CI soon...CI friendly only please

I was told of someone who didn't like hers for 6 months, so do not get disappointed if you happen to take longer than a few weeks! Keep up with your appointments and therapies. This is all part of your success.

I just watched a video of OralDeaf schools of these kids who have grown up now, and it's amazing the progress they make with a CI or HA (depending on your type of loss). With that, I cannot understand the anti-CI towards deaf children. It's clear that their lives are made much easier. They don't have language barriers when they enter kindergarten. I don't see anything wrong with implanting a child who is deaf. Sorry if this is off-topic--just realized I might be. Enough there!
ClearSky said:
With that, I cannot understand the anti-CI towards deaf children. It's clear that their lives are made much easier!

Bingo! I agree with you.
ClearSky said:
I was told of someone who didn't like hers for 6 months, so do not get disappointed if you happen to take longer than a few weeks! Keep up with your appointments and therapies. This is all part of your success.

I just watched a video of OralDeaf schools of these kids who have grown up now, and it's amazing the progress they make with a CI or HA (depending on your type of loss). With that, I cannot understand the anti-CI towards deaf children. It's clear that their lives are made much easier. They don't have language barriers when they enter kindergarten. I don't see anything wrong with implanting a child who is deaf. Sorry if this is off-topic--just realized I might be. Enough there!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

the Truth is HERE.

I'm so angry cos I can't English understand and hard write. I have cochlear implant but I feel not easy if use oral all the time. My friend thinks I'm studip cos I poor read and English I rather sign

I think will improve my English . Doctor must tell parent about sign and good for deaf baby. Parent should meet deaf people

I blame doctor advise my parent. Doctor always wrong advice

From [14 year old Deaf girl]

Dear Dr X
I am sad with Dr X told my mum and dad to not allow sign language when I was little girl now feel lose confident because of my English aren't good. I find hard work with learn how to listen and oral all the time all my life.

Now I meet deaf people like [Deaf organisation] is allow sign. I want to more communication help me feel so relax and easy life.

Dr X should tell all families about positive outside and sign can help improve English and read.

From [14 year old Deaf girl]

So there! You dont want to hear the truth thats the problem of your denials as usual. This Deaf girl is not the only one who said it as far as I know all along. Think twice before you said this statement "With that, I cannot understand the anti-CI towards deaf children." People dont give a hoot after all they failed Deaf children with CI. It s wrong to keep your hands to cover your eyes that the truth comes out now.

No more bullshit after all you made d/Deaf children miserable all along. It s not new thing because it has been going on and on for years and years that hasnt bit changed by their audist attitude people. Sighs!

You dont accept a Deaf children for the way they are from the start.

Thanks! ;)
Last edited:

This isn't a debate thread. If you read the title of the thread it says "CI friendly only".

So if you want to say something then it's best to start a new thread. That way people that want to debate with you can go there whereas those of us that have moved past that stage and are just truckin' on with life with a CI can just have our own area to chat.

I think those of us in this thread also need to be aware that if we post viewpoints about the CI or no CI debate we are going to attract people like bees to a honey pot :) So best to avoid in this thread!

R2D2 -- thanks! And yes, I am beyond debating about CIs too and I am already moving on. I'm just going to keep on trucking on and just continue on reading the positive feedback (and even the negative just so we'll know what to expect, but I am NOT including those negatives against CI)
sweetmind: No more bullshit after all you made d/Deaf children miserable all along. It s not new thing because it has been going on and on for years and years that hasnt bit changed by their audist attitude people. Sighs!

:blah: Can't you say anything we all have not heard before?

Okay everyone, let's get back to what we were posting about.
The others are right. This is CI friendly thread, please keep your negative opinion to yourself on this thread.
I created this thread to be CI friendly because the other thread you are always putting CI down. Put CI down, you are putting me and lots of other who wear them down.
So please, stay away unless you have something nice to say! (which i doubt you ever do!)

Thanks you!

Hi all

I doning pretty good, it still sounds weird, but wow!!!!! I can hear when I put a pop (soda) can on a table! I looked at everybody and asked them does it always do that!? lol

I realized that I keep turning it up, is that normal? I've read something about the brain get used to it, i dunno.

Also last night, my roomies 15 feets away from me, turned on the kitchen sink water! I heard it! lol

Time to practice again!


Thanks all!
Sweetmind said:

So there! You dont want to hear the truth thats the problem of your denials as usual. This Deaf girl is not the only one who said it as far as I know all along. Think twice before you said this statement "With that, I cannot understand the anti-CI towards deaf children." People dont give a hoot after all they failed Deaf children with CI. It s wrong to keep your hands to cover your eyes that the truth comes out now.

No more bullshit after all you made d/Deaf children miserable all along. It s not new thing because it has been going on and on for years and years that hasnt bit changed by their audist attitude people. Sighs!

You dont accept a Deaf children for the way they are from the start.

Thanks! ;)

Excuse me, but we all know that this isn't the majority of the populatition. I have heard this poor anti-CI excuse when this isn't the greatest defense against CI for deaf children. We all know there are certain cases where a CI may not work, and the ones who have studied CI's know that this is rare. We are not denying that a CI is a risk for everyone whether you're a kid, a teenager or an adult who became deaf at 20, etc, etc, etc. Now, there are many things I would question the girl and her parents way of raising her daughter as a deaf person such as what program they used. The ones who are not so ignorant to research the deaf education know there are parents who did poorly being involved in their child's life to help them read and write. I believe the parents of the girl above did something not quiet right to develop her English education whether or not she has a CI and if it did work or not. The CI itself is no excuse for her lack of development in her English language. It's the parents poor language program. Raising a child is a difficult task for any parents of deaf children whether or not they have CI, HA or they use sign language. Don't come saying that raising a child is pure and natural using ASL. A parent worries about their future interaction and accessibility to the world. They want to give them more if the option is available and possible. You come to me with the attitude of, "poor me, I am deaf, I can't learn English. ASL is the only language for the deaf." Says who?! People with a victimized attitude.

Just because there are some who don't get benefits, doesn't mean they are doomed. It's the parent to be responsible to be prepared and open their options in case such happens. This may happen to a few children, but it does not make implanting every other child with a CI wrong. You can't find anything wrong if you open your mind and see the majority of children. Quit focusing only on the few that didn't work for them. It makes your argument weak because you only focus on the negative, negative, negative. The open-minded who have done their research know that a lot of children are receiving benefits. It's a fact that the sooner you implant a child, the easier it is that they will understand what they are hearing with therapy and parental involvement just like any deaf children. The only difference is that they have a CI-not a hearing aid. What's the point in waiting until adult years when you get all of it over with as a child and better benefits? You are just wasting time. A few CI that didn't work is not going to stop ANYONE from going forward when they see the benefits. They know the risk as with any surgery. You don't stop a blind child from seeing colors as early as possible and make it difficult for them as an adult because you think they need to know the world of the blind first.

I'm sitting here envious of you and your ability to hear sounds :mad:

LOL, honestly, I'm excited for you! I hope we will have a similar result from our operations :)

A really close CODA interpreter friend of mine asked me which sound I want to hear first. My answer? ZZ Top songs. The aftermath was hilarious...

Can't wait til I listen to some of their popular songs......... :dance:
StacieLeigh said:
Hi all

I doning pretty good, it still sounds weird, but wow!!!!! I can hear when I put a pop (soda) can on a table! I looked at everybody and asked them does it always do that!? lol

I realized that I keep turning it up, is that normal? I've read something about the brain get used to it, i dunno.

Also last night, my roomies 15 feets away from me, turned on the kitchen sink water! I heard it! lol

Time to practice again!


Thanks all!

Good to hear that you are enjoying hearing all the different sounds and trying to work out what they are.

That you are trying to turn up the volume is probably a good sign that you are ready to be remapped soon. I'm told that sound comfort is built up gradually and they start you off on the softest sounds to begin with.

Which reminds me I didn't know this until a few days ago but WARNING never try on another persons' speech processor. This is because their sound comfort level can be completely different to your own and so the electrical pulse delivered to the nerve can be different also. You can experience trauma if you use another persons' processor.
StacieLeigh said:
Hi all

I doning pretty good, it still sounds weird, but wow!!!!! I can hear when I put a pop (soda) can on a table! I looked at everybody and asked them does it always do that!? lol
Yeah, it does make sound :)

StacieLeigh said:
I realized that I keep turning it up, is that normal? I've read something about the brain get used to it, i dunno.
Yeah, so when you go back for mapping, you will have it bumped up...

StacieLeigh said:
Also last night, my roomies 15 feets away from me, turned on the kitchen sink water! I heard it! lol

Time to practice again!


Thanks all!

That's great!! you heard the water across the room!

Stacie I am so thrilled to read about your experiences so far! I know how overwhelming it must be, but little steps. I would turn my CI up too as I got used to it so I think that's normal, initial stimulation is so new, it takes a while to adjust to it. There will be so many new sounds, new experiences - you might want to write them down so you don't forget them! Lookign forward to reading more about your experiences.

And ignore Sweetmind, she does this wenever somebody posts something positive about CI's. Sour grapes if you ask me.

Happy hearing!
Boult said:
stacie, let me know if you hear anything outside in the morning :)

Almost sounds like you are going to pay her a surprise visit!
R2D2 said:
Good to hear that you are enjoying hearing all the different sounds and trying to work out what they are.

That you are trying to turn up the volume is probably a good sign that you are ready to be remapped soon. I'm told that sound comfort is built up gradually and they start you off on the softest sounds to begin with.

Which reminds me I didn't know this until a few days ago but WARNING never try on another persons' speech processor. This is because their sound comfort level can be completely different to your own and so the electrical pulse delivered to the nerve can be different also. You can experience trauma if you use another persons' processor.

Not really a trauma, just discomfort. it will sound awful though... that's what I was told.
R2D2 said:
Almost sounds like you are going to pay her a surprise visit!
Haha.. I would ask you the same thing when you have yours activated... :)
R2D2 said:

Which reminds me I didn't know this until a few days ago but WARNING never try on another persons' speech processor. This is because their sound comfort level can be completely different to your own and so the electrical pulse delivered to the nerve can be different also. You can experience trauma if you use another persons' processor.

Er, actually you really can't use somebody else's processor without the help of an audi. Reason is simple at least for Cochlear and I assume it is true for the other two companies...they put an id code in the process to recognize the individual implant for this very purpose. This is another way of saying that your processor is set for your specific implant. Each implant has an identification number which a processor will recognize before using it. If it doesn't match, it won't work. The reason you need the help of an audi is that they can reprogram it to recognize a different implant.

I'm not so sure about matching up different manufacturer's implants to processors but I'm sure the processor is programmed to work with only it's type.

So, if you put on a processor and it just won't work...check and see if it belongs to somebody else.... :whistle: