check out my video

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what I think or like your video!!??


shakes video..
Forget fill food n plate and wine in glass!! :nono:
:dunno: If I like your video!!?? :):):) Maybe need redo video with stay and not shakes!!

Good Luck! :)
Her way of typing and grammar match Miss P and if you go to her site and watch the video, her name is shown in the beginning.
I added another video... I am pissed off with the security guards...
why they won't let me shoot my camcorder there? :pissed:

Look at my video... sad, ain't it?
Her way of typing and grammar match Miss P and if you go to her site and watch the video, her name is shown in the beginning.

Where is her name shown? I don't see it. :dunno:
Yes, I see now. In the other video, not the one you linked to. Next time provide more salient information, oh ye of Barbie backpack. And shouldn’t you be off somewhere playing with explosives?
That's cuz you've been hanging around deaf people too long. Yer a 'tard now.
Wow, I didn't think to check her previous posts earlier yesterday. But one of the threads she had created was enough to give me a clue it was her. :ugh3:

Deafilm, it is getting so old with your games. If you will just give up doing that and grow up, maybe people in here will start respecting/liking you a little better.
But one of the threads she had created was enough to give me a clue it was her.

It was laughably obvious. The only thing she left out was the obligatory gay bash. :lol:
It was laughably obvious. The only thing she left out was the obligatory gay bash. :lol:

And don't forget her signature *fart*. At least she's actually trying to do something with her life and not mooch off SSI.
I believe you should be put to death for crimes against humanity.
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