For your information,
I have met deaf people that CAN talk normal...why on earth would they want to tell me a lie when I preferably want the truth.
I know I'm not lying to myself because it's the truth, I can speak like a normal person and I'm telling you the truth, I do not have deaf accent...believe me, they were shocked when I told them that I'm Deaf.
I never had interpreter most of my life up til after high school...unless you count Captioner an interpreter...I had that since 3rd grade up to 12th grade, but really, it's not that much a difference, I'm just reading and I can hear what the teachers are saying. I pretty much had Speech Therpy from 16 months old to 18 years old, and my parents/friends/Family always help me to say the word correctly...
It take practice to learn speech and you know what...I got better at it and I speak like a normal hearing person.
Now, don't piss me off and be mad at me because you think I'm lying. Well, I'm telling you that I'm not lying and I'm telling you the truth. Most won't even know that I'm deaf just by my talking...They only know once I tell them and show my CI (Which is mostly covered by my hair) and once they get to know me better and longer...they will notice that I sometimes ask to repeat what they have said...that's about it.
So Please refrain from yourself speaking about that...because in case you haven't noticed, you probably have offended some deaf people here. But You haven't offended me...I'm just pointing out the fact.