I myself have gone to an Audiologist who stated clearly that I am profoundly deaf yet can't hear a thing. I went to an ENT yesterday Friday march 19th. I was playing a game "spin space monkey" on my texter. My husband talks to me, then I tell him what I think I heard. He writes down what he said & my response. In the ENT office I was given your standard hearing test. I never heard anything. I didn't know the test was even started. But the guy doing that test said its impossible for a deaf person to not hear a sound. So of course I had the test where they place little speakers in your ears and that came out normal, which I was told that shows I am lying. Now the ENT doc walks in laughing as soon as he sees me. I have been told to many times a deaf person can not use phones (looks kind of like a phone) yet I was making calls. Then once again I am lying because I'm so used to reading body language & facial expressions I took the texter out of my bra and threw it on the idiots desk. I also tossed my insulin back because many fellow college students acuse me of using heroin. The doc picks it up and asks how did you know I was talking about cell phone calls, I simply said I'm used to idiots telling me I'm lying and using a regular phone (have data plan only) that its my natural reaction when I see an idiot like you. Thids doc sat and kept talking to me even when I said I can't hear. He still wrote down that I'm lying.
a couple of things he wrote down was dizzyness and ringing in the ears. I said no not thinking about any dizzyness and my ears. I didn't have a chance to tell him I always had blood in my ears, I can't remember what this one is called....but it deals with infections in the ears, that I fall, I associated all of that with MS & Fibromyalgia, some with seizures, and diabetes. When I mentioned there is over a dozen family members who have gone through the same thing he laughed harder as did the staff with him. This idiot wants to only do an "ABR' which he stated is the only way to tell if I'm lying.
Once again I mentioned that MS & Fibromyalgia runs in the family and is well documented for four generations. That those who lost all their hearing yet came out with normal ABR couldn't hear a darn thing. Once again laughing. The worst part for those who know my struggle with the college is that One says Deaf and no matter what just from this one test if it does not show up abnormal will then submitt to the college that I can hear and am faking it. And then goes the little bit of help I had to fight for. Two days of a note taker.
My husband & I have talked about possible subconscious trauma that has effectly told my brain to turn off my ears. The only trauma I've had is falling, which deals with balance which I did not associate with ears. I'm used to associating this with MS & Fibro.
I don't know if Fibro & MS would show damage deep enough such as it may be coming in but its going somewhere else. I don't know how else to describe this. Personally I don't feel there is any damage to the brainstem, but know that I had months of continued pain that felt like being hit in the ear with a 2x4. of course the ENT did tell my husband I was lying. No one has ever felt that. I'm pretty much at a loss because I do not feel it is of a psychological nature. Psychology is my minor. & I have talked with my Psychology Professor who is actually a Psychiratrist and has had me in classes for a year and will be teaching me again this Spring. I want a third opinion. I just really am at a loss. I love hearing, love to sing off tune with songs, and as you can tell talk. I couldn't talk to my brother Thursday the 18th before he got on the plane for the 5th time to fight these two wars. Yet this doctor laughed so hard I thought he was going to pee his pants. I feel so insulted. and once again abandoned when I just want help so I will know the cause of this.
Any insights? any thoughts? just from the the little bit some of you have read, please give me your honest opinion even on the psychriatric part too. Why would I want to place myself in something I never wanted. I have always heard, and now don't. I lost all of the hearing on the right side three weeks before fall semester ended. So it was mono and I cried and cried about that. Then on New Years morning I can't hear anything. Over the course of 10 years I have woken many times with no hearing. Normally it would come back with in two weeks. I'm devestated it hadn't. As I thought okay its coming back don't freak. So far not.
Everyone if you would please share your thoughts I would appreciate it.
Thank you all as every one has been an inspiration and a wonderful source of support.
paddelingbear/mickey (Michelena)