Every-time when a doctor comes in it dampens our hope. they always so negative, I try my hardest to not show how much that affects me but it really does. they really don't know the extent to how much my dad can improve and how much he can't, it is really all up to the brain. I tell my mom all the time don't let the doctors get you down, they don't know anything! Every one of them had a different vision to tell us. While it's true that stroke can do so much damage to the brain, but there's a way to work around the "damage" of the brain. We don't know how long my dad's rehabilitation will take, but he will continue with rehabilitation as long improve continues and nobody can take that away from my dad not even the doctors, even if it takes years or months.
The other day my dad lift his one bad leg up in the air (the paralyzed side) While they tell us before that he never will have movement there. Even if his one side is still useless but it is improving. (small baby steps) He does have feeling in his right side but his brain hasn't been able to tell it to move yet. You know what I'm saying?
Somebody told me once to never stop rehabilitation for brain injured patients, keep going even if it takes 10 years. I'm like 10 years??

His speech improves daily. Sometimes when speaking the aphasia he has, the words comes out gibberish. My dad also laughs when somebody says something funny.

Sometimes he use sign language "no" "ily" "yes" My mom spends most of ever day there, and she has to make sure that dad keep receiving therapies and she has, I love my mom!
Oh and the other day my dad drew a real nice picture, a picture of a river with some trees, and a mountain. It was beautiful! (of course with help)
They are moving my dad to a nursing home facility on Jan 15th, but my mom wants to do as much rehabilitation for dad because dad was upset when he was told by mom that he will be moving to a nursing home facility, he thinks we have gave up on him, but we haven't and we won't.