The written word is a powerful means of communication, drphil, your choice of words and your writing 'style' can tell a lot about a person.
but still reliant upon who can understant this, I mean excellent post and yet its not called excellent because of the broad appeal it is excellent because it is precisely what the issue is and precisely what happens alot here...not just in AD ( but it is a major thing still) it just inescapable of who you are, and confused souls do sent confused messages too, but at same time, i dont like scorned directed at confused souls, (there are variations yes but..) like the ones enlightened SHOULD be grateful that they are, and should realise they have a duty to share it too, but unfortunately arent always the case. and now Drphil seem fairly competent with English and yet quite stubborn, they stubbornness on the ideological ground needs to be investigated , and this relys on Drphil's willingness to really be honest and do so in such a way asking oneself an objective question. This is preciously too, ASKING an OBJECTIVE QUESTION COUNTS FIRST BECAUSE ITS NOT SUBJECTIVE !!!, Drphil you need to realise how to address this, to this manner, no one but yourself to do this...sorry we can't force your mind, your mind belongs to yourself, but history, culture and ideology does not belong to you, it is collective, and ultimately the hegemony (dominant ideology belongs to those in power in society)...
BUT what ever you do, DONT ask why or who owns it, the utilmate reality for individuals regarding ideology and world-view, belongs to how you are honest with your own reality and how it fits what the way is the world is explained to your on the why's you are there , and why you are positiioned in as such in society...
oh dear, its almost like a catch 22 , and yes it is. but for now and for your sake of comprehending the issues which you have, it is best approached with your honesty to yourself and try not to be defensive, thing is like, being defensive is exactly what society (media) teaches us, but without any real reason, except to sooth our egos which make television so attractive and comforting...enought said !!
your own understanding is partially your own responsibility and where the lines drawn is also up to you (with or without help) to see where it lays,and hence you would understand how much 'outside influences shaped your 'thinking', until then you dont see it from 'oh i was a sheep' mentality...
that um...
that would be a good start if you did...