CI--Deaf or Hearing?

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OK. Are you now saying you grew up in an ASL language / ASL Deaf school environment? You posted several times about growing up SEE and only late (17-18?) moving to a Deaf school where your eyes were opened and you began learning/using ASL.

Now, you've just posted that you began self-identifying as Deaf 2 years ago. You posted at one point that your daughter is quite a bit older than mine but that she was not at a bi-bi school or program for the Deaf. What type of program IS she at?

You are showing what your true motives are here. You really need to back off. There was a point where you were being slowly accepted in the Deaf culture here, but you are allowing some need to defend FJ to ruin that for you.
I see the another thread about to be locked thanks to the oralists and the audists.
By the way -

From a check-out in the PM's I have decided that GrendelQ is now intentionally spreading misinformation about my daughter.

Beware guys. :)

Fucking funny, going that LOW.

I'm not sure what a check out in the PMs means. If I'm saying something that isn't true, I'll apologize, but I don't know what it is you are talking about.

Although I know who he is in real life, i've never met PFH personally. I know what he's posted in various threads.

PFH, If you didn't grow up using SEE, if you did attend a deaf school from the beginning, if your daughter isn't in an oral program, if you self-identified as deaf much earlier than 2 years ago, just say so and I'll post a correction loudly, and edit my original and this post if you are worried about "misinformation" getting out there.
I'm not sure what a check out in the PMs means. If I'm saying something that isn't true, I'll apologize, but I don't know what it is you are talking about.

Although I know who he is in real life, i've never met PFH personally. I know what he's posted in various threads.

PFH, If you didn't grow up using SEE, if you did attend a deaf school from the beginning, if your daughter isn't in an oral program, if you self-identified as deaf much earlier than 2 years ago, just say so and I'll post a correction loudly, and edit my original and this post if you are worried about "misinformation" getting out there.

Too late. You already verified my hypothesis. I've reported your posts for outright lying.
Okay, I dont want to close this thread but DO NOT put anyones private business out in the open... Whether you are talking about their mom, dad, kid or their pet mouse, I dont care. UNLESS that person starts talking about someone they want to talk about, I will assume the members of this board will respect the fact that some people keep parts of their lives and people in their lives to themselves.

Thank you
Too late. You already verified my hypothesis. I've reported your posts for outright lying.

Wow! I'm not appreciating the accusations of lying. For one thing, it's not like I've said anything negative about you. If I've misunderstood some fact about you, just correct it. I've seen MANY, MANY mis-statements made about my daughter's language, her education. I don't expect others to have my daughter's biography memorized, so I generally don't think it's intentional. I just correct it. Vigorously, if necessary.
Parents, speaking for yourselves, what made you decide to have your child oral or to use sign?
Wow! I'm not appreciating the accusations of lying. For one thing, it's not like I've said anything negative about you. If I've misunderstood some fact about you, just correct it. I've seen MANY, MANY mis-statements made about my daughter's language, her education. I don't expect others to have my daughter's biography memorized, so I generally don't think it's intentional. I just correct it. Vigorously, if necessary.

Really......... too late. Honestly.

Its because of how you have been acting on here.

You ALWAYS do something then act innocent like you never knew what was going on. ALWAYS. I've called you out on this before. I've even PM'd you on this before. I understand why you also act innocent on this very topic, its you. But I never will understand why you do it.

NOW that you lied to pry information about my daughter - and as many of us know - I never talk about my daughter on alldeaf because of the circumstances involved.

Now when you lied, I knew right away it was just to make me open up and explain more about my daughter. Now when I PM'd you, you basically said what am I going to do about it. It was like a challenge. You fully KNEW what you were doing. You also in the same PM tried to pry for information.

Then when I called you out in this post:

You replied with:

No denial, with an answer PRYING (see the pattern here??) about my daughter.

Then this happens:

"I dont know what you're talking about..."

Another lie. You knew exactly what I was talking about. Same thing from the PM's and same thing YOU started. You lied, then continued lying.
THENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Oh my gosh, you SOMEHOW realized it several posts later:

If you truly were unappreciative of me accusing you, you would have said so after my first public accusation.

Now, you can see why I don't believe you at all. Your act is now busted, clear for everyone to see.

To be fair, I would have never thought you would gone that low though....... This saddens me.
hoo! hoo! hhhhhooooo!!!!!

Really......... too late. Honestly.

Its because of how you have been acting on here.

You ALWAYS do something then act innocent like you never knew what was going on. ALWAYS. I've called you out on this before. I've even PM'd you on this before. I understand why you also act innocent on this very topic, its you. But I never will understand why you do it.

NOW that you lied to pry information about my daughter - and as many of us know - I never talk about my daughter on alldeaf because of the circumstances involved.

Now when you lied, I knew right away it was just to make me open up and explain more about my daughter. Now when I PM'd you, you basically said what am I going to do about it. It was like a challenge. You fully KNEW what you were doing. You also in the same PM tried to pry for information.

Then when I called you out in this post:

You replied with:

No denial, with an answer PRYING (see the pattern here??) about my daughter.

Then this happens:

"I dont know what you're talking about..."

Another lie. You knew exactly what I was talking about. Same thing from the PM's and same thing YOU started. You lied, then continued lying.
THENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Oh my gosh, you SOMEHOW realized it several posts later:

If you truly were unappreciative of me accusing you, you would have said so after my first public accusation.

Now, you can see why I don't believe you at all. Your act is now busted, clear for everyone to see.
Wow. golly. :shock:
wow I am shocked! Oh god reading terrible negative seems on problem negative I notice it serious!
Parents, speaking for yourselves, what made you decide to have your child oral or to use sign?

I'm new to this forum and I do not have kids. However, I plan to have kids and I am working towards answering this question myself...

I am Deaf - started losing my hearing at 3 years old and finally lost enough hearing by the time I was 38 to get a CI. I am now waiting on getting my second CI either this year or next year. I grew up oral mainstreamed went to Gallaudet University and now work for a major company in the D.C. area.

My child, if born deaf, will probably receive a CI. However, I fully intend that he/she be fully immersed in ASL and Deaf culture. Actually I am not 100% on the CI but that's not the question here. I would want my child to learn ASL as a primary mode of communication and would also encourage lip reading for accessibility to the hearing world. This is not cut in stone and will greatly depend on the child as he/she grows up and develops various skills and interests. But I want to give them every advantage that can be offered to them.

At least that is where my thinking is now... we will see what happens when I finally do have a kid. :)
Well, I am deaf, and aiming to become Deaf. I live in a hearing family and the family is not really learning sign, but, my kids asked me today if I wanted to have meal times and family game times to be voice-off to start with so we can all learn ASL. That was a birthday present today from my kids.

What an awesome birthday present, Kristina! Your kids ROCK!!!!
Well, I am deaf, and aiming to become Deaf. I live in a hearing family and the family is not really learning sign, but, my kids asked me today if I wanted to have meal times and family game times to be voice-off to start with so we can all learn ASL. That was a birthday present today from my kids.

I would have broken down and cried if my sons gave me that as my birthday gift! your kids are wonderful! They obviously love you very much. Happy birthday Kristina!
if you're signing ASL in English - that's SEE.

ASL in English word order would be PSE/CASE. It doesn't incorporate all if the prefixes, ending etc., that SEE incorporates.
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