Bible Verses

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Rose Immortal said:
Gonna answer this?

I apologized - it's all the same after I show you the link about the KJV Bible in Spanish along with KJV Bible in English. I supposed there are missionaries out there who have their own languages for English in many foreign countries, if they chose KJV.
Askjo said:
You look at the comparsion between God and Satan AND modern versiions.

God said to Adam, "Thou shall die"

Satan said to Eve, "Thou shall not die"

Compare to modern versions such as NIV, NASB, etc.:

Modern versions said, "my witness is true."

Modern versions said, "my witness is not true."

What do you think of these modern versions?

It shows that Satan wants to remove "Godhead" and the "Head of Christ". Satan said to Eve, "Thou shall not die" to cause a woman not to be submissive to the husband who is the head of household. Satan likes the arguments in between 2 partners/wives & husbands. It's why Satan chose to speak to Eve instead of Adam, because Adam was the head of all creatures God gave him.

It's why there are soo many different versions of bible - now, there's new age movement who believe that people are "gods"...makin' both sexes are an equal without "head of household".

So much just like the churches ...some of them accepted homosexuals/bisexuals/trangenders/bestality..etc., etc. and welcome them in their churches without followin' what the scriptures say about the sins. That removes "Head of Christ".

I can see "fallin' away" churches today ( modern days ). Apostasy.

What do you think ?
I would like to share somethin' I find it very interestin'. It's in my KJV Bible right here. It tells about God's Name. Let me type it in here -- my KJV Bible carry "CornerStone Encyclopedia of Bible Knowledge". I love my kind of book. :)

God's Name: YHWH

Four consonants which make up the divine name in Hebrew ( Exodus 3:15 ); found more than 6,000 times in the OT. The written Hebrew language did not include vowels, thus readers supplied the vowels as they read. Reverence for the divine name led to the practice of avoidin' its use lest one run afoul of commandments such as Exodus 20:7 or Leviticus 24:16. In time it was thought the divine name was too holy to pronounce at all. Thus, the practice arose of usin' the word 'adonai: "Lord". In most English translations YHWH is recognizable where the world LORD appears in small caps followin' the L. The actual pronounciation of YHWH was lost. In the Middle Ages Jewish scholars developed a system of symbols placed under and beside the consonants to indicate the vowels. YHWH appeared with the vowels from 'adonai as a device to remind them to say "Adonai" when they read the text. A latinized form of this combination of YHWH's consonants and 'adonai's vowels was pronounced "Jehovah," but it was actually not a real word at all. From the study of the structure of the Hebrew language most scholars today believe that YHWH was probably pronounced "Yahweh."

Interestin', isn't it? God's Name is very Holy no man can pronounce it. Now, I look at my name "Rose" -- Gee that's tooo easy. :lol:
CyberRed said:
I apologized - it's all the same after I show you the link about the KJV Bible in Spanish along with KJV Bible in English. I supposed there are missionaries out there who have their own languages for English in many foreign countries, if they chose KJV.

But that still does not explain why God would require non-English speakers to read the Bible in a version that was originally meant for English-speakers, in order to best comprehend Him. The trouble with this is it suggests God favors English-speakers over those who do not, and that those who cannot read the KJV in English are more likely to misinterpret and go to Hell. This does not fit with the idea of a God who judges impartially.
Rose Immortal said:
But that still does not explain why God would require non-English speakers to read the Bible in a version that was originally meant for English-speakers, in order to best comprehend Him. The trouble with this is it suggests God favors English-speakers over those who do not, and that those who cannot read the KJV in English are more likely to misinterpret and go to Hell. This does not fit with the idea of a God who judges impartially.

Ok, since I've done my work on research for you ... I would like for you to read and research/explore at this link below: It will answer to your questions. :)

To get to the point, do you really know which foreign versions of the Bible - in each language - that are supported and rely on the same Textus Receptus used by the King James Translators ? Can you name these other versions ? Here are some of them:

The Geneva Bible in English used the same Textus Receptus as the King James and this has been good enough for the American Founding Fathers, that is the Puritans and the Pilgrims in resisting false teachings and building a strong vibrant well-grounded Christian Church for hundreds of years. If it was good enough for them as they risked their life to defend it and live by it, then might it not be good enough for you ?

The Reina Valera Bible in Spanish used the same Textus Receptus as the King James and this has been good enough for the Spaniards & Spanish in resisting false teachings and building a strong vibrant well-grounded Christian Church for hundreds of years. If it was good enough for them, why is it not good enough for you ??

The Diodatti Bible in Italian used the same Textus Receptus as the King James and this has been good enough for the Italians in resisting false teachings and building a strong vibrant well-grounded Christian Church for hundreds of years. If it was good enough for them, then why is it not good enough for you ???

The Luther Bible in German used the same Textus Receptus as the King James and this has been good enough for the Germans in resisting false teachings and building a strong vibrant well-grounded Christian Church for hundreds of years. If it was good enough for them, why is it not good enough for you ????

The Olivetain & Martin versions in French (as well as Louis Second) used the same Textus Receptus as the King James and this has been good enough for the French in resisting false teachings and building a strong vibrant well-grounded Christian Church for hundreds of years. If it was good enough for them, why is it not good enough for you ?????

The Reina Valera version has been the version I've been using for Spanish studies...interesting.

Now, I'm very curious--what exactly is this Textus Receptus? I'm assuming this is a particular Greek version of the Bible, both Old and New Testament? I ask because I have a Greek version of the New Testament and I'd be interested to see which one it is. My hope is to someday learn Greek and Hebrew, and never have to worry about translation problems again.

(P.S.: Because of circumstances, I won't be able to read your response until next Sunday, so please don't get mad at me for the delay. ;) )
Rose Immortal said:
But that still does not explain why God would require non-English speakers to read the Bible in a version that was originally meant for English-speakers, in order to best comprehend Him. The trouble with this is it suggests God favors English-speakers over those who do not, and that those who cannot read the KJV in English are more likely to misinterpret and go to Hell. This does not fit with the idea of a God who judges impartially.
Foreign Bibles prior to the KJV were there. Today we have many accurate foreign Bibles for foreigners who can read their Bible in their mother tongue as what CyberRed posted you.
Rose Immortal said:
The Reina Valera version has been the version I've been using for Spanish studies...interesting.

Now, I'm very curious--what exactly is this Textus Receptus? I'm assuming this is a particular Greek version of the Bible, both Old and New Testament? I ask because I have a Greek version of the New Testament and I'd be interested to see which one it is. My hope is to someday learn Greek and Hebrew, and never have to worry about translation problems again.

(P.S.: Because of circumstances, I won't be able to read your response until next Sunday, so please don't get mad at me for the delay. ;) )

Naw - I have no reason to be mad. I believe in sharin' feedbacks. It's part of learnin' and, then you decide what's the best for you. :)

Ok, to respond to your question about Textus Receptus. I found the links below... hope that helps :

The King James Version and the Textus Receptus

The Textus Receptus

Enjoy explorin' ! ;)
CyberRed said:
:lol: We will see, if God's Fire is on this thread

All I discern is the same argument that has been repeatedly hashed and rehashed, especially on Christian websites. It will never come to completion and Christians will never agree until that day when 1 Cor. 13:10 is fulfilled. I wonder if God sees all this and cries. :cry:
Tousi said:
I suppose because, first of all, English is pretty universal and secondly, there are those out there who print and send out Bibles in the language of the people they send them to.

Universal to whom? Surely, you're jesting? You do realize that us American citizens do NOT speak English? English, of which you refer to, is the "Queen's English." We don't speak like that, in fact, we'd be very confused if someone did talk to us like that. We speak Anglo-Saxon, which is totally different. Why do you think people who come here to the states from other countries have problems with understanding us? :confused:
Your'e just nit-picking; you knew very well what I meant.
Got question..

How about.. Good News Bible.. with Deuterocanonicals/apocryha
(Today's english version).. ?

I had it since 1976.. I was teenager... I went to Christain camp/retreat alot of times.. with no interpreter.. but few of them knew signs.. they gave me the bible that is easy to read and understand.. it was nice of them.. but I still have it. its falling apart.. pages start to come off.. almost every page.. I hate to throw away.. :/
Ok, I know all about "Good News Bible" -- it is TEV ( Today's
English Version, known as the Good News for Modern Man.
It was published in 1966 by the American Bible Society.

That bible was accepted by ecumenical today. The Roman
Catholic Church gave official approval on this book back in
The Good News Bible is a liberalism book. I will give you an
example :

John 1:1
KJV : In the beginnin' was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God."

TEV : "Before the world was created, the Word already existed;
he was with God, and he was the same as God."

Good News translators add to the text the phrase, "before the
world was created." There is no authority or reason for such
an addition, unless the translator wants to detract from
Christ's eternal deity.

The Good News translation -- "he was the same as God" -- allows
the false view that Christ is God's Son, but not fully equal in
every sense with God. A proper translation does not allow this.

Philippians 2:6
KJV : "Who, bein' in the form of God, thought it not robbery
to be equal with God."

TEV : "He always had the nature of God, but he did not think
that by force he should try to become equal with God."

The proper translation says clearly that Jesus Christ was equal
with God and was in the form of God prior to His incarnation.
The Good News translators take the liberty to change this, and
their renderin' allows for heresy. Many Hindus, as well as
JW ( Jehovah's Witnesses ), Unitarians, and liberal Christians
will admit that Christ had the nature of God ( as defined by them),
but not that He was and is indeed very God, equal with the Father.
One great problem with the Good News version is that it ALLOWS
FOR heresy, whereas an accurate translation of the Word of God
does not.

It's why I don't trust myself if, my spirit is dim by readin' the wrong
book. I want God's VERY Light, His VERY Word with Pure and Holy
book to grow my spirit's light so, I can see His Light IN His Word,
not man's who added/subtracted the text ( translated them on
a man's own. That's a no-no. Tsk ) I prefer honesty.

I just copied by typin' this from the link. I would like for you to
read the article and understand where it came from. There's
another option you can read very easy instead of the wrong
book. I will find a link for you later on today. :)

Here's the link :
I use New International Bible here at home is Life Application Bible. :) I like it because it has a lot of maps, people biographies, concordance, dictionary, timeline, summaries, and so much more. :)
So much just like the churches ...some of them accepted homosexuals/bisexuals/trangenders/bestality..etc., etc
I know of NO churches that accept beastality! That is beyond SICK! And to compare beastilty with homosexuality.....THAT is WRONG! Most of us who ID as GLB aren't GLB b/c we're SO KINKY......We're in those relationships b/c we LOVE (and a pure good kind love from God) our friends!
pek1 said:
All I discern is the same argument that has been repeatedly hashed and rehashed, especially on Christian websites. It will never come to completion and Christians will never agree until that day when 1 Cor. 13:10 is fulfilled. I wonder if God sees all this and cries. :cry:

What is your interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13:10 ?

"but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away..."

You know someone says that every person interprets different what each verse/scripture means. So, I would like for you to interpret your difference -- Show me what you know ....
CyberRed said:
What is your interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13:10 ?

"but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away..."

You know someone says that every person interprets different what each verse/scripture means. So, I would like for you to interpret your difference -- Show me what you know ....

Okay! I'll show you.

Let me ask this first, though. Who is perfect? Is it Jesus Christ? If so, He is the one talked about in this Scripture passage. Has He come back? Has He raptured the Church yet? If no, we still and will always have these arguments. Does that answer the question, CyberRed?
pek1 said:
Okay! I'll show you.

Let me ask this first, though. Who is perfect? Is it Jesus Christ? If so, He is the one talked about in this Scripture passage. Has He come back? Has He raptured the Church yet? If no, we still and will always have these arguments. Does that answer the question, CyberRed?

1 Corinthians 13:10
"but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away."

Your point is off and you interpreted these verse wrong. I read the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 13.

I will interpret what these verse means:
It means that when the perfect comes, the imperfect will be gone.
still haven't replied to my post cyberred.....where are the churches that practice beastiabilty?
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