Bush: Waiting to be attacked

Bush II was voted as one of the worst presidents ever by historians who rated the past presidents with Bush II.

Bush II has the lowest IQ of the modern Presidents. Read this:
Presidential IQ analysis

Wow, that's WORST president ever. :eek:

Thanks for link. :)
I don't know what I've done to make you mad at me Cheri, or if it's just you're missing things that I said, or if I'm just not making my points clear enough, but I'll try and be more clear.

You don't think that's a big deal? My goodness, It's a very big deal. Bush sat for well over 5 minutes doing nothing while 3,000 people were drying and the attacks were still in progress after the second airplane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. It does make him a whole lot looking bad. He's the President of the United States and his country being attack and he declined to take action, He could excuse himself, the children would have understood! Yet he did not do that.

Like I said, I'm sure he had told his people to find out what they can and get the ball rolling while he calmly finished with the kids. Besides, there is nothing else that he could have done personally in those first 20 minutes to change anything. It's his aides that are responsible for getting the information to him, and for calling all the appropriate services to get things happening and find out more information. I'm sure he shortened his stay there, but his immediate running out of the room like a frightened school boy isn't going to help anything. So, in that first brief period of time immediately after the attack started, there is nothing more that was his responsibility to be doing, than having told his people to start finding out everything they could and get in action.

You need to do your research, Bush knew two years before Sept. 11th that there were gotta be a planned out and was warned by Osama bin Laden that he would hijack an airliner and hit the government building, Why didn't they tight the security to prevent any incoming threatens? You should take threats seriously, that's not something anyone should blow off.

Bush was only in office for 8 months before it happened. If it was known 2 years in advance, then Clinton should have had it all covered. Bush was barely in office long enough to even get a bill through congress before the attacks. So, with that in mind, Clinton shouldnt have blown it off (unless it was his intention to make the next president look bad if he wanted to.... uhoh, another conspiracy theory). In anycase, if the governemt knew 2 years in advance, then I'd have to say that, based on who was in office in those 2 years, Clinton is 16 months responsible and Bush is 8 months (66%/33%). Would the American people have let the government get away with having airlines pose all the restrictions that they do now, before 9/11 happened? Do you really think Bush could have done in those 8 months for security what has taken 5 years since then and still isnt infallible?

Number one, Bush never asked us if we wanted the war to begin with, His very own words were, "You're either with us or against us". How come he didn't take care of the threats made by Osama bin Laden before Sept. 11th occurred? He's the one that went against us. It made Sept. 11th to happened so that he could have a reason to start a war in Iraq to get Saddam, He wanted Saddam because of his father. It's all about revenge. It has nothing to do with us. It's about him and his family. He dragged us in the middle of it, American people got killed. I've think of Bush as a murder, but some American people just so blind to see right through Bush.

Did Roosevelt ask us if we wanted to go into WWII? How come he didnt take care of Hitler and Japan before Dec. 7, 1941? How come Clinton didnt get Osama in the 8 years he was president and was practically handed Osama giftwrapped (as I said, 'on a silver platter') more than once. After 9/11, Bush did send forces after Osama, and Saddam, only Osama found a better hiding spot. The world is a better place without Saddam in power and he must pay for his crimes, which include harboring terrorism (and Osama) and killing his own people. We're still after Osama but man that bastard is slippery.

The movie “Fahrenheit 9/11” were Moore's theory about what really happened on Sept. 11th, It all make sense, vs how Bush explained his answers, His answers don't match up, How could WTC -7 collapsed, when it was far away from WTC-1 and WTC-2? How come steel were recycled so quick before the engineer had the time to figure out what cause WTC-7 to collapsed? because steel cannot melt during a small amount of fire, the plane did not crashed into WTC-7? It leaves the mystery what really had happened.

All conspiracy theories make sense. Ninety-five percent (making that number up) of them are total BS. Moore's 'theory' is just a paranoid lunatic's take on things and his movie is a collection of lies to spread his beliefs. Like I said, he's being sued by many people whose videos he used in his movie and warped those videos to fit what he wanted them to be, not caring about his defamation of the people in those videos. WTC-7 collapsed because of structural damage from a huge building next to it collapsing and much of that debris hitting it. it was taller and skinnier (so more likely to collapse from damage) than the other smaller WTC buildings that also ended up having to be torn down because of their damage. No mystery, big building falls into little building, little building will have problems. You can read the reports about it (I dont recommend the FEMA one cause it was incomplete, but the more complete one done later). For reference, you can see building layout of WTC at the link below. I'm surprised WTC-7 didnt collapse a few hours sooner than it did.


Well, Clinton's lies got him impeached, Bush lies allow him to stay in the office and run our country down-hill. I don't see why people made a big deal about Clinton's sex with Monica. What he does with his private life makes it his business not ours. But, when it comes to our country, unnecessary war and cost people's lives makes it our business and Bush cost us both. People need to stop being so obsessed with Clinton, and worried more on what counts the most. :)

Clinton's lies allowed him to stay in office too, even though he was impeached. Bush hasnt run our country down, he brought it back from one of worst recessions ever, which Clinton put us in (thought I already talked about that too). I havent even mentioned Clinton with Monica, but I guess you could add that to all the crap about him that I've already talked about, and relates to family values. The iraq war was just as unnecessary as every other war in history. Nobody wants wars, wars suck. We should have just glassed that whole desert and there wouldn't have been any more problems with Osama or Saddam, or a crapload of terrorists, but that would also have been unfair to all the innocent people there...... the people we've been trying to help take back and rebuild their country after Saddam's reign and who are all happy about it, while progress is being hindered by terrorists and Saddams family and party members. Pit the blame where it's due, the terrorists causing problems over there, not Bush.

Anyways, I'll stop this if you stop. We both know neither of us will change each others beliefs, so why are we posting them back and forth to each other? I've already stated that I dont think Bush is that great of a president, but I don't think it's right for people to keep bashing him with no reason, or for false reasons. Especially when the same people that bash him, think the president before him was all innocent and great when he was more like the antichrist.

Can't we all just get along?

I'm not mad at you, We were just debating. You and I are just seeing things differently. If you wish for me to leave you alone, I will. ;)
I'm not attacking you...I'm laughing at you & all of your posts. Your a little off-topic from what I said to you. If you hate politics? & you believe this, that, &/or whatever..That's your problem not mine. You must have blinders on to the world when it comes to the truth. I look at everyone & its all a blame game back & forth. "The Documentary Files of 9/11" Which you probably know nothing about explains everything from past events that lead up to 9/11. Boult's link has alot of similiarities to it. It doesn't tell everything no I understand that. But fill in the blanks yourself. & you just might figure that out one day. I went already & read the rest of the posts from Cheri seeing how she beat me saying alot of things to you (Thank You Cheri:ty:) I'm not going to re type everything that she already said..YOu talk about a movie? Thats your education?..Oh please, I heard all about it but I didn't even watch it because I don't care to because I know it does NOT give all the REAL TRUE FACTS!!

I was just messing with ya when I was saying you live in a denial world. But the funny thing is, you say I'm bashing you for that? No you didn't even come close to being bashed by me. I just tell it like it is. If you don't like it, tough. So If I'm living in the denial world you say? I'm the one really living in the denial world huh?!...Then WHOOOOHOOOO!!!I enjoy it everyday of the week thank you:)

But one thing you said really caught my interest is..

"We had no business starting war in Iraq and should have gone after Al-queda? That's part of why we entered war in Iraq, because they were harboring Al-Queda and Osama, not too mention the already long over due removal of Saddam who was main reason for that and incompliance with UN accords regarding his chemical and biological weapons"

Now 1st of all, Al-Queda & Bin Laden & whoever you think is there in Iraq had nothing to do with all attacks that lead up to 9/11.
2nd They have chemical & Bioloical weapons? Where?
Weapons Of Mass Destruction? Where?
Oh thats right they have Oil we the USA hungarly need. Ok got it
Rather Saddam needed to be removed from office or not is by far NOT the issue when it comes to this so-called "War on Terror". Over $300 billion wasted on that senseless war in Iraq..For what? Iraqi Freedom? Because he killed all those people in the past? Whatever, that't our bussiness? No its not.
How in the world is America safer just because we removed Saddam from office? Oh if our troops are there, they are not..Because Saddam is not in office & our troops are still dying over there..For what? FOR NOTHING!!

Did we forget about Bin Laden? He hardly ever is mentioned in the news anymore. No attempts, that I re-call is being made to capture him..Why? Because we are wasting our time in Iraq period.

One last thing. The rumors of Bin Laden dead? I don't believe that because it has NOT been confirmed. No body, No DNA, No Nothing!! I'm sure if someone wanted the, I believe it was, what? $50 Million reward for Bin Laden "Dead or Alive" Preferably dead Rumsfield said. I'm sure whoever is around his dead body would have wanted that reward so bad they'd turn it in. No I believe Bin Laden wants America to think he's dead. So we can focus somewhere else (probably Iraq more) Waste billions of dollars on more war & then Bin Laden comes up with the Ultimate Plan to attack. How? Who knows. I don't want to see it happen again like 9/11. But as long as the US is in Iraq, their wasting serious valuable time when they can be hunting down Bin Laden & Al-Queda.

Im not sure why you're attacking me now for being a neutral party stating how people should get educated about what's going on instead of bashing based on lies. I just reread the link that Boult posted, this time all the way through, and I still fail to see where all this truth is that you say was in it.... the only truth I saw was that Bush was in a classroom when it started, and I don't see how that's a big deal. So what if he was honoring his commitment to the students.... an aide tells him an attack his happening, he tells them something like 'follow channels and get what ever info we can and get all forces on alert and in action, and I'll get out of here in just a couple a minutes to learn what's we know.' How does that make him so bad? There's nothing he could have done in those 20 minutes that wasn't an action to be handled by others (if it was nuclear missiles heading towards us and he was needed to send ours back at attacker, then yes he'd be needed, but nothing else). Everything else in that link was pure propaganda and I saw nothing of truth, only stuff almost straight out of Moore's fictional movie. I have yet to know of any evidence Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks beforehand. He knew only that there would be an attack, with no idea when or where it would take place. And in my post I was mistaken on how long he was president before attacks happened.... he was on office only 9 months when it happened, not over a year. That's like saying Clinton should have prevented the attack on the USS Cole, that happened while he was president and no way that can be blamed on Bush, and there was no retaliation for that.

I am in no way in a 'denial world', but I won't blindy vote for someone or bash someone like you are. It seems you're the one in denial, like how you're bashing me here when all I've done is asked questions, suggested learning truth and being responsible citizens, and stop bashing people especially with nothing truthful for bashing to be warranted.

"Tons of money spent on a war that has nothing to do with us?" So we shouldnt have helped out the world by entering WWII in an almost mirror situation of 9/11? We had no business starting war in Iraq and should have gone after Al-queda? That's part of why we entered war in Iraq, because they were harboring Al-Queda and Osama, not too mention the already long over due removal of Saddam who was main reason for that and incompliance with UN accords regarding his chemical and biological weapons, and fact that he killed his own people. Why is it that the soldiers that are serving or have served over there understand and support what they're doing there fighting for us and to give Iraqi people a chance to make a better life for themselves, but you people don't?

Im sorry Cheri, but your last post you quote a single line from me out of context and ask how I can state it, after the rest of that post it was from just explained why I thought that. It's like you completely ignored it all. "Lies to cover real motives and what really happened on 9/11"? only seems to me like a conspiracy belief and actually believing Moore's falsehoods from his movie. I stated some of what Bush has done for this country (all I said about bringing us out of the recession Clinton put us into, etc). You're saying Bush lied to us? Yet there's nothing to back that up, and that's all Clinton ever did was lie, yet everybody pretends like it never happened.

It all makes no sense. Yes, our government failed us.... it always has and always will as long as politicians are involved.

This is why I hate politics, everyone so passionate about it, and yet it's all BS.

I'm not mad at you, We were just debating. You and I are just seeing things differently. If you wish for me to leave you alone, I will. ;)

LoL, I suck in arguments and debates. Please stop! :bowdown: :run: :ty:
LoL Too Funny, gotta watch Cheri..She's full of fire ahaha:iolol:

One last thing I want to say though. Clinton did warn bush of Bin Laden as he was taking over office. But Bush was just to concerned about that Tax cut that his daddy Bush wanted to do before Clinton took office. He got that bill through before 9/11 & we got a whooping $300 tax refund. Because Bush says "people are having trouble paying the rent, the gas, elec, etc.." SO I guess he thought a one time $300 tax cut was gonna help us with that forever huh? Blah whatever...

Ok I'm done with this subject & thread later:cool:

LoL, I suck in arguments and debates. Please stop! :bowdown: :run: :ty:
Turning Earth East to North our world will be peace. Entire Asia will be North pole slow down devil Al-Queda, Osama, and another terrors. They did not learn snow lovely and peace lesson. Snow is not weapon and very cold that can freeze or slow them down.
You do realize that's a hoax, right? Check out Snopes.com

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Inboxer Rebellion (Presidential IQ)

Origins: No, this isn't a real news report, nor does it describe a real study. There isn't a "Lovenstein Institute" in Scranton, Pennsylvania (or anywhere else in the USA), nor do any of the people quoted in the story exist, because this is just another spoof that was taken too seriously.

:rofl: I put it there to see how people will react to it. Yes, I know its a hoax but its everyone's responsiblity to check it out to see if its a fact or b.s.
Mod Note:

Title has been changed since it referred to a member that no longer exists here in AD. Some posts also have been removed.

i don't even like bush at the all... he don't think about the education and he think the war is the most important to him.. fuck him.. oh yeah we need a BETTER presdient.. but what about woman being president?
The IQ link is a hoax, a fake.

Hmm... I bet that you are big fan of Bush.

Well, Bush is worst president ever that I had seen and no offense to members who are republican.
Mod Note:

Title has been changed since it referred to a member that no longer exists here in AD. Some posts also have been removed.

bad title... change it to "Bush: Waiting to be attacked" please.. that would reflect what I am posting about.
Hmm... I bet that you are big fan of Bush.

Well, Bush is worst president ever that I had seen and no offense to members who are republican.
I'm not a "big fan" of Bush, nor am I a Republican.

I don't support using hoaxes or false stories to bash anyone.

I don't support hating or cussing the President of the United States. Even when two of our worst modern presidents, Clinton and Carter, were in office, I never hated or cussed them.
Im not forgetting Sept 11... that's one of my main points... like I said, Clinton is at least as much to blame, if not more. The attacks would never happened if he captured Osama when he had the chances (plural)............
Just before 911 the CIA visted Bin Laden when he was in a hospital in the middle east....

:wave: Helloooo !!!!:wave:

And BTW, it looks more and more that BL didn't plan all this.....

HOW would he be able to keep fighter-planes on the ground for 2 hours ??HOW would he be able to disable the defense system at the Pentagon ??
I do not support Bush. Because he lied too much times about
that! Because that is about of North Korea their own hostitle against
the other countries and us.
Waiting to be attacked ???

Submitted by Bgilmore on October 3, 2006 - 3:15am.George W. Bush | September 11, 2001
An open message to George Bush on why he is America's Enemy Combatant No. 1, an accessory to 9/11, and why he's against us, not for us.
Wrong again, George. It was YOU who waited to be attacked. Everyone else was trying to prevent it from happening. They were also trying to get YOU involved in that. But you preferred to keep stalling....waiting to be attacked. You and your team of negligent and incompetent misfits -- criminally so.
As a matter of fact, there were scores of people in America desperately trying to do something about the warnings. These patriots were anxiously trying to get YOU, as the president and commander-in-chief, to join and support them. Because with those titles, your participation was crucial.
You're now also trying to paint your critics as being in cahoots with "the enemy" by accusing them of using the same propaganda. Nice try, but that pro-torture legislation your shills just passed making you "God" is still transparent crap.
You said something about not wanting to "swat flies," a stupid remark. You weren't being asked to swat flies, but to provide leadership on US security when US Senators were predicting that thousands could die on US soil. But that was asking too much, wasn't it? ...expecting you to act like a real leader, a real President.
Oh sure, Clinton had handed you a war, all planned out with blueprints and upfront democratic approval, but that wasn't BIG enough for you...going after bin Laden and al Qaeda and the Taliban. The Cole bombing was determined to have been bin Laden's work on your watch, not Clinton's, and yet it was all just "swatting flies" to you.... it was beneath you. Or maybe it had to do with hosting the Taliban leadership at your presidential ranch in Crawford to talk over a pipeline deal. What was the slogan for that sweetheart deal? Oh, yes, I remember: Sign this deal and receive a carpet of gold, or you'll get a carpet of bombs.
So okay, you weren't interested in war plans with coveted business partners. That goes under policy judgment. That judgment would worsen after invading Afghanistan and the bin Laden wannabe Zarqawi fled to the No-Fly, US-protected zone of Northern Iraq where he set up terror shop; at least according to the Pentagon, which was very worried about reports they were receiving about his camp that included chemical attacks in Europe. THREE times they asked for permission to take it out, and THREE times you refused. So the spin on how the GOP is great on US security is pure poppycock.
And here's where we really run into problems. ... It's not just that you've been awfully quiet about your proxies blaming Clinton for not doing what you refused to do multiple times. You never had any intention of going after a bin Laden, an old family partnership, because he had the stature that matched your fantasies of Big Game and not that silly "fly swatting" the rest of us define as part of your job description. Being a decent civil servant was never on your To Do List. You had Bigger Fantasies to justify Bigger War Mongering and Profiteering Plans. Putting all that aside for a moment.....
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING JUSTIFIES YOUR DISINTEREST IN ADDRESSING THE INADEQUACY OF DOMESTIC SECURITY AND THE NEED TO UPDATE IT. That is JOB ONE for a President. People tried to get you to reform it consistent with the new threats - threats personally brought to your attention - but you had NO INTEREST in protecting Americans by preventing these attacks.
AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, GEORGE? That means you were AGAINST us, not FOR us. Remember your own words? Your behavior and language clearly show you were (a) AGAINST the people trying to get you to improve security, and you were (b) FOR a successful attack on Americans. It was the only way you could launch your Big Plans and Big War. In reality, you were the Big Flop, witness to an event where you don't get second chances. In the litmus test of "You're either for us or against us," you've clearly been against us.
You wasted no time in proving it by demanding YOUR FIRST CHANCE at being America's Savior, the one who would never let this happen again, by stopping any investigation of HOW IT HAPPENED THE FIRST TIME! George, how do you plan to stop it in the future if you don't know how it happened in the first place? You don't have to answer that, George. This is the moment when the light bulbs flash on in the minds of all the jurors, and over and over their mind's eye screams the word "guilty, guilty, guilty......"
You AGGRESSIVELY avoided the appeals of those civil servants who, unlike you, WERE trying to fulfill their duties to Americans. You actively WORKED to avoid them, stall them, stop them. It had become a high-level game of CAT AND MOUSE with a pattern of behavior backing it up. Let's count the times you were an accessory to murder.....
(1) You started STALLING 12 days into your term... the last day of January when you received the bipartisan HART/RUDMAN REPORT predicting that thousands of Americans could die on US soil if reform was ignored. But you proceeded to do just that - ignore it. You said you would assign it to Cheney. But you didn't. And it didn't happen. You lied.
(2) Then in May 2001 Congress was getting nervous about Hart-Rudman and THEY wanted to do so something. By this time warnings were coming in hot and heavy about an imminent attack, with most going straight to you. You knew you had to stop Congress from doing anything productive. So you called a press conference and used the same line you used back in February - announcing you were giving this to Cheney, and they would just have to wait on his task force. Another lie. Even Gingrich was stunned. And then came a new stall tactic...
3) .....Summer, in which VACATIONS took over from face-to-face stalling. Bush-Cheney continued to do NOTHING and Congress heard NOTHING from the phantom task force. Clarke et al were tearing their hair out, but the patriots would just have to wait because now they were being STALLED BY SUMMER VACATIONS!
The CAT AND MOUSE GAME of trying to get Bush to lead continued well into the summer as Bush scurried off to Crawford.
(4) THEN A FUNNY THING HAPPENED.... THE CAT FLEW OVER THE VACATION AND LIGHTED DOWN IN CRAWFORD TO PERSONALLY BRIEF THE PRESIDENT ON THE GROWING DANGER OF AN IMMINENT ATTACK as detailed in the personally delivered 08/06/2001 PDB on bin Laden, which included the hijacking of planes...... But did the mouse hiding in his corner appreciate the effort? This extraordinary demonstration of gravity and concern? No. That's when the mouse said something equally extraordinary, something unthinkable and downright bizarre..... The mouse said to this mid-level civil servant, "Okay. You've covered your ass now." ....which is another way of saying, "Go Cheney yourself." And then he went out and cleared brush, and did nothing.
You see, the mouse was pissed off about the whole visit and the pushing of this memo on him. HERE THEY WERE AGAIN, STILL TRYING TO DO THEIR JOBS AND STILL TRYING TO GET HIM TO DO HIS!
(5) Then you STALLED IN THE CLASSROOM THAT TRAGIC DAY - also the written opinion of a right-wing author in the room, lest there be charges of bias. WHY WERE YOU STALLING, GEORGE? You had to know of the strong possibility this was a terrorist attack in progress, that delay could kill thousands, that fighter pilots might need presidential orders on hijacked planes. Some people think you froze. Or that you were just showing your true colors as an incompetent, or a fake president, a front man, a TPR (TelePrompter Reader). I don't think so, George. I don't think you're as stupid as that. And anybody who could snap, "you've covered your ass" to an unthreatening civil servant has a pretty good idea what's going on, what is important for some, what is being avoided by others, and the utmost seriousness of the issue and its dynamics. So why did you stall, George? You knew that in the event of a terror attack, the script that most people went by called for you to get to battle stations ASAP, to be a president, a commander in chief. What script were you following, George? Why did you stall from January to September? That's an easy question.
BECAUSE YOU WANTED AN ATTACK TO HAPPEN SO YOU COULD HAVE YOUR DESIGNER WAR, not the real one that Clinton talked about, but the fantasy one. The BIG ONE, that ONE THAT WOULD MAKE YOU A DICTATOR AND AMERICA AN EMPIRE, THAT WOULD LAUNCH THE STUPIDLY-NAMED "WAR ON TERROR," A WAR FOR OIL AND POWER, A WAR ON ROOSEVELT AND THE NEW DEAL, A WAR ON AMERICAN PRINCIPLES AS INSCRIBED IN THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, A WAR ON ALL CRITICS, A WAR ON FREEDOM, and now, after the ignoble Senate destruction of habeas corpus, a convention older than the Magna Carta, A WAR ON WESTERN CIVILIZATION ITSELF. You were an accessory to the crime, you provided the getaway car once and then again at Tora Bora. You are determined to destroy all that is good in American and Western values. Just like the Nazis, you have turned against Western civilization.

Somebody's 5 cents.... (.. actually $1,55 with current inflation)
I'm not a "big fan" of Bush, nor am I a Republican.

I don't support using hoaxes or false stories to bash anyone.

I don't support hating or cussing the President of the United States. Even when two of our worst modern presidents, Clinton and Carter, were in office, I never hated or cussed them.

Ur serious, Clinton and Carter were worst in office? I find it so funny, sorry had to laugh on this one.