If the Hebrews and Egyptians during that time were both "brown" or dark tan, not black nor white, then they probably looked similar.
Thats interesting what is your opinion. but here is sightly clash, You think hewbrews and egyptians were both "brown" or dark tan, not black or white? Look at Exodus 12:38: ".. the mixed mulititude went up with them.." For example, my sons are more lighter skinned and slik hairs different than mine, you would tell me that my sons and I are "brown" or dark tan, and looked similar?? you better thinking carefully.. smile
Yes, but those are not Egypt. Africa is a huge continent, and has a variety of peoples.
TRUE!, Africa is huge contient, they people have same race, but they speaking different languages and tribals.
Remember I am not african person nor spanish person, because I have no family or genetics from africa/ or spanish's linage. I must proud of this nation draw my surname family and member of genetics since this nation had one language which is mother tongue for 450 years belong to me and to my genernations!
I don't know
You can do a little history research yourself. But here are a few examples:
Some of the ancient Egypt pharoahs weren't even "Egyptian". Cleopatra's family, for example, were Greek (Ptolemic Dynasty).
Famous Egyptian actor, Omar Sharif, is Egyptian born, but his family was from Syria.
You might find this link interesting:
I will check that site from above, thank for share link!
You have good points but I think we are moving off the original topic (feel free to start a new thread).
Yes, I agree with that, because my topic discuss is not relate within this topic.. my topic is off topic from this! I will let people go back their discuss stick with this topic where they come from..
It is the continuing story of the world. Nations grow, conquor, divide, become divided, collapse, etc. The cycle continues....
Yes , you might familiar with famous quote " DIVIDE AND CONQUER"! ?