Bye, Bye Clarke?!?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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I was on the Clarke School for the Deaf's Allumni Association Facebook site....found out some news. They have SOLD pretty much the entire campus!!!!! They are moving the elemetrary and middle school classroom programs off campus. The future of the dorm program is in question. Right now there are only eight dorm kids, and three of them are eighth graders. (who will graduate in 2012) So now the Noho campus is going to be pretty much just an early intervention program with mainstream services and audi services.......So basicly, Clarke is no longer going to be an actual school? Who would have thunk? Even when I was young there were 45 boarders at Clarke, and the middle school program was BOOMING!
Is auditory oral private K-8 education pretty much DEAD in the US? I know CID is now basicly just an early intervention clinic, although they do serve early elementary (which is amazing seeing as even ten years ago they still had dorms) I wonder if Clarke dying might actually have a positive impact on the enrollment of state res schools......I remember shel, and postsfromhell saying that they saw numorous oral transfers at their schools. I know too that FSDB, and Kansas School for the Deaf are now HOH friendly..... I wonder if Clarke dying just means that state schools for the Deaf have become HOH friendly......
It is my old school. I am disappointed what they were doing. :( I dunno if i wanted to go reunion. I never went ONE of them. Just not comfortable going. Maybe I would go for a day or two next July 2012. See see

I was wondering...why can't they sell other Clarke campus in NY, other one in Mass I think, Fla etc....and keep Northampton campus. Northampton campus is 1st one, and I rather to keep it as history. Old buildings, paintings, their histories, so many....

Even they didn't ask us if ok with us to change the name. We were so angry about it. Still do!
I was on the Clarke School for the Deaf's Allumni Association Facebook site....found out some news. They have SOLD pretty much the entire campus!!!!! They are moving the elemetrary and middle school classroom programs off campus. The future of the dorm program is in question. Right now there are only eight dorm kids, and three of them are eighth graders. (who will graduate in 2012) So now the Noho campus is going to be pretty much just an early intervention program with mainstream services and audi services.......So basicly, Clarke is no longer going to be an actual school? Who would have thunk? Even when I was young there were 45 boarders at Clarke, and the middle school program was BOOMING!
Is auditory oral private K-8 education pretty much DEAD in the US? I know CID is now basicly just an early intervention clinic, although they do serve early elementary (which is amazing seeing as even ten years ago they still had dorms) I wonder if Clarke dying might actually have a positive impact on the enrollment of state res schools......I remember shel, and postsfromhell saying that they saw numorous oral transfers at their schools. I know too that FSDB, and Kansas School for the Deaf are now HOH friendly..... I wonder if Clarke dying just means that state schools for the Deaf have become HOH friendly......

It really doesn't mean that at all. It means with CI, parents determined on oral education then send their kids on to the mainstream.
Right...Ci really kinda ruin it. I rather leave deafness alone and let a child make a decision when she/he gets older if want CI or not. Not doctors or parent's decision.
It really doesn't mean that at all. It means with CI, parents determined on oral education then send their kids on to the mainstream.
It is my old school. I am disappointed what they were doing. :( I dunno if i wanted to go reunion. I never went ONE of them. Just not comfortable going. Maybe I would go for a day or two next July 2012. See see

I was wondering...why can't they sell other Clarke campus in NY, other one in Mass I think, Fla etc....and keep Northampton campus. Northampton campus is 1st one, and I rather to keep it as history. Old buildings, paintings, their histories, so many....

Even they didn't ask us if ok with us to change the name. We were so angry about it. Still do!

Lake Tahoe, I know. Do you think that Clarke is underutlized? Do you think that the president and the people who run things are kinda out of it about what life is like in the mainstream for dhh kids? I honestly think that a lot of parents of dhh kids are unaware of Clarke as a placement or think that Clarke is just for profound or implant kids. It is really sad that Clarke is dying as a school.....I mean god.....I wonder if the current president had promoted the school better, if it could be more of a res school. Then again..... I wonder if the closure of the private oral schools might actually signal a CI bubble bursting. I think a lot of people assumed that the oral schools were just for implanted kids, and forgot about HA kids.
Wow! I'm surprised to read the update news. I graduated from Clarke student...

An employee told me that they focused on CI children as a primary goal. I believe that the goal was very successful. I learned that many non-CI students, who graduated, use the ASL instead of oral. I don't know if it is true that they are selling the properties slowly because of their embarrassment what they saw some grad-student's failing speech.

About 3 years ago, there are 300 staff and 8 students on the campus. The total of students are 30. Most students are day school. Wow. There are so many offices in the "hobby" building (cooking, sewing, art classes,etc.). I think that there is one hobby which provides a computer class in the main building. Oh, there are more offices in the dormitory ( where we used to sleep there. It was so strange that they got rid of the bedrooms. Maybe, there could be some deaf ghosts living there that could be the reason. :giggle:

I probably don't think that they are selling all of them. Maybe, it could be a scandal. They are still asking for more contributions, investments and donations from wealthy people. That is so strange because we, taxpayers, pay for the public schools except private schools. Some states allow some money toward to some private schools, but I don't want to know about it. I have too many things to do for my own life.
Wow..... you mean there's only 30 full time students at Clarke?!?! I thought Clarke had at least 60 students? Again, you'd think that Clarke being 100% private could have managed to recruit kids from overseas or from wealthy families where they're dissatisfied with the accomondations in public schools. I also wonder. They're raving abt how kids are doing so well.....but what about when older kids start falling behind? That has always....and I mean ALWAYS been kids who transfer to Clarke after struggling in the public schools. What about those kids? I think if the current president had effectively promoted the middle school program, there would be a lot of kids on campus. I think in five years there are going to be a lot of parents of oral deaf kids who think " there needs to be schools etc for these kids! Why can't there be schools for these kids?"
Can't say I'm really surprised.

Why not? And of the things that is REALLY annoying me is the way that oral schools are promoting auditory verbal " attend neighborhood school" as some sort of innovative path. And you know what? I think a big part of it is that the oral schools have tapped out the parents who can afford to fight their school district or the ones who can afford to private pay, or even the ones with really good health insurance. You really don't see Clarke offering scholarships for parents of kids in crappy school districts to place them there.(like the way Philips Exeter does) ....God, I hate hate hate hate hate how auditory verbal assumes that the neighborhood school is going to be one of those middle class ones, instead of one of those ones in an inner city or a really rural low resource area.
I also wonder if the current recession has contribuated to low boarding placements too? And then again, we have reports that the kids who would have gone to Clarke in the old days, are now being placed at the State Schools. PostsFromHell has said that there was an average of 2 oral kids a semester being placed at CSDB, and I think we have input from a few other state schools on here......bajagirl and shel, you guys have quite a few oral kids transferring right? Like it's not unknown for an oral kid to transfer to a state deaf school now right?
Why not? And of the things that is REALLY annoying me is the way that oral schools are promoting auditory verbal " attend neighborhood school" as some sort of innovative path. And you know what? I think a big part of it is that the oral schools have tapped out the parents who can afford to fight their school district or the ones who can afford to private pay, or even the ones with really good health insurance. You really don't see Clarke offering scholarships for parents of kids in crappy school districts to place them there.(like the way Philips Exeter does) ....God, I hate hate hate hate hate how auditory verbal assumes that the neighborhood school is going to be one of those middle class ones, instead of one of those ones in an inner city or a really rural low resource area.
I also wonder if the current recession has contribuated to low boarding placements too? And then again, we have reports that the kids who would have gone to Clarke in the old days, are now being placed at the State Schools. PostsFromHell has said that there was an average of 2 oral kids a semester being placed at CSDB, and I think we have input from a few other state schools on here......bajagirl and shel, you guys have quite a few oral kids transferring right? Like it's not unknown for an oral kid to transfer to a state deaf school now right?

The problem is, the people of the Clarke administration look down at the deaf.
deaf schools are so unwanted these days, many deaf schools over here have shut down due to parents sending their kids to HIU units or mainstream schools. I believe deaf kids do need a school just for them like when I went to my school for the deaf. We even had to get an SEN(statement of special educational needs) to get me into the school. Now it is full of kids with special needs, e.g autism, behavioural issues, ,wheelchair bound, etc kids with other needs than deafness. it's just not on!!
Then it would be great if they closed.

Well from what I undy, Clarke isn't TOO bad. But it does seem like the people who run it tend to have this idealistic view of oral only and mainstreaming/inclusion. They don't want to hear ANYTHING about the downsides of it. If you bring up any problems, they get swept under the rug, just like bajagirl did.
It really doesn't mean that at all. It means with CI, parents determined on oral education then send their kids on to the mainstream.

All I can say is ×gag×
It really doesn't mean that at all. It means with CI, parents determined on oral education then send their kids on to the mainstream.

Bottesini, I think that's a part of the issue....but again it's hard to say if it's due to the parents themselves (like the kind of parent who is all "MY child needs to be "normal" and doesn't need to go to a deaf school or have specialized things) or the "experts"who seem to push "inclusion" as something innovative.
I do think that many parents if they knew about the advantages of deaf schools would transfer their kids there in a FLASH. So much of placement is political....and a lot of the "experts" really don't give a shit abt educating dhh kids...I can pretty much guarentee that this generation of "inclusive education" kids is going to be really screwed up.
You're missing however Botte that with Clarke REALLY shrinking drasticly, virtually all the kids who would have transferred to Clarke, are now going to go to their state deaf schools.
Bottesini, I think that's a part of the issue....but again it's hard to say if it's due to the parents themselves (like the kind of parent who is all "MY child needs to be "normal" and doesn't need to go to a deaf school or have specialized things) or the "experts"who seem to push "inclusion" as something innovative.
I do think that many parents if they knew about the advantages of deaf schools would transfer their kids there in a FLASH. So much of placement is political....and a lot of the "experts" really don't give a shit abt educating dhh kids...I can pretty much guarentee that this generation of "inclusive education" kids is going to be really screwed up.
You're missing however Botte that with Clarke REALLY shrinking drasticly, virtually all the kids who would have transferred to Clarke, are now going to go to their state deaf schools.

THat is not true, and I don't miss anything. You try hard to keep that in mind.
ahhh...i thought that this thread was about Jclarke 'coming out' and gone dissappeared to lol