I'm not one to spark up a whole new debate, but I'll try to add a small comment. (riiight)
I grew up thinking that CI's were the devil, you know, dont get them, dont ever promote them. My dad's whole family has a progressive hearing loss - it starts early and then by the time we're teenagers, its almost completly gone. ASL is our first language, English our second. I grew up going to the Deaf club and people there have always said they're bad. Yes, i've heard "CI's ruin our culture" "they make you robots" "they limit you from sports, fun, anything!" Granted, having one comes with an enormous responsibility. With that, it was family opinion to say "they're wrong."
Yet the older I got, the more I felt I kind of missed out. No, Im not sorry I'm deaf (physically speaking), I'm just glad it comes with Deafness. When I moved in with my hearing mom at 17, she asked me if I'd ever consider a CI, my response was a quick "FUCK NO!" She simply asked me why, and I couldnt give her a rational answer. That was when I started wonder "are they really that bad?" And I came to the conclusion of: no, they are not. They may not work for everyone (yes i have SEVERAL friends who have said they hate it and it doesnt work.) Yet I have a couple other ones for whom they work for! Myself, I know they're not evil - society is expanding - technology wise. Im sorry for the fact that people feel we are limited - but I think we are only limited if we choose to allow ourselves to be, and to allow other people to treat us as if we are. I just feel that babies - i mean, i'll just say that Im not comfortable knowing that the child has no defense against whats happening to them. Yes, they may work early on, but when I see someone say "we're doing this so they can have a better life and not feel like the world is against them," I flip out. The world is not against me, and I work just F-I-N-E out in the hearing world. Life is what you make it, EDUCATE people. Deaf people who complain that hearing people call us disabled, treats us like we're stupid, talk to us as if we're children, are L-A-Z-Y. Life is about learning - educate the people around you. Pass on something important. If someone asks you about a CI, give a non-biased answer. (I've tried.) There are positives and negatives to a CI, to anything.
*remembers past posts* Disability? Sad to say my yearbook quote says "Deafness is a way of life, not a disability." I agree with whomever said that if someone says deafness is not a disability, then stop using ADA laws, interps.. etc.. I cant consider myself disabled, I really cant. It doesnt come from being in a Deaf family, or growing up at the Deaf club. It comes from being treated as an equal in grade school, and junior high. High school was a mess (when is it not!) and it became harder to fit in. The older you get, the more biased you are - what ever happened to grade school?

(edit: After talking to my dad - its sad that we have to have a law that gets us ASL interpreters when if someone who is spanish, asks for one, hearing people say SURE NOT A PROBLEM!! They dont hassle them as much as they would a Deaf person.)
Someone commented on grammar - Im sorry to say but fuck you.

Being Deaf - or deaf - doesnt matter - comes with the neglect to know perfect grammar. My best friend's grammar sucks, but like i said - EDUCATE people. I help her, i help anyone. I dont become angry because she doesnt make sense, or when she messes up. Granted - its no excuse - but obviously its not going to change anytime soon - move on - dont correct.
Ever notice its the ones who have a better speaking ability that lash out at the ones who dont?
Thats all I got.