California approves gay marriage

You miss my point 100%......I'm pointing out that this "sin" doesn't hurt anyone. Yeah, like stereotypical homosexuality isn't the healthiest thing on the planet. What I mean by stereotypical, is the type of person who treats sex as a completely hedonistic experiance, and who sleeps around with lots and lots of people. HOWEVER, there are LOTS of HETROSEXUAL folks who have that mentality too! I can see how....stuff like that would be a sin, and stuff like not being true to yourself or whatever is a sin.....but iyiyiyiyi!
deafdyke said:
You miss my point 100%......I'm pointing out that this "sin" doesn't hurt anyone. Yeah, like stereotypical homosexuality isn't the healthiest thing on the planet. What I mean by stereotypical, is the type of person who treats sex as a completely hedonistic experiance, and who sleeps around with lots and lots of people. HOWEVER, there are LOTS of HETROSEXUAL folks who have that mentality too! I can see how....stuff like that would be a sin, and stuff like not being true to yourself or whatever is a sin.....but iyiyiyiyi!

Expand it more please. I can answer to your point but you are speaking with very general thing.
deafdyke said:
You miss my point 100%......I'm pointing out that this "sin" doesn't hurt anyone. Yeah, like stereotypical homosexuality isn't the healthiest thing on the planet. What I mean by stereotypical, is the type of person who treats sex as a completely hedonistic experiance, and who sleeps around with lots and lots of people. HOWEVER, there are LOTS of HETROSEXUAL folks who have that mentality too! I can see how....stuff like that would be a sin, and stuff like not being true to yourself or whatever is a sin.....but iyiyiyiyi!

Huh? it doesn't hurt anyone? It hurts God.
Don't you ever think about him?
And doesn't it break your parents' heart? Are they proud of this?

My mom is sad because my sister isn't married, and she had
child out of wedlock.
My mom expect her daughter to have a normal life.
And my mom wish to see her daughter married before she died...

It would break her heart if her daughter turned lesbian and
married a lesbian. And her daughter would force my mom to accept that.

My mom is disappointed with me too, she raised me for 34 years, she
doesn't expect to raise me this long, she wants me to get a job.

And I hope her only grandchild doesn't disappoint her either...
I hope he doesn't do drugs, join gangs, go prison, or be homosexual...

It is sad that my mom worked so hard and take time to take
care of us all by herself... and at least we should do is to make her proud.

Even my Grandmom V, her sons didn't visit her often at the Nursing Home...
She raised her sons the best way she could...
and she died alone in that hospital...
She had a terrible stroke, and was vegetable, no love from her sons.
None of her sons made her proud.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
And doesn't it break your parents' heart? Are they proud of this?

My mom is sad because my sister isn't married, and she had
child out of wedlock.
My mom expect her daughter to have a normal life.
And my mom wish to see her daughter married before she died...

It would break her heart if her daughter turned lesbian and
married a lesbian. And her daughter would force my mom to accept that.

My mom is disappointed with me too, she raised me for 34 years, she
doesn't expect to raise me this long, she wants me to get a job.

And I hope her only grandchild doesn't disappoint her either...
I hope he doesn't do drugs, join gangs, go prison, or be homosexual...

It is sad that my mom worked so hard and take time to take
care of us all by herself... and at least we should do is to make her proud.

Even my Grandmom V, her sons didn't visit her often at the Nursing Home...
She raised her sons the best way she could...
and she died alone in that hospital...
She had a terrible stroke, and was vegetable, no love from her sons.
None of her sons made her proud.

This isn't about disappointment. This is about being who we are as people, and being given the same rights and privledges as the heterosexual has had for centuries. That's why we're fighting this so hard for this.
My parents don't know about the fact that I like girls...I am still coming to terms with it's not b/c it's bad or anything....just b/c our society is SO negative about sexuality and difference in general. It took me seventeen years to come to terms with the fact that I am deaf after all!
Miss Pinnchio...HOW does it hurt God? Many years ago, they insisted that interracial marriage hurt God or whatever....How do you know it hurts God?
It obviously does not universally hurt God, since there is so much discussion and debate about this issue, in TONS of churches!
Crazymanwoot, so you're saying that the reason it's sinful, is b/c it's all about sex,sex and more sex? WRONG! Many of us aren't sexcrazed hedonists....I mean we like feels AWESOME *blush*, but we don't have sex just for the sensations....we have sex with a particualr person to tell them that we love them, beyond what ordinary words can say. We don't have sex for sex alone....Yeah, there are some idoits who are into stuff like that BUT, there are hetrosexual folks who go to massage parlors and stuff too!
well while you gays get yall rights.

I gonna take advantage of this situation
by manipulating self righteous people in USA.

Still didn't fully respond to my posting....what does self-rightousness have to do with gay rights? Miss would you like it if you fell in love with someone and the law said you couldn't marry them b/c of something superfical like they had an innie belly button while you had an outtie?
deafdyke said:
My parents don't know about the fact that I like girls...I am still coming to terms with it's not b/c it's bad or anything....just b/c our society is SO negative about sexuality and difference in general. It took me seventeen years to come to terms with the fact that I am deaf after all!
Miss Pinnchio...HOW does it hurt God? Many years ago, they insisted that interracial marriage hurt God or whatever....How do you know it hurts God?
It obviously does not universally hurt God, since there is so much discussion and debate about this issue, in TONS of churches!
ADULTERS are part of homosexuality and it is part of sin. Our sin made ourself to be opposite with Lord's way. With our rebel against him and it hurts him because that he created us and then we despite him for no reason. SIN hurts GOD.
Crazymanwoot, so you're saying that the reason it's sinful, is b/c it's all about sex,sex and more sex? WRONG! Many of us aren't sexcrazed hedonists....I mean we like feels AWESOME *blush*, but we don't have sex just for the sensations....we have sex with a particualr person to tell them that we love them, beyond what ordinary words can say. We don't have sex for sex alone....Yeah, there are some idoits who are into stuff like that BUT, there are hetrosexual folks who go to massage parlors and stuff too!
You need to be careful when you are using the sex activity. Gay sex isnt allowed cuz of many reason, not health, god forbids it, etc. Same thing with straight people when the straight guy have sex with 100 different women and that is not health for the guy to do that and it insults to our Lord. Man I am too tired to response your comment try again tmw please?
ADULTERS are part of homosexuality and it is part of sin. Our sin made ourself to be opposite with Lord's way. With our rebel against him and it hurts him because that he created us and then we despite him for no reason. SIN hurts GOD.
NO!!!!!! Adultery is stuff like cheating on your spouse.

You need to be careful when you are using the sex activity. Gay sex isnt allowed cuz of many reason, not health, god forbids it, etc. Same thing with straight people when the straight guy have sex with 100 different women and that is not health for the guy to do that and it insults to our Lord.
How is it not healthy? Yes, I quite agree with you that sex is sacred, and that stuff like KINKY fetishes REALLY degrade it....but I mean, we GLBers do virtually all the same sex acts that straight folks do. The ONLY difference is that our partner has the same equipment down there that WE do!
Stop judging us. You don't go into an S&M devotee's sex practices and condemn them as evil, do you? You don't go into your minister's/pastor's sex life and scream that "that particular sex position is evil b/c God said that it needs to be done in a manner different from what they are doing it?"
Do you condemn people who murder? Do you condemn people who work on Sundays? Do you condemn people who wear clothes of mixed fabrics?
Finally a contribuation from another messageboard:
An aspect of Jesus' teachings that tends to get lost in all the smoke and mirrors was his insistence that a personal relationship with God was more important than the blindly legalistic adhesion to the letter of the law advocated by the Pharisees.
deafdyke said:
Do you condemn people who murder? Do you condemn people who work on Sundays? Do you condemn people who wear clothes of mixed fabrics?
Finally a contribuation from another messageboard:

yeah I condemn people who murder.
people who worked on Sundays, I worried about that.
mixed fabrics?

Have you ever met a murderer? Have you met a cop who
killed a person? Have you met a military officer who killed a person during the war?
Well my 2 Uncles were soldiers in Vietnam and they killed some people...
and after they came home from Vietnam, they died young before age 40...
one Uncle couldn't get that vision out of his head...
and killed himself by using a car, and wreck it.
my other Uncle couldn't deal with that either...
so he died from seizure, nobody know why he died that way....
He was in jail, and fighting demons and stuff... gone crazy.

I'm telling the truth.

Cashiers and cooking hamburgers at McDonald's on Sunday ain't work.
It's the same thing when Mom cooked on Sunday and serve it to me.

Mixed fabrics? No, I am wearing 100% cotton.
I hate polyester.
all you people who condem and disapprove gay couples, or gay marriages i say to u, get a life, and start worrying about more important things like all the horrible stuff going on in the world, like murders and theifs and child molestors and the hurricane katrina victims. if one woman wants to date or marry another woman, and if one man falls in love with another man leave them be. they are in love and there's nothing wrong with love. one sex loving the same sex is nothing new. its been going on for centuries, its just becoming more apparent because the world is changing and society is changing. and people are becoming more and more brave to say hey, this is who i am.

and yeah yeah, god doesn't approve, this is satans work. no its not satans work because satan has nothing to do with love. satan is all about hate and anger. the subject of gay marriages has nothing to do with hate, it only has to do with love. the only hateful thing about gay marriages are the dumb asses who disapprove of it.

so as stated in the above paragraph, get a life and start worrying about REAL problems in society, not the love of two people.
AJ said:
satan is all about hate and anger. the subject of gay marriages has nothing to do with hate, it only has to do with love. the only hateful thing about gay marriages are the dumb asses who disapprove of it.
Beautiful statement :thumb:
yeah they can love each other, I don't care what they do in their bedroom.
But why marriage?
God doesn't approve homosexual.... so why have gay marriage?

What is wrong with Civil union? Paper is paper.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
yeah they can love each other, I don't care what they do in their bedroom.
But why marriage?
God doesn't approve homosexual.... so why have gay marriage?

What is wrong with Civil union? Paper is paper.

All a civil union is is a compromise. If I had a choice between no rights and a civil union, I'll accept the compromise. However, I'd rather have the right to marry my partner! I'm sure others feel the same way.
so you're just gonna take the word, "God" out of your vows...
and just marrying in court with a judge there,

You can't force God to accept homosexual.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
You can't force God to accept homosexual.
You can't force God to hate homosexuals.

You need to play the pac-man game again and forget about everything.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
so you're just gonna take the word, "God" out of your vows...
and just marrying in court with a judge there,

You can't force God to accept homosexual.

Homosexuality is being accepted even in the areas of faith. The Episcopal Church has ordained gay priests. Other denominations have also ordained priests. There's no need to take God out of the marriage vows. Like it or not, it has happened. Being gay and being Christian are no longer mutually exclusive anymore.
priests? oh please... most of those priests are child molesters.

God doesn't accept homosexual, so if you gone ahead and married...
it will still be invalid, because God doesn't accept homosexual...

The end.