Can "Love" exist at such a young age?

Julius Caesar

New Member
Jul 31, 2006
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by this i mean ...can it last? can it be proven and shoved back in the faces of your makers, your parents, that you can last, you can make it w/ your highschool sweetheart. Fuck statistics, it has to be possible ..

Julius Caesar said:
by this i mean ...can it last? can it be proven and shoved back in the faces of your makers, your parents, that you can last, you can make it w/ your highschool sweetheart. Fuck statistics, it has to be possible ..


Well, I do know some couples that dated in high school and are now married and they're pretty religious.

Now the real quesiton you should be analzying right now is Love a chemical reaction designed only for us to pass on our genes before dying.

Or is it a bona fide emotion? Capable of withstanding even the most intense analzying by shrinks and neurologists?

Are you dating someone in high school?

One can only speculate why you started this thread...

IF you are dating someone, don't give up hope even if you have your downs..
I actually have some friends from grade school that got together and still are together to this day and that wasalmost 20 years ago! So yeah it can happen.

Julius Caesar said:
by this i mean ...can it last? can it be proven and shoved back in the faces of your makers, your parents, that you can last, you can make it w/ your highschool sweetheart. Fuck statistics, it has to be possible ..

Back in the old day there was many couple who are still in love. But now in these days not much happening. Dunno why. I wish I was in the old day so I can feel the love and stay in love for the rest of my life. I have my up and down since I married and divorced my first and second exh. Also been dating with few guys but not working out. I took a break from the dating for over a year til I went out with my man last April and it is still going on. I am not in a rush but wanted to see how it goes and wanted to feel the love from each other. I have been in a rush in the past but not this time I wont. Yea yea yea I learn my lesson. I just want to enjoy having my man in my life and go out and have fun.
I think in this day and age love is really taken for granted. It's whatever feels good "do it" generation. If you aren't satisfied then don't stay. Thick and thin or for better or worse is non-existance here and now. I don't care what anyone says every relationship is possible to turn around if both people want to work at it. How can you just throw away 10 years of your life because you want to be with another man?

Like I said, inless in an abusive situation I can understand. But just pure lust, and what not. Uncalled for.
I felt the same way when I met my husband. I was only 18, him being 21.

But why should you question something that you just feel is right? Because of the society? Forget the people. They think they know everything, but no way. They don't know the depths of your emotions, your attachment, your commitment becaus THEY are not part of it.

Only YOU can know for sure what love is. Don't take somebody else's word. Love is different for each person. Thus this discussion shouldn't being brought up because it will tug your heart and influence you.
impregrent her at young age then the relationship'll last a looooong time no matter what, fake or real love.
i didnt know bout true love at young age tho (even tho i thought i knew it), i've been thru it but it was all lusty bs i realized when i became adult. it is possible tho, it has to be, in this world there's always an opposite of something, like yin yang.
it's just negative's shouted out louder than positive in this world.
Potman said:
impregrent her at young age then the relationship'll last a looooong time no matter what, fake or real love.
i dont know bout true love at young age tho, i've been thru it but it was all lusty bs i realized when i became adult. it is possible tho, it has to be, in this world there's always an opposite of something, like yin yang.
it's just negative's shouted out louder than positive in this world.
Nah, that won't work. I've seen it happen.

I've seen some people here at RIT/NTID who get pregnant at age 18 to 20 and end up leaving school. A few of them do stay with their boyfriend (who knocked them up), but break up later on cuz the boyfriend has other things in mind... or some of them just leave school without him and avoid everyone else.
I think young love is the same as old or middle-aged love. It's a psychological and emotional feeling that can't be measured except for nuturing from parents and the society they live in. If a 1,000-question survey was conducted on the person's handicap, age, history, parents, friends, etc... then we might get better numbers. However, we don't know exactly what kind of questions to ask to get better results since love is something that can't be measured.

When one person says, "I love you very much." It could mean 50% love or 90% love. Like I said, it's not exactly something that can be analyzed and measured scientifically.
I think it can at least i hope! My bf and I have been together for 2 years and only broke up once because of a outside abuse problem. than both found other gf's/ bf's and found out that it wasn't just right until we were together again. so we've been together for 6 months since the break up and don't plan on ever breaking up again
Of course it can last, but only if the people in love are mature enough to know how to make it last... for example: in older times there were pre-arranged weddings, and often times the people who were married were NOT in love, but over time they GREW to love each other and lived the rest of their lives that way... this is because love grows from respect, if you have deep respect for one person then love will eventualy pop up, OR if it's already there it will stay...

One more thing, in every relationship there are problems, I've heard that if there AREN'T problems that means that something ISN'T right... most people these days get devorced when problems arise instead of working it out... I think that's just a selfish and lazy way of handling things.
Been a long time since I came through here. Whats good and thanks for all of your opinions. Word.
Yes it´s rarely... I never forget about my 2 years older friend who involve with 3 years older guy at the same school as me... We grew up together... I withnessed everything what they doing in school and outside of school...

My friend started to with him when she was 13 years old and he is 15 years old. They become engaged when my friend left school and 3 years later they getting married. They are still happily married and have 2 grown children. They have everything what they wisih... lovely famliy... good children... good jobs...
Young love does happen but not that often. Ive heard of stories of couples falling in love young as elementary school and get married after high school. I personally know one couple who were high school sweethearts and are still married 25 yrs later...still going strong.
But why should you question something that you just feel is right? Because of the society? Forget the people. They think they know everything, but no way. They don't know the depths of your emotions, your attachment, your commitment becaus THEY are not part of it.

Only YOU can know for sure what love is. Don't take somebody else's word. Love is different for each person. Thus this discussion shouldn't being brought up because it will tug your heart and influence you.

:gpost: I'm with Gnary on this one, she is correct, only you would know how you feel, not us...Search down your heart and find out.

If down the road from now, if you and your girlfriend break up, and if it is meant to be she'll be back, that's the power of love, and if she doesn't, then it's not meant to be. ;)
my best friend is one of the best example of young love.. she met her boyfriend when she was 14 and he was 16 or 17 .. they were together throughtout school years then my best friend quit school and moved in with her bf.. and eventually have two kids.. then finally they got married in 2003 for real .. now they are religious as they go to church and everything.. i do believe that their love were real.. sometimes im so jealous cuz some people are lucky to be in love and still is together to this day... why cant i?? i guess im weird lmao... hehe.. sigh...
Ok people i need help. I met this guy over the internet, We've been talking for about a year now. And I fell in love with him. And he fell in love with me.We talk on the phone ALOT! just i don't know.. I'm 15 and he's 17.. is it possible for me to love at my age? I mean i know i love him, but at my age should i want to spend my life with someone already? + He dosen't know what i actually look like. I know i'm not ugly i've been told i'm not and i'm not fat. I'm an average size. I'm just really scared that he wont want to love me? my friend offered her pictures and iv been sending them to him instead! he says he loves me but do you think he'll still love me after finding out that the girl he thinks he loves dosen't look the way she does in the pictures? is love all about your appearance? or is it loving the person that they are inside? someone help i am sooo confused!!!
Ok people i need help. I met this guy over the internet, We've been talking for about a year now. And I fell in love with him. And he fell in love with me.We talk on the phone ALOT! just i don't know.. I'm 15 and he's 17.. is it possible for me to love at my age? I mean i know i love him, but at my age should i want to spend my life with someone already? + He dosen't know what i actually look like. I know i'm not ugly i've been told i'm not and i'm not fat. I'm an average size. I'm just really scared that he wont want to love me? my friend offered her pictures and iv been sending them to him instead! he says he loves me but do you think he'll still love me after finding out that the girl he thinks he loves dosen't look the way she does in the pictures? is love all about your appearance? or is it loving the person that they are inside? someone help i am sooo confused!!!

I don't know you, but in general I don't think most people are ready to get married or anything so young, even though you FEEL mature you have lots of growing up to do... I know that just between when I was 18 and 19 my whole thinking changed ALOT, and it made me realise how important it is to MAKE SURE you are mentaly an adult before entering a real relationship.

as for whether he will like you or not... don't worry about looks and so on, those don't matter, if he doesn't like you because of looks (or if you have to try to look good to GET him to like you) then it wont work out in the end, because love shouldn't be based upon vanity... you need more structure than that. I always told myself that if somebody didn't like me for WHO I was and WHAT I looked like, than they weren't the kind of person I would want to be friends with anyway.
Thank you soooo much!
and i know he should love me for the way and look and such.
but he thinks i look like my friend im super scared to tell him.
i don't know how to say it or anything! I'm mostly scared of
his reaction to it all? any advice?
You dont want to waste your time talking to him/her for months and only find that he/she lied about her appearance. I dont care about communication and personality but hey you would like to date a nice looking person rather than UGLY FAT MUTHFUCKER.

that's what i don't want him to end up thinking.