Can you hear Music with a cochlear implant

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Pacman, looks at the definition of deaf that you copied.

"partially or wholly lacking or deprived of the sense of hearing; unable to hear"

Umm, doesnt a person with a CI fall under that description? I believe they do. You supposedly used to have a CI right? With that CI on was your hearing partial, or wholly lacking? Did you hear the same as a "Hearie"? I dont think so. So by litteral definition of deaf, a CI user is DEAF.
Man, you are starting to get pretty silly. You should run for political office. You make a statement. When challenged, you change you opinion to seem less challenging. When challenged on fact specific items or prove to be flat out wrong, you tell people to stop picking on you or try to redirect the discussion. Can you say "flip-flop".

I thought that some part of answer is point to Fanatic.

Yea, I used had CI before but not anymore, and for my decision. I think that CI isn't attract with "hearie" and that right about not 100%. I don't said about CI user is hearing and that's answer from Fanatic. :squint:

No, I'm not start silly around here but I have own opinion to answer it about CI or whatever, and no way about running for political office because not interesting with political thing but that only for Buckdodgers. I don't tell you to stop pick on other members or redirect the discussion. How is flip flop? If so then wear flip flop on someday for me.
Fan, you make absolutely no sense what so ever. I am pointing fingers? This was a pretty good thread about people with a CI listening to music. And yoiu come in here and start making all kind of ignorant, uneduacted remarks about CI users and thier place in the deaf community. You also say they are no longer deaf? When did you become the gatekeeper of the deaf community?
Go back to your holier than thou world.

Pacman, go buy Lilly some toys? I say again "WTF" I do not care if you have a problem with me. When you make (or agree with) ignorant remarks that I take offense to. You can bet your ass that Im gonna say something about it.

I don't need get ass on you and you have problem, not for me. I'm helping you to make happy then now... You called "WTF" again then don't understand about your feeling. I don't take offense at you in first place. You don't want to solve problem then if want and feel free to PM me.

Who cares about ignorant? None of them are ignorant. :roll:
You jump in a thread, say one thing, then when confronted, you try to talk your way out of it. When that doesnt work, you ask to have a thread locked.

As for your opinion about CI, you keep changing it. So how is that not flip flopping. BTW, flip flop is a term that applies to a person that keeps changing thier opinion or view over a topic.
Whatever, I'm about done with you anyway. As I said, silly.
You jump in a thread, say one thing, then when confronted, you try to talk your way out of it. When that doesnt work, you ask to have a thread locked.

As for your opinion about CI, you keep changing it. So how is that not flip flopping. BTW, flip flop is a term that applies to a person that keeps changing thier opinion or view over a topic.
Whatever, I'm about done with you anyway. As I said, silly.


Good night, and have a great sex with your wife tonight.
.:in asl mode:. exactly, exactly, beautiful, beautiful post!

If you're saying that to that jackass in a person, I'd run to flower store, and get a rose for you.

According to

deaf  /dɛf/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[def] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, noun

partially or wholly lacking or deprived of the sense of hearing; unable to hear.

In China, the government are starting to "install" the cochlear implant to ALL deaf kids, who are attending to a elementary deaf school, which it runs by the government. When those kids are successful, such as they are able to hear during the middle school, and high school. The government would erase the "deaf" school, because almost everyone are able to hear, correct? They would probably set up the cochlear implant elementary/middle/high school instead.

Now, you can see why I don't consider those ex-deaf people (ci users) are part of the deaf world, because they are trying to fade the deaf world/power away.

I've seen two couples who are having a ci, and they said if they got a deaf baby, they would put ci, and send that kid to hearing school for their better opportunity in the future. That is good, but my question is - where is the deaf culture in that kid? When that kid become older, and he/she do not know anything about deaf culture, so whenever that person grown older, and having a deaf baby again (deaf gene), and they would put ci on that baby again, because they dont know anything shit about deaf world.

Suppose all deaf people are having a cochlear implant, the deaf culture will be gone in 20-30 years later, no question about that.

You need to educate yourself a bit before resorting to paranoia. CI's are not a cure-all for everybody, and those who wear CI's are *STILL DEAF.*

You speak about deaf culture - the culture of a child is the culture they are born into. While I think its important for deaf children to learn sign language (whether they are implanted with a CI or not,) it is up to the paren to decide if they feel that teaching them about deaf culture itself is important. To some it simply may NOT be important, and that's their choice. Just because smebody is deaf doesn't mean they *have* to become immersed in deaf culture to be happy or succeed.

If you don't like CI's - more power to you, but at least show some intelligence by realizing that deafness will never be "wiped out."
You jump in a thread, say one thing, then when confronted, you try to talk your way out of it. When that doesnt work, you ask to have a thread locked.

As for your opinion about CI, you keep changing it. So how is that not flip flopping. BTW, flip flop is a term that applies to a person that keeps changing thier opinion or view over a topic.
Whatever, I'm about done with you anyway. As I said, silly.

That's one person who start debate in here, not for me.

I bet that you don't understand what I said... Some people changing their opinion at most time but that normal and alot of views on CI.

Again, I don't think about silly thing but got it about what's flip flop means.

It's alright but I'm apologize if you thought about bad thing from me.

Good nite, peace.
I've been watching this thread for a while and while it is good to share the opinions/feedbacks/perspectives in order to learn each other but in time, it is not contradictary to resort into a flame war which is apparently starting to brew. I'll be closing this thread for the time being in order to cool it off.
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