Born in the USA?

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Whatever you say.

Once someone accuse something, Obama supporters reacted!

Now, I mentioned a dirty word, a group reacted. It's the instinction that is inside everyone when someone accuses one on a fallacious information.

See what I am saying? Okay I used an bad example but someone did protest, stood up, defended, just like you did. Now you pointed out what that has to do with this forum.

As an Obama Supporter, I have the right to end the fallicious statement on the comparison with Obama to Hilter. I pointed out what this has to do with Obama and Hilter.

thanks for a little pysch lesson but no thanks. it's called "no shit" :cool2:
Did you know what you are saying is very offensive and insult for accuse me as a racist that´s because I gave Hear Again right and shared Hitler´s history why he do that to Jewish and kind of race people?

Oh, are you sayin' that I am very offensive and insult for accusin' you as racist ? You don't get it, Lieblin'. My bf's ancestors are in lineage from those who died - Hitler killed my bf's ancestors. If, my bf read what you said in the first place about Jewish fiddlin' with money, HOW DO YOU THINK HE WILL FEEL since HE IS A JEWISH ? You would insult him for sayin' that and THAT'S very offensive to him.

Let me tell you somethin' that you don't know my boyfriend that I LOVE HIM TO DEATH for WHAT HE HAVE DONE TO FLORIDANS durin' in Hurricane 2003 or 2004. He fed about 530 people A DAY for 5 DAYS. That's about almost
to 2, 700 people all together and yet you called a Jewish person a fiddlin' with money ? That was uncalled for.

And, oh another thing I want to say that I've neeever said a word to offend your own husband's race no matter what if he is a German or any other race that you are married to. Please, respect Jewish people. Okay ?

It has nothing do with your boyfriend because he was not born at Hitler time.

Ohh yes it does. His descensants/ancestors came from them, the ones Hilter killed. They are my boyfriend's relatives, cousins, aunts, uncles and so forth. Please, don't you ever say that about Jewish fiddlin' with money - that is very rude of you to SAY that.
Thus, Would this intellectual debate have to do with Obama and Hilter? It'd be a major accusation. Do we call this intellectual debate? There is NO proof. There is NO evidence. There is NO link provided to support's one claim. I am not sure whether it is really "intellectual" debate based on fallacious accusations without providing resources to support the claims.

The issue of the thread is a person who can run for presidency with the requirement of being a "natural-born" citizen of the country.

My case in point was Hitler being born in Austria and being "president" of Germany.

I can assure you that Adolphus Hitler was born in Austria. I need no links because I'd thought (foolishly - apparently) that it was common knowledge.

Fallicious accusations in an intelligent debate. I grant you that. I was focusing on track record. A person, continuously, hammering away at one approach/method. It gets tiresome and the conclusion can only be found based upon repeated attempts (a pattern, some call it).

You're trying to deflect? Are you, really, Liebling?
Request to close this thread. This is major constant of wrong accusation on Obama.

Nobody has not attacked McCain within few days. I see minor threads of showing constant of attacking McCain. Is this necessarily constantly attacking Obama based on fallacious information upon coming elections. This affects the voters to vote against someone with wrong accusation.

Otherwise, I ask this to close.
Anyone with me to have the MOD to close this thread.
Request to close this thread. This is major constant of wrong accusation on Obama.

Nobody has not attacked McCain within few days. I see minor threads of showing constant of attacking McCain. Is this necessarily constantly attacking Obama based on fallacious information upon coming elections. This affects the voters to vote against someone with wrong accusation.

Otherwise, I ask this to close.
Anyone with me to have the MOD to close this thread.

The topic of this thread has nothing to do with McCain nor Obama (as, both, have been cleared by the trusty judicial system).
The topic of this thread has nothing to do with McCain nor Obama (as, both, have been cleared by the trusty judicial system).

I am with you, Wokamuka. However, this is getting deeper and its getting intense on wrong accusation that upsets most Obama Supporters. It's getting constant on attacking Obama MORE than we did with McCain. Nobody ends the fallacious information and wrong accusation.

Therefore, I am requesting to have MOD to close this thread.
I am with you, Wokamuka. However, this is getting deeper and its getting intense on wrong accusation that upsets most Obama Supporters. It's getting constant on attacking Obama MORE than we did with McCain. Nobody ends the fallacious information and wrong accusation.

Therefore, I am requesting to have MOD to close this thread.

FYI, it was not your thread to request. It is Shel's thread and it is her decision to request. :)
FYI, it was not your thread to request. It is Shel's thread and it is her decision to request. :)

Sweeeeet!! Okay I am gonna contact Shel right away. Thank you for letting me know.
If "nobody saw it coming" with Hitler, what makes you think people will "see it coming" with Obama? I tried to point it out here, and still "no one sees it coming." Some people are in such denial that they won't see the freight train "coming" until it hits them.

Hitler didn't change overnight. All the signs and warnings were there. People just ignored them until it was too late.

I wish you were right. However, we've seen that impeachment of a President is not easy.

Very true. That's what I can see it myself " the train is comin' " if Obama is elected. Discern.
our Founding Fathers were more wise than you, and Americans follow the Constitution of the United States, not foreigners' opinions.

Very true. I agree .....
Very true. That's what I can see it myself " the train is comin' " if Obama is elected. Discern.

And I can see the train that is coming if McCain is elected.

No, wait. I could see the train coming a long time ago.
At the rate we're going, there will *never* be a victory in Iraq. After all, how could there be when there are constant suicide bombings, beheadings, car bombings, etc.?

America was a much safer country before the Iraqi War.

ye mean like 9/11? now forgive me but thats not safe, nor will you ever be, your policies on israel will condemm you for eternity, you seem to forget through the years, your support of the illegal land occupations, all united nations voted to have sanctions on israel(including uk), were they upheld? no the US vetoed them, supllied them with arms etc, like i said, you are now threatened by your own policies,and certainly not aiding us, we are aiding you. it's such a shame Amercia is so controlled by capitlaism and fels a need to humour the huge jewish influence in senate, agaisnt the rest of the worlds views, and no before you ask I don't dislkike jews. i coudlt care less what denomination they are, but they are wrong, and so is america directing her policies through finacial gains /greed,, thats the one thing we can neevr be accused of, but then we are largely socailists, we wont let people die for the dollar
I have been contacted by a few members requesting this thread to be closed due to flaming each other. I tried to read thru it but I guess I got lost when Hilter was brought up so go ahead and close it. :)
You're accusing the moderators, who have obeserved thus far, of being McCain supporter?

I don't see "accusing" in my posts. I see "requesting" in my posts.
It does not matter now, I contacted Shel90 to make a request. I made some contacts to make requests. I hope requests will be rolling anytime.

Requesting and Accusing are different meanings according to Oxford English's Dictionary.

So, Are you telling me that all moderators are McCain supporters? Is that what I understand your saying?
I have been contacted by a few members requesting this thread to be closed due to flaming each other. I tried to read thru it but I guess I got lost when Hilter was brought up so go ahead and close it. :)

Many many thanks!!!!!

Mods, go ahead and close it.
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