Bottesini's Korean Thread (ask Jiro all)

Ewww!!! Give it back.

nobody in my family has dog allergy. I finally came to peace with myself because I didn't get over my dog's death which was several years ago. So I told my family that I wanted a dog and my mom wanted one too. We didn't have a specific breed in mind but we had "parameters." I had to find one that my mom would agree with because she does not like big dogs and some other features. then...... I happened to see this puppy that caught my eye.


awww, what a cutie!
interesting thread, lol.

jiro, if you could be any animal, what would you be? and why?
interesting thread, lol.

jiro, if you could be any animal, what would you be? and why?

actually a giraffe. Since I love eating vegetable and I like to take my time eating, enjoying the view... what can go wrong with being giraffe? at least nobody won't bother me. :cool2:

but when I get :mad2:, i'd be a wolf hiding in shadow, striking you at your worst moment. i'm usually very vindictive but it's rare :mad2:

it's a tough choice... Shel and Jillio... why not both? :mad2:

Jillio waving hand...."I accept!" Shel and I would make a great team!

Oops...I accepted too soon. I will proudly serve as your Minister of Health! And I can do therapy with all the disturbed people in your cabinet, LOL.
hey there, jiro.

i'd like to ask you (as i have other ad'ers):

1. if you were left stranded on a desert island and could only bring one object with you, what would it be and why?

2. if you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one friend or loved one with you, who would it be and why?

3. if you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one meal or type of food with you, what would it be and why?
1. if you were left stranded on a desert island and could only bring one object with you, what would it be and why?
SATCOM - so i can call for help. :cool2:

2. if you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one friend or loved one with you, who would it be and why?
tough choice. probably my best friend. together - we can survive anything. :cool2:

3. if you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one meal or type of food with you, what would it be and why?
raw but steamed shrimps from c-town (chinatown). it's the one where they scoop bunch of live shrimps and dump it into boiling water and then it's served to me within few min. I have to strip everything and then devour it. ON NOM NOM NOM. shrimp is my #1 favorite food.
Jillio waving hand...."I accept!" Shel and I would make a great team!

Oops...I accepted too soon. I will proudly serve as your Minister of Health! And I can do therapy with all the disturbed people in your cabinet, LOL.

outstanding! You can do more much than that - your position is equivalent to Surgeon General with more leeway. You're also responsible for making my proud country healthy and fixing this corrupted health care system. FDA falls under you as well. I have a special assignment for you and shel - give me a comprehensive sex ed!

make me proud! :mad2:
*raise hand* Honorable sir, may I be a secretary of homeland security?

sorry but it's taken. Reba's is my Ministry of Defense (which is equivalent to Homeland Security) however you can be my Chief of Secret Police. find me domestic dissents and make example out of them! make me proud! :mad2: