It's not so much about "deserving" it, or even about respecting him as a person whatsoever. It's merely an example we did to show the other countries over there that we're not trying to instigate them or spark a "holy war" or any other similar hogwash.
I'd agree that it shouldn't really be needed for us to show that (ie it should be self-explanatory that we're just going after a very bad person who is a direct enemy of our country), but the fact that we were willing to even give thought to the "proper" form of burial is a step in the direction of stopping future jihadists from having yet another excuse to say "OH LOOK AT THAT EVIL AMERICA". Will it help? Will it have any effect whatsoever? I dunno. Maybe, maybe not. But the fact that we were even willing to try does scores for improving our image to the rest of the world, which is a very good thing.