Call in sick with job

they do that here in school now.. cuz too many kids are missing the days.. they tried to arrest my mom cuz my niece missed too many school days few years ago. my mom told them look at her.. she is 17. u cant arrest me . they look at her birthdate and said ok. my mom is excused.

last year TJ missed 15 school days.. require to call in parent and teacher conference on why tj was missed from school? i showed them papers on drs note and why he got sick.. they said ok.. excuse for that.. yet i did got them note .. they just want to make sure it is same story.. not fabricate story.. u know? like i said school today are STRICT. i am sure my sons school is not the only one. where my niece went to in different school system is the same way.. i dont know about Washington state.. but here in ARkansas very strict now.. sigh..

That's surprise me, but it won't happen to us.

For children with illness, parents are required to write their note for school since children are sick and absent will excused after approve with note, if not then unexcuse and affect children's grade and worksheet (such as get 0 on all worksheet and additional discipline maybe required).

I don't know about school policies in Illinois but probably new to me but wait until I get future children then would find out.
I think it makes sense if you want to have paid time off (PTO) for the time missed whilst sick, then I can understand the company wanting a proof of your illness before pocketing money over to you for missed hours.

The job I'm currently working is not a full time job and there's no benefits, either.
That's surprise me, but it won't happen to us.

For children with illness, parents are required to write their note for school since children are sick and absent will excused after approve with note, if not then unexcuse and affect children's grade and worksheet (such as get 0 on all worksheet and additional discipline maybe required).

What SmileyGin mentioned is the law in Arkansas, not California or other states.
I have a certain number of sick days allowed each year that don't need a dr excuse. Sometimes you feel too bad to work, but not sick enough to go to dr. But if I go over that number, or am going to be out more than 2 days in a row, I need dr excuse. That seems fair to me.
I have a certain number of sick days allowed each year that don't need a dr excuse. Sometimes you feel too bad to work, but not sick enough to go to dr. But if I go over that number, or am going to be out more than 2 days in a row, I need dr excuse. That seems fair to me.

My work has zero allowed sick days, that's my work rules. :roll: I dunno about their full time position for that sick days policy, though.
My son's school have a certain amount of days of sick like if more then 2 days then need a doctor's note. Same with me at work more then 2 days then dr's note. Yea I dont get paid for being sick. That's sad :(
Interesting thread here.

Accord my work rule:

My sick leave note is not request until last of 3 days. After 3 days then sick leave note is request. I must inform my employer before 8 am that I´m unfit to go work. On other side, employers don´t like to see their employee´s frequently sick leave then they have the right to demand sick note from them at their first day of sick leave or order Confidence Doctor to examine them either they are sick or not. Employee who take sick leave frequently receive warning letter from their employers... The employee has the right to defend against their warning then go to doctor for the proof that they are really sick...

We receive full paid from employer until 6 weeks sick leave... After 6 weeks sick leave, then public health insurance paid me 80%.......

Accord school rule:

We are obligate to inform school if my boys are unfit to go school... Demand sick note for one day is not necassary. More than one day then sick note request.

Any question?
Intesting about Germany's sick leave rules which is different from USA. Generally, most private companies here in USA want to see note from doctor as proof so not to lose alot of $$ due to "sick" employees--some are and some lied. Also if employees take too many sick days, then the companies fall behind on work projects, paperwork, etc. Its another way of losing $$. Now, many companies are cutting down on the sick days to save $$ and reduce or cut off health insurance which is too bad, especially for the families with children.

I work for local gov't and my current boss doesn't ask for sick note if I miss one day. But last year, I was sick for 4 days and got doctor's note to cover my butt and to prove that I was really was sick and not playing hookey. My boss was cool with it. :D
I usually call in sick if i don't really feel good but didn't need a dr paper to prove it unless I miss more than 3 days then I will have to go dr and get stupid note to show them if I am really sick or have good reason due to my feet situation like I did took 3 weeks off due to that reason back in feb of 2003 and yep had the paper and showed it to boss and he was like fine u can take 3 weeks off blah :roll: it was no fun if u ever ask me :P
Aww Seq, I know how you feel, I worked when I'm sick too and I hate it, but I do hope you feel better soon :hug:
If I don't work, I don't get paid, and the consumer doesn't get an interpreter. So, I never miss work for sickness.

Same for Hubby. He's self employed, so he can't afford to be sick. No work, no income. The only times he missed work during the past 10 years were after our car accident (he had a broken rib and cracked sternum), after he fell and broke his arm, and after his double hernia surgery.
it is the same as school.. Must have dr note that the kid is sick or they will not give no exucse for not attending school.

if kid miss too much days. parents will be arrested and go to jail. too strict today.

Same as here in my state. If my child has 5 unexcused absences from her school then I will be in trouble.
Mine is based on a point system. A call-in is 3 points. Even though you have a Dr.'s note. But if you miss 2 days in a row its 1 point for the 2nd day. Unless its a part of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) The no points, including death in the family..If your late or leave early its 1 point or 2 if you miss 2 sessions. Also covered by FMLA. A no call/no show is 7 points. 2 days in a row of NC/NS is another 17 points. We are allowed a total of 24 points. But can get those points back after one year of the day we missed or late or leave early. I have 12..LoL But start to get points back in December.:) If it wasn't for FMLA I'd pointed out & probably have 32 by now hehe'
Asking for dr note is stupid, it is a way to lose even more money. The more doctor visits, they are gonna to bill to health insurance, in turn the health insurance premium keeps climbing like crazy and costing companies EVEN more. Whats their point of tryin to save money? More and more companies are getting pissin off every year with double digit percent increases...
This annual spiral increases will eventually screw USA up... It won't be long before we realize the seriousness of the problem.
Plus, I think it is time for Uncle sam to take over health system!!! FOOK President Richard Nixon for deregulate the insurance industry! Thanks alot to him!

Intesting about Germany's sick leave rules which is different from USA. Generally, most private companies here in USA want to see note from doctor as proof so not to lose alot of $$ due to "sick" employees--some are and some lied. Also if employees take too many sick days, then the companies fall behind on work projects, paperwork, etc. Its another way of losing $$. Now, many companies are cutting down on the sick days to save $$ and reduce or cut off health insurance which is too bad, especially for the families with children.

I work for local gov't and my current boss doesn't ask for sick note if I miss one day. But last year, I was sick for 4 days and got doctor's note to cover my butt and to prove that I was really was sick and not playing hookey. My boss was cool with it. :D
Attendance policies

Every parent, guardian, or other person having custody or charge of any child age (5) through (17) years on or before September 15 of that year who resides, as definied by policy (Residence requirements). Within the district shall enroll and send the child to a district school with the following exceptions.

1. The child is enrolled in private or parochial school.
2. The child is being home-schooled and the conditions of policy (Home schooling) have been met.
3. The child will not be age 6 on or before Sept 15 of that particular year and the parent, guardian, or other person having custody or charge of the child elects not to have him/her attend kindergarten. A kindergarten wavier form prescribed by regulation of the Dept of Education must be signed and on file with the District Administrative office.
4.The child has recieved a high school diploma or its equivalent as determined by the STate Board of Education.
5. The child is age 16 or above and is enrolled in a post- secondary vocational-technical instituion, a community college, or a two year or four year institution of higher education.
6. The child is age 16 or 17 and has met the requirements to enroll in an adult education program as defined by ACA.

Documentation of Medical Visit
When a student makes a visit to a medical clinic the parents should obtain a note from the doctor or dentist and send it to school to document the visit.

Other Absences
If a student is out for sickness and does not visit a doctor, the parents should notify the school by phone the day of the absence or with a note the first day back to school.
If a student has to miss school for reasons other than sickness the school should be notified in advance.

Excessive Absence
Act 473 of 1989 requires each school district to adopt a student attendance policy which defines excessive absences.
The district has adopted a policy which states that any days missed over 12 during a semester are excessive.

1. A student who is absent 24 days in a year may be denied promotion in accordance with the school attendance policy.* Extenuating circumstances will be considered, such as illness, funerals, accidents, etc. Absences due to illnesses, accidents, and deaths in the family are counted on a student's absentee record. Absences for extenuating circumstances must be documented by parents and on file in the elementary school office no later than the end of the student's 12th day of absence during the semester.
2. Notification of absences will be made to the parents when a child has missed 6 days by either telephone contact on the 6th day of the absences or by letter the following day.
3.Upon notifications of absences will be made to the parents, parents may request a meeting of Attendance Commitee to review absences.
4. NOtification will again be made to the parents by letter when the student has missed 12 days. Upon the notification to the parents, an Attendance Committee may meet to review absences. The parent will have the option of meeting with committee.
5. A student who is absent 12 days in a semester will be reported to the prosecuting attorney as prescribed by Arkansas Law. Parents may be subject to civial penalties for allowing students to have excessive absences. *refer back to #1
6.Those students who exceed 12 days or more absences and are being denied credit or promotion may appeal to the Attendance Committee composed of the principal, student's teachers and the counselor to determine whether credit will be allowed.

Other Attendance Policies
School related activities will not be considered as absences when the school is provided with offical documentation of attendance.
School suspension will be counted against a student's minimum days of attendance.
In-school isolation will not count as absences from school.
A student must be in attendance for 3 hours to be eligible to participate in any school function that day or night. The superintendent or principal may wave this rule in the event of extenuating circumstances.

12th days parents will be reported to the prosecuting attorney, OUCH! if not pay fines then can go to jail! jeez! Arkansas law sucks!
As a teacher at an university, I am not allowed to call in sick really.

If there's an emergency or I am serious-sick, I am allowed to cancel only ONE class.
If more, I have to find and pay for the sub out of my paycheck-- $40 hourly. (the university does not take care of the subsitutes teachers).

They do frown if I have to find a sub more than two times.

The class is only 10 weeks so it does affect the students' signing skills if the regular teacher's not being there for them.

so I am stocking up on my Vitamin C and ZINC!
Asking for dr note is stupid, it is a way to lose even more money. The more doctor visits, they are gonna to bill to health insurance, in turn the health insurance premium keeps climbing like crazy and costing companies EVEN more. Whats their point of tryin to save money? More and more companies are getting pissin off every year with double digit percent increases...
This annual spiral increases will eventually screw USA up... It won't be long before we realize the seriousness of the problem.
Plus, I think it is time for Uncle sam to take over health system!!! FOOK President Richard Nixon for deregulate the insurance industry! Thanks alot to him!

I agree! Chain reaction problem lingers that way....includes parents who have to miss work for taking their kids in for doctor's appt when schools require a doctor's note.
As a teacher at an university, I am not allowed to call in sick really.

If there's an emergency or I am serious-sick, I am allowed to cancel only ONE class.
If more, I have to find and pay for the sub out of my paycheck-- $40 hourly. (the university does not take care of the subsitutes teachers).

They do frown if I have to find a sub more than two times.

The class is only 10 weeks so it does affect the students' signing skills if the regular teacher's not being there for them.

so I am stocking up on my Vitamin C and ZINC!

Do 19 year old university teachers exist? I HARDLY believe that.