I don't know that this question applies to me, since I'm poly. However, I will give you my early experience prior to being poly. My first gf admitted cheating on me, and of course I felt so hurt I wanted to die that day. I was taken under observation overnight and taken home by my sister the next day. It really, really sucked. I mean, I blew up at work and walked off the job. I quit college after the end of the semester. My world crashed that day. I never forgave her until I began to understand polyamory and how monogamy forces people who are naturally poly into "cheating" situations like this.
If you are fans of The Vampire Diaries, you'll remember that Katherine, who brought both Damon and Stefan across during the Civil War period, mentioned while Damon was recovering from a werewolf bite that Elena could learn to love both men, as Katherine did.
I think that a nascent movement is underway, and I have seen it grow over time in the last 10 years. People are beginning to learn what it means to be able to love more than one person at a time. The key is, there has to be open communication between all people involved. Whatever issues that are experienced in a typical monogamous relationship can be magnified in a poly relationship, so it is important to discuss this with them. Poly doesn't mean sex with everyone. You find people who are open and honest, and they fit with you in different ways, one person giving you something the other person doesn't, and so on.
Just one way to look at it.