Nope, it says that all slaveowners either kept several mistresses within the slave population, or raped the ones they wanted to at the time. It also says that medical care for the slaves was next to non-exisitent, which means a case if syphiliis in a female slave was no doubt very advanced before symptoms became severe enough to involve a medical professional, if one was called it at all, so that she would have been contagious for quite some time prior to medical intervention. It is also well known that syphillis was wide spread throughout the slave population. Let's see, wide spread syphillis...sexual contact with the population with the highest incidence...not especially surprising that more than one slave owner contracted syphillis, and no doubt had a hand in spreading it as well. Washington was a slave owner. Yep, I see a high degree of probability there. More than enough to make me say, "Entirely possible."