that I could barely hear. An example. While in my car with the music full blast I was able to hear something on the right side. So my brain remembers receiving input from the right side. After the surgery the hearing on that side is NADA, nothing, dead. Which is understandable.

Looking forward for activation day. I may be surprise.

Glad to hear that you have been doing well JohnJoe. Sorry about the metal taste - I only had that once thank goodness. Hopefully, it will disappear.

You normally get your first mapping at the time you are activated, so I assume that 21st May will actually be your second mapping?
first implanted July 6,2001 activations Aug 26, 2001 (i will correct it if I'm wrong on that date but I KNOW it was last week of Aug.) it has been a long time since I have been run around in between my marriages and my son's treatments!!

Anyway, 1 year later, They asked if I was interesting to get 2nd ear implant. I was then I quit smokes.. anexity attack was so bad with lots of breathing! so I told them I was very sorry I had to cancel my surgery (2 days before I was DUE for surgery) sad!

But, now I am ready for 2nd one, I am seeing Dr again on July 16th to see if He still willing to do surgery again and of course this time my insurance will be paying for it.. back in 5 years ago it was in clinical researches but not anymore now... Like I said it's my turn to focus on myself too and learn along with my son Everett.. :)
Ashley's doc is looking at September for her second surgery. Much sooner than we thought. I don't have a day yet but will keep you posted. September is her birthday. Wouldn't that be a good thing to get for your birthday?
Ashley's doc is looking at September for her second surgery. Much sooner than we thought. I don't have a day yet but will keep you posted. September is her birthday. Wouldn't that be a good thing to get for your birthday?

Cool! She's obviously surprised them in her progress. Will she be 2 in September?