Brain differences in political orientation

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Here's an anecdote for ya: RW members of my own family seem to be a lot more fearful than the liberals in my family: they're afraid of commies, taxes, government, arabs and disorder.

Fear response is located in the amygdala. That is where the info is processed that leads to the emotional reaction of fear. Larger volume in the amygdala, more tendency to process stimuli from that persective. Whether the fear is realistic or not. That is the thing with the emotional response. It often has virtually nothing to do with reality of the moment.
Maybe that is why FDR"s quote "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" has been such an inspiring and comforting quote for so long.

Yes. This biological information just lends support to what was obviously an intuitive observation processed from a logical center the brain.
Readers might find this discussion interesting:

The Neurocritic: Liberals Are Conflicted and Conservatives Are Afraid

"Feilden then asks a question that is unanswerable from studying brain structure in adults: "Are political beliefs learnt, the product of experiences in our environment, or 'hard wired' in the brain?" Since a comparison of n=1 liberal versus n=1 conservative is not scientifically valid, Rees went back to a database of MRI scans from UCL students and asked these participants about their political beliefs. Feilden then discussed the results before the paper had been formally submitted for publication [according to the journal website, the paper was received by Current Biology on 11 January, 2011]. Briefly, he said that the gray matter of the anterior cingulate cortex was thicker among the liberal or left wing participants while the amygdala was much larger in those who identified as conservative or right wing.

"But is it cause and effect?" asks an interviewer. Rightfully so. Correlation does not equal causation. Then there's the claim that the structural brain variation means the political differences are "hard wired". The observed anatomical differences prove no such thing. Any experience will change the brain in some way, and repeated patterns of behavior, whether it's learning to juggle or voting conservative due to a certain set of core beliefs, can alter the brain..."

"Although liberals did indeed show larger ERN waves than conservatives when making mistakes, so do individuals with clinical diagnoses such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (Gehring et al., 2000) or major depressive disorder (Chiu & Deldin, 2007). So we can't dismiss the possibility that the liberals might have been more depressed or obsessive compulsive than the conservatives."

The liberals might be more depressed or obsessive compulsive than the conservatives because they have to deal with the conservatives!!
The liberals might be more depressed or obsessive compulsive than the conservatives because they have to deal with the conservatives!!


Actually, that supposition doesn't hold water, because it is the amygdala that has been implicated in anxiety disorders such as OCD and depression. And anxiety disorders and depression are related to activation of the centers in the brain, not differences in volume.
I just searched for some commentary on this and found this blog post. Pretty interesting!

Neuroskeptic: Left Wing vs. Right Wing Brains

I'm pretty skeptical that the brain has that much to do with political orientation. It's just too easy; too pat.

It absolves a person of the responsibility to formulate their ideas and to persuade others of their position rather than beating each other over the head with ideology.

It also removes responsibility for questioning your own beliefs and ideology. After all, if it is hard-wired, than what's the point in examining your own beliefs?

I don't really like the implications of that.
What about people who change their political beliefs over the years? What does that mean?
I just searched for some commentary on this and found this blog post. Pretty interesting!

Neuroskeptic: Left Wing vs. Right Wing Brains

I'm pretty skeptical that the brain has that much to do with political orientation. It's just too easy; too pat.

It absolves a person of the responsibility to formulate their ideas and to persuade others of their position rather than beating each other over the head with ideology.

It also removes responsibility for questioning your own beliefs and ideology. After all, if it is hard-wired, than what's the point in examining your own beliefs?

I don't really like the implications of that.

I don't see it like that. I see it as a tendency, but it is not an overriding one.
I just searched for some commentary on this and found this blog post. Pretty interesting!

Neuroskeptic: Left Wing vs. Right Wing Brains

I'm pretty skeptical that the brain has that much to do with political orientation. It's just too easy; too pat.

It absolves a person of the responsibility to formulate their ideas and to persuade others of their position rather than beating each other over the head with ideology.

It also removes responsibility for questioning your own beliefs and ideology. After all, if it is hard-wired, than what's the point in examining your own beliefs?

I don't really like the implications of that.

It isn't that cut and dried. And the brain has everything to do with everything. Your political orientation is directly connected to your cognition. How else would your form an orientation?

It doesn't absolve anyone of anything. It simply explains.

Your blog is a bit outdated. I provided a citation for the published study.
I don't see it like that. I see it as a tendency, but it is not an overriding one.

Fair enough, but it is just one single study that needs to be confirmed by further study. I wouldn't put a lot of weight on it.
What about people who change their political beliefs over the years? What does that mean?

That just supports the fact that the brain retains its plasticity over a lifetime.
Fair enough, but it is just one single study that needs to be confirmed by further study. I wouldn't put a lot of weight on it.

Of course not, but I wouldn't immediately dismiss it out of hand, either.
Fair enough, but it is just one single study that needs to be confirmed by further study. I wouldn't put a lot of weight on it.

I don't think this is the only study that has been done though I'm sure jillio confirm this better than I can.
I thought that was funny. :D Anyway, I do tend to be prone to bouts of depression if not anxiety attacks.

So is my mother and she's perhaps the most conservative member of my family.
Fair enough, but it is just one single study that needs to be confirmed by further study. I wouldn't put a lot of weight on it.

There are thousands upon thousands of studies that confirm that these neuronal correlates are directly related to particular ways of thinking and particular functions within the brain. This study is just applying that information to a novel area...political orientation based on the behavioral obsevations that are indicative of a particular orientation.
What about people who change their political beliefs over the years? What does that mean?

I was just kidding about the helmet. It is a good question, but one has to ask, did the tendency really change?
I thought that was funny. :D Anyway, I do tend to be prone to bouts of depression if not anxiety attacks.

That would have more to do with activation centers in the brain and decreased functioning of particular synapses, not actual brain volume. Although chronic, severe, intractable depression has been linked to an overall reduction in gray matter particularly in the prefrontal cortex.
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