Bush: Waiting to be attacked

Ur serious, Clinton and Carter were worst in office? I find it so funny, sorry had to laugh on this one.
Well, didn't Bush claim to act in Gods name??
Mr President, five years ago I wrote that you "skedaddled" on 9/11. The word was coined during the Civil War to describe those who ran away from battle, which is what you did when you flew to faraway hidey-holes after the Twin Towers attack.

I'm sure you didn't see my column, given your notorious reluctance to venture beyond Washington and Texas. Others did read it, though, and many of them were furious. They accused me of treason because I pointed out your cowardice.

I wonder how those critics feel about you now.

At the time, the details of how you dodged service in Vietnam and then went AWOL from the Air National Guard weren't widely reported by a media that coddled you. Since 9/11, we've had many opportunities to reflect on your history and observe you in action.

You refused to meet with the public except at tightly scripted affairs where the people and their questions were screened.

You avoided New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina much as you did New York on 9/11.

You set presidential records for long vacations at your Texas ranch.

Rather than speak with Cindy Sheehan and other mothers of dead soldiers, you again took refuge in seclusion.

You usurped Constitutional rights by wiretapping citizens without a court order. Brazenly, you put yourself above the law. As you said in 2002: "I'm commander. See, I don't need to explain. I do not need to explain why I say things."

This hubris continued to flaunt itself. In a 2004 presidential debate, when asked to name one mistake you'd made during your first term in office, you couldn't come up with anything. Then, after the election, you said: "Let me put it to you this way. I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style." You spent most of it by trying and failing to privatise Social Security.

Last week, you admitted that the United States has been using secret overseas prisons to interrogate suspected terrorists in 'alternate' ways, thus becoming our first Torture President. Those detainees are being transferred to Guantanamo for military trials even though the Supreme Court has ruled twice that you are depriving people there of their civil rights.

You have been consumed with sending others to fight wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The former did not achieve its objective - to capture Osama bin Laden - and the latter, your pet war, is beginning to look like our nation's worst blunder.

You have sent the bill for this debacle to our children and grandchildren while running up the biggest national debt in US history.

Meanwhile, you are ignoring environmental threats far greater than those presented by terrorists. Global warming, dead zones in the oceans, overpopulation - even such mundane events as deaths caused annually by automobiles and tobacco and hospital mistakes - dwarf the body counts for 9/11.

For most Americans, obesity, not Osama, is the real danger - it's projected that one-third of us will eventually suffer from type-2 diabetes. (We could win a war against obesity.)

You are soft-pedaling our increasing reliance on a dwindling resource: oil.

Where's the courage in all of this? Where's the grace under pressure? Where's the strong man struggling for the many?

Maybe I shouldn't be subjecting you and your strut to scrutiny. Maybe the puppeteers Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are behind our national mess. In that case you're just doing what you perfected at Yale where you led the yells but never played the game.

But I don't think so. I think you have a personal goal. While diverting us with weekly sound bites about the war on terror, you keep transferring wealth from the middle class to the rich. You are ushering in a new Gilded Age marked by political corruption and obscene profits for your cronies.

In retrospect, five years ago I underestimated the damage a coward with power can do.

I googled it up and came up with this one... from BBC.

BBC - Press Office - George Bush on Elusive Peace
Thank you for the link.

I would prefer to see the original words that Bush spoke. The BBC report is from a second party, not a direct quote from Bush.

Also, this interesting. The White House stated that Bush didn't say it.

BBC NEWS | Americas | White House denies Bush God claim


Abbas denies Bush's 'mission from God' remark

October 8, 2005 - 12:23PM

Abbas denies Bush's 'mission from God' remark - World - smh.com.au

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has denied an account by another Palestinian official of a meeting with US President George Bush in which Bush is cited as saying he believed that God told him to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
A statement in Abbas's name released by his office said an excerpt from an interview with Palestinian Information Minister Nabil Shaath due to be broadcast by the BBC in which Shaath described a meeting with Bush in June 2003 gave a "completely false" account.
In the interview for the series, Israel and the Arabs, Shaath described the meeting, at which he said Abbas was present.
"President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did. And then God would tell me, 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq.' And I did,'" Shaath said.
"This report is not true," the Abbas statement said today. "I have never heard President Bush talking about religion as a reason behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. President Bush has never mentioned that in front of me on any occasion and specifically not during my visit in 2003."
Thanks for the link.

...The Haaretz reporter, Arnon Regular, read what the paper said were minutes of the Palestinians' meeting to Kessler and another colleague, who is an Arabic speaker.

The Arabic-speaking colleague's translation, was this: "God inspired me to hit al Qaeda, and so I hit it. And I had the inspiration to hit Saddam, and so I hit him. Now I am determined to solve the Middle East problem if you help. Otherwise the elections will come and I will be wrapped up with them."

Even then, there's uncertainty. After all, this is Abu Mazen's account in Arabic of what Bush said in English, written down by a note-taker in Arabic, then back into English....
Also, this interesting. The White House stated that Bush didn't say it.
President Bush has never mentioned that in front of me on any occasion and specifically not during my visit in 2003."[/B]
Well, if the Whitehouse said that... it must be true!!!

And he didn't mention it to you???? Weired!
By the way,
His biography can be found here... for free....

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin

Hope it's not too late!!​
Eh? Bush is telling us not to trust Democrats? I guess that's his way of trying to cover up for his own mistakes. :roll:
By the way,
His biography can be found here... for free....

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
I thought this thread was about George W. Bush? What does his father's bio have to do with it? :confused:

Umm, Cloggy, the guy who wrote the article seems to have convinced you that Bush had a choice on where he went after the attack began. I can assure you that Bush and Cheny were taken where they were taken to assure their safety and had no choice where or how it was done. Also because of the chain of command in our country those who would follow him in office if he or the vp had died were also placed in protective custody. the chain of commad is actually set up in the Constitution. And don't worry about all those 'leaders' in DC they either skedattled to the safe bunker or out of the city. (that includes the dems) Just on that basis I would completely discount the rants of the author.

Repeat, all of our elected officials in DC have a bunker that they could run to and hide so they and their 'wisdom' could survive an attack. :) Thanks to the democrats the placement of that bunker is no longer a secret so I wonder where they'll run to next time. :)
Well, if the Whitehouse said that... it must be true!!!

And he didn't mention it to you???? Weired!

Uhh, the quote was from Abbas. she was just quoting the article not saying that she was the one he didn't mention it to.

"This report is not true," the Abbas statement said today. "I have never heard President Bush talking about religion as a reason behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. President Bush has never mentioned that in front of me on any occasion and specifically not during my visit in 2003."
Well since it's all bush's fault that he responded why don't we recall what he was responding to?

America Attacked 9 1 1

While watching this remember he had only been in office since mid january. He also did not have all his administrative team in place because the democrats in congress were refusing to consent, even tho they did evenutally consent to most of his choices.

Well worth the wait to load. Upsetting tho. But remember before this there was attacks on the twin towers in the 90's. attacks on our embassies, in the 90's (they resulted in deaths), attacks on the USS Cole (wouldn't have had to happen but the administration thought stand down was more important then not letting anyone near the ships, more friendly to the natives ya know) The thing is they did try talking with the other attacks and they attacks just kept coming. you cannot nagotiate with people who are insane enough to believe their leaders who tell them to go blow themselves up for the cause. (ironically we don't see the 'leaders' sending their own families to blow themselves up or even putting their money where their mouths are....kinda like leaders anywhere)

The US vilolates human rights and these people capture people and cut their heads off? (at least the biggest problem the 'enemy combatants' have had is panties on the head, crude and uncalled for but not life threatening) They capture people and burn them and hang their corpses from bridges? (while the enemy combatants get to eat, sleep and pray in prison) They stand behind their women and children and shoot at their enemy then cry foul when they womene and children get killed? (while our fighting men and women pass out candy to the kids even tho they can never be sure the kids daddy didn't strap a bomb to him?) It's excusable for muslim immigrants in your coutries to riot and rape women because they are being provacative? That doesn't violate human rights? Yet we should excuse them because they say they don't have jobs or are oppressed or whatever? Sheese.
Bush blenches away why the 9/11 had happened. It was U.S.A.. who intervene into Arabic inner affair by backing up Israel. He always tends to emphasis the terrorists STARTed the war by crushing 2 twoers.
Umm, Cloggy, the guy who wrote the article seems to have convinced you that Bush had a choice on where he went after the attack began. I can assure you that Bush and Cheny were taken where they were taken to assure their safety and had no choice where or how it was done. Also because of the chain of command in our country those who would follow him in office if he or the vp had died were also placed in protective custody. the chain of commad is actually set up in the Constitution. And don't worry about all those 'leaders' in DC they either skedattled to the safe bunker or out of the city. (that includes the dems) Just on that basis I would completely discount the rants of the author.

Repeat, all of our elected officials in DC have a bunker that they could run to and hide so they and their 'wisdom' could survive an attack. :) Thanks to the democrats the placement of that bunker is no longer a secret so I wonder where they'll run to next time. :)
The behaviour of Bush and the people around him all indicated that he had to sit tight as the operation was started. The last thing they were worried about was his safety, otherwise they would never have gone to the school. They new a plane had hit the towers. (Bush even lies that he saw it on a screen in the school!!)
Then, after waiting in a school, they fly off without aircover from fighter jets....
They were not worried...
So, I doubt Bush knew what was going to happen. I do believe that he agreed to let someone else run the show!
...Bush even lies that he saw it on a screen in the school...So, I doubt Bush knew what was going to happen. ...
If Bush didn't know what was going to happen, why would he have to lie about seeing it on the screen?

You can't have it both ways.
If Bush didn't know what was going to happen, why would he have to lie about seeing it on the screen?

You can't have it both ways.
He said he saw the first plane hit the north tower on the television before he went into the classroom. So - he said - he knew a plane hit the tower.
With that footage being released the day after - september 12 - it means that HE LIED !