California approves gay marriage

So it is okay to kill, steal, lie, cheat, and be gay?
Well you can lie and cheat and be gay without going to jail.

Actually theres a statute as to how far you can lie or cheat or steal, before it becomes against the law :) You cross the line, you can go to jail for a long long time.

Just so happens there's no legal definition either for or against gays.. thats currently being churned out by the courts as we speak. :fruit: :fruit:

Miss*Pinocchio said:
So it is okay to kill, steal, lie, cheat, and be gay?
Well you can lie and cheat and be gay without going to jail.

Well we got a Mayor who rules over the city.
We got a Governor who rules over the state.
We got a President who rules over the country.
So who is ruling over the planet and the universe?
deafdyke said:
Did I REALLY read this post in 2005, and not in the dark ages?!?!
We GLBers are NOT Satanist-style evil.....I swear.....WHAT have you been smoking? We are ALL sinners.....each and EVERY ONE of us.
I'm sorry, but stuff like that is one of the BIGGEST reasons why people dislike extremists like YOU.....b/c the stuff you say makes you sound ignorant and crackheaded!
Yeah I expected that you guys dislike me because I follow Jesus Christ. Therefore the core is that you really dislike Jesus Christ's standard.
fw001 said:
Religion.. It's all bullshit.. "Pray to me, bow before me, fear me, worship me, and I will let you into my realm so that you may forevermore kiss my royal ass and pray to me some more.. Fail to do so, and I will send you into the pits of hell, where for all of eternity shall your flesh be burned, your mouth dry, your mind driven mad." Yeah, sounds sort of like the Goa'uld in StarGate..

Next, please. :grouphug:

I guess you're right, I don't understand why God punish New Orleans
but not San Francisco and Massachuetts...
Well I guess there is no God, sad to say.

And I assume if Gov. Schwarzenegger becomes reelected Governor,
I guess he'll approve Gay Marriage...
He doesn't want to touch Gay Marriage issue now, because he
wants Christians vote too.

I guess I go back and read Astrology... you should try it, fw001.
Crazymanw00t said:
Yeah I expected that you guys dislike me because I follow Jesus Christ. Therefore the core is that you really dislike Jesus Christ's standard.

CrazymanWoot, don't worry about it...
you can't save USA, because it is already a sh*tty country anyway...
9/11 tragic happened, high crimes, we depend on import than export,
gas prices too high, immigrant, abortion, kids ain't safe here,

and yeah we will have to face a new problem, high AIDS/HIV rates everywhere near you.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
CrazymanWoot, don't worry about it...
you can't save USA, because it is already a sh*tty country anyway...
9/11 tragic happened, high crimes, we depend on import than export,
gas prices too high, immigrant, abortion, kids ain't safe here,

and yeah we will have to face a new problem, high AIDS/HIV rates everywhere near you.

I am not here to save USA or this website or AIDs/HIV. I am here to save the lost souls and confused christian.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I guess you're right, I don't understand why God punish New Orleans
but not San Francisco and Massachuetts...
Well I guess there is no God, sad to say.

And I assume if Gov. Schwarzenegger becomes reelected Governor,
I guess he'll approve Gay Marriage...
He doesn't want to touch Gay Marriage issue now, because he
wants Christians vote too.

I guess I go back and read Astrology... you should try it, fw001.

FYI GOD don't punish New Orleans. It is his plan to show how powerful he is.
Yeah I expected that you guys dislike me because I follow Jesus Christ. Therefore the core is that you really dislike Jesus Christ's standard.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,......No, we don't dislike you b/c you follow Jesus. NOBODY here hates Jesus or His teachings. Hey....I'm not even a Christian, but I like His teachings! Get that persecution complex out of your head!!!!!
We simply dislike your assetration that YOUR interpretation of Christianity is the ONLY RIGHT ONE! There are MANY MANY different interpretations of what God wants us to do to honor Him......and they all believe that they are doing the right thing.
If someone came into your home preaching their beliefs were the RIGHT ones, or if you were accosted in the airport and on the street by someone who truely believed that aliens were going to come to save us, or that there is some NEW prophet who is the RIGHT one, or whatever....your reaction would be the SAME!!!!! There is NO evidecne that YOUR way is the absolute RIGHT way. Just b/c we disagree with some of your beliefs and the way you're trying to propegate them, doesn't mean we are anti-Christian! Fact is...only GOD or whatever Gods may be know what is the correct way......So don't judge us. We're simply saying "Judge ye that ye not be judged!"
Crazymanw00t said:
I am not here to save USA or this website or AIDs/HIV. I am here to save the lost souls and confused christian.

Well don't try to save someone who don't want help at all.

Forget them.

Today I help an New Orleans Victims today, I gave them my microwave and refrigerator. And help bring in pots and pan, pillows, and coffee maker,
and things they need for their new home.

That is something Jesus would do, a true Christian would do.

So why not help those who need help the most...
Miss*Pinocchio said:
priests? oh please... most of those priests are child molesters.
The end.

Who? I have not met one yet. Only handful priests were child molesters. They are gone.

What make u think priests are homosexuals? Violent sexual predators are not same as homosexuals.
Funny thing about our governor Arnold, he loves to grab women's asses and veto gay marriage. What a hyporcrite!
I am here to save the lost souls and confused christian.
We appreciate your caring, but most people I know dislike being preached at....I'm just trying to help you see that most of the time tracts and magazines are simply thrown away..... MANY people have it in their heads that America is some sort of Godless nation, and that those of us who aren't hyper religious have never heard the word. MANY people have heard the word....and MOST heed it already. We live in a country where Christianity is the majority religion! A lot of those who aren't Christian are that way b/c they were disillusianed or see a lot of hypocracy in christianity. It's going to take a heck of a lot of work to convert those types.....and actually I hate to tell you this, but research has indicated that a lot of fundy and evailingcal kids (80%) fall away from the faith.....
Yeah I'm sure you'd spot a priest who molests children right away, Jazzy! You the detective, man! You go, boy! :sure:

And just because they're no longer a media frenzy subject, doesnt mean "they are gone". If anything, they've become alot more careful.

jazzy said:
Who? I have not met one yet. Only handful priests were child molesters. They are gone.

What make u think priests are homosexuals? Violent sexual predators are not same as homosexuals.
Oh, and Crazymanwoot.....if Jesus was here today, he would probaly be supporting the poor people, the GLB people and other outcasts from society.
He supported and hung out with the prostitutes...who were the marginalized outcast types of their day. Jesus did not judge. The Bible says "Judge ye that ye not be judged!" He ALSO said that it was more important to have a personal relationship with God, then it was to stick to the law of various and sundry religions!
So it is okay to kill, steal, lie, cheat, and be gay?
No it's not OK to kill, steal, lie and cheat.....being gay has NOTHING ON earth to do with those other sins. Explain to me WHY God would see it as a sin....
It doesn't hurt anyone.....and before you say it hurts God....some people may have seen giving rights to blacks as hurting God or whateevr!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Well we got a Mayor who rules over the city.
We got a Governor who rules over the state.
We got a President who rules over the country.
So who is ruling over the planet and the universe?
I am. Bow down and worship me.
Actually, it's Judge not, least ye be judged. (Matthew 7:1-2) .. There's alot of speculation as to what it means, though. Because the bible also says in John 7:24 - Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. :wiggle:

And god would see it as a sin because he did not create woman so that man could go and screw man, and man so woman could go and screw (??) woman.. You're assuming that because we CAN, then it must be righteous in the eyes of god.. who's to say it's not evil?

deafdyke said:
Oh, and Crazymanwoot.....if Jesus was here today, he would probaly be supporting the poor people, the GLB people and other outcasts from society.
He supported and hung out with the prostitutes...who were the marginalized outcast types of their day. Jesus did not judge. The Bible says "Judge ye that ye not be judged!" He ALSO said that it was more important to have a personal relationship with God, then it was to stick to the law of various and sundry religions!

No it's not OK to kill, steal, lie and cheat.....being gay has NOTHING ON earth to do with those other sins. Explain to me WHY God would see it as a sin....
It doesn't hurt anyone.....and before you say it hurts God....some people may have seen giving rights to blacks as hurting God or whateevr!
fw001 said:
And god would see it as a sin because he did not create woman so that man could go and screw man, and man so woman could go and screw (??) woman.. You're assuming that because we CAN, then it must be righteous in the eyes of god.. who's to say it's not evil?

The evidence (Kinsey's papers, etc.) clearly shows that the vast majority of people are bisexual to some degree or another, even those who live 'straight' lives. While you could say the vast majority of people are sinners, that detail is irrelevant, as I have my doubts that God would specifically make so many people bisexual (learning towards heterosexual or homosexual) or homosexual if being such was inherently sinful.

Moreover, I'd like to point out that the Bible in its original languages at no point actually states that homosexuality is a sin, that belief comes entirely from homophobic priests.