Hey SilenceGold. What an interesting choosing the word for SilenceGold.
Close or Open mind through around the Deaf communities are not show equal or respect in what I have seen. Even the one thing, I wish the Deaf communities are doing and something to prevent that twist up the Deaf culture. For example; my girlfriend is attending the college to take ASL. Even, she is Deaf and sign in SEE and some PSE. When she got chances see me and then she excited to sign communicate better with me. I puzzled at her and asked what she trying to says. She signs trash and then I asked her, “Me throw purse your in can”. She learned from the college and some not those rights sign. Are we allowing that happen? Other one that bother me is “Deaf program”, “Deaf Education Dept”, “Deaf Public School Program”, and many different where I went 4 different states public school. I don’t see the big change with sign language. The only bother me that should set as “Deaf Education State” that run with our tax money. I asked myself that public school depend on the funds and gives to Deaf program received the fund money left over? It just bothers me a lot.
You are right about educating children and include the hearing people. I have talk with several people that graduated from deaf school. In here of Oklahoma School for the Deaf, they are not happy because they discover when they enroll the college. The college responds to different deaf students and different reaction. The college told them to do all over the basic general: Math, Reading, and English. Even, deaf student graduated from deaf school with good GPA. I have know that high percent in several years ago that average 4th reading levels with graduated. Even, I met several deaf college student transfers to public/regular University or college told them to take test on basic general field to pass the college levels. Also, my friend attends to one oral school for whole life and not knows about Deaf culture. Until my friend went to university, friend starts learn about Deaf culture and sign too.
I am getting my cochlear implant pretty soon. Honest with you, I am not that excite because I want hearing aids instead of implant. Yes, I wish my family do sign. The two different problems; my parents are divorced and remarried. It is turn split two families become three families in my life. Only my side family still signs by “ABC” and basic sign but not like a regular converse person to person. I normal use a voice with my families instead using the finger spelling. I have no problem with using my voice and sign. Other two sides’ families carry guilty about not using sign language. My point about my other side is focus on their own good money instead family value. Right now, I have a deaf girlfriend and her mother’s family does sign. It is kind of challenge; they willing to sign, communicate, and write on paper to ensure that my girlfriend understood what they were talking about. Beside my girlfriend, she has a deaf brother too.
In my community of here state is weak and not like East Coast where among Deaf Communities from what I knows. I am not going to get cochlear implant, if my state deaf community likes a rock. In my opinion that my state starts grow with cochlear implant than the deaf community because I meet the people. I asked what they are doing for living. They earned from money with SSI. I asked, “Have you find any luck job that you application position?” They answer my question, “I want stay with SSI and not looking for job.”, “I don’t want to loose the SSI, if I have a work.”, “I have SSI for 20 years. I am smart to saving money for wash my clothes once a month because I have 35 days of each clothe.” Many answers are different that I got and not try harder to find job as we can do it.
There are shared I want to say. I wish here that state to close deaf campus due not well education enough. I don’t like to see hearing parent and deaf child separate because of deaf school provide the resident dorm. Parents always take doctor advice in primary instead research more about “Deaf Child”. What kind research the parent should find out? Is the family history having Deaf? The deaf child wills success in the future with sign language? How can we or the deaf child improve with English communicate skills in writing? Unless the deaf child wants cochlear implant, child can decide themselves to talk with parent around nine or ten years old. Because I met the cochlear implant people, they say to their parent, “Why do you want me have cochlear implant after I born?” Will the parents are answering their question when the deaf child asked that kind of investigation?
Most of those negative I have says because here that state are lazy to me that I meet. I am 22 years old and move from different states. Current college student at University, study in field as business. I am doing for myself and get all cochlear implant on my head this year. I am doing purpose for college, future family, people, and many purposes. However; I don’t believe to put the deaf child born to get cochlear implant. Why am I saying this? Because they can lose who they are, I watch the movie called, “Sound and Fury.” It is interesting hot topic about cochlear implant verse deaf, but they are in same family members. I saw one scene movie/tape that girl use cochlear implant. The girl doesn’t understand deaf girl sign language. The girl asked the mother what the deaf girl doing. Mother respond, “That is sign language and deaf culture doing this communicate to other communicate.” The girl starts confused about sign language like she asked herself that she needs learn sign language too? It just interests know about that one.
Well enough for me to says, because I don’t like negative about deaf culture. Since I rise with the Deaf world, In Oklahoma state is different where I used to live. I moved from Texas, but I don’t have that trouble like here Oklahoma. See what I am saying other negative.