Away Messages


Active Member
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
I decidd to get a new thread about this since I dont see any old thread about it, I could be wrong but if I am then merge the thread otherwise read on and post something for other to see too... MC

Post your any of away messages you may have in AIM or anything...

Subject: ******

MSG: *******

I'll start...
Subject: Making a deposit

MSG: I'm at the toiletville making a deposit, to check if peeb is yellow and dooty is brown, so when the sewer brakes, it's all over the town!

Subject: Showering...

MSG: I am taking a shower. By the way %n you are starting to smell you need to take one too!
subject - mmm

auto message -- hey %n, Im going to whup your ass right now. lv a msg, thx
Subject: blank

Sidekick: $300
Internet provider: $30 a month
Instant Messenger service: free
An away message from me: priceless

Subject: blank

MSG: I owe credit card, rent, apt, car, So it's off to work until (end of my shift)... Lv msg or reach me at ******

Subject: blank

MSG: I've slipped into a coma, but %n please don't call an ambulance. I'd like to stay like this for at least 8 hours. Pleasant dreams!

Subject: blank

MSG: Hey %n, is it time of the day to do ur errands? Well I'm doing my errands... Lv msg or email me @ ******
Cool Away messages....

Mine is :

(Italian Mafia-style voice) I am not here by the computer right now. Me and Guido are trying to stuff a body in the trunk. (Hey Guido get a chainsaw!!) Anyways, Leave your message If I like it, You'll hear from me If not, You'll hear from Guido! (Laughter) :whistle:

Another one is :

Yesterday I cried a silent tear for fear of losing you, Today I cried a silent tear because you left my heart behind, Tomorrow I'll cry a silent tear because I 'll be getting over you.... Sorry I am not currently here at the moment You are welcome to leave a message.


Love grows with a smile ends with a tear, If you think I am talking about you then send me flowers if you know where I live, If not just leave a message I guess I am still single.
I rarely saved the away messages but I have few that I usually added whenever I installed the OS/AIM right after re-formatted my computer

Subject: restroom

Message: I gotta take a leak so bad I can taste it!

Subject: Online/Away

Message: I'm not here right now because I'm waiting for %n to get offline.

Subject: Out with Nas

Message: I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name on a paper but I accidentally threw it away. I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay.
subject: work

Away msg: I'm working my ass off for 42 more years left to go till retirement.. so does that sound like u need to complain? leave a msg!
subject: anywhere

Awaymsg: I am busy right now being pissed off in traffic.
:rofl: i like them!!!!

my away messages are not usually THAT silly :dunno: i guess i hadnt come up with some GOOD personalized away msg to use :lol:
I did have one before...I cant find it anymore, figure it was on the computer that went blooey a couple years ago...

Away msg:
Am taking a bath, shaving my legs, underarms and pussy. Will be back after I finish knitting an afghan from all the hair.
DreamDeaf said:
I did have one before...I cant find it anymore, figure it was on the computer that went blooey a couple years ago...

Away msg:
Am taking a bath, shaving my legs, underarms and pussy. Will be back after I finish knitting an afghan from all the hair.
Subject: Default
Msg: "Fortunately, I do carry out an average lifestyle which absolve any ties to the cyber world which you currently engross."

Subject: "In The State of Ennui"
Msg: "The hebetude has manifested itself in my brain like a virus. After all, bacteria and human beings are the same species... we intrude ourselves into others' habitats. If you are able to salvage me from this horrible ordeal, do beep away."

Subject: "Do Not Distrub"
Msg: "An artist is in her inspirational mode and one shaltn't distrub the ambience of a muse descending upon the artist's phantasm.... SKEDADDLE!!"

Subject: "Here but Not Here"
Msg: "The evidence has shown that Kirsi's body is visually in front of a personal computer yet her mind is computing on its own and therefore it has disconnected her from applying her brain online... Please be advised that the duration is undetermined and don't hold your breath for Kirsi to reconnect her reality into this so-called Matrix."

Subect: "homework"
Msg: "The paperwork is stacking up and I am trying to figure out what are their purposes... Let me mesmerize the philosophy of soi-distant "homework" which leads me into a quandary about whether I should pursue the journey of beatitude for completing those tremendous homework."

Subject: "VICTUALS!!"
Msg: "Ah, the hedonism of consuming victuals... You would have to excuse me, I have retired myself to gormandize to satisfy my vital intakes' demands."
This has people running to their dictionaries and flipping through the definitions.. HEHE!

All of the messages are ORIGINAL and MADE BY ME... (copyrighting those messages)
too cool for a away messages??

<<<<<<<<<Away Messages List>>>>>>>>>>>

-definiton the difference:
can u define the difference between being smart and smartass? hulla bak if u know the answer...

-being myself:

countdowns on ends of 2004:
-w00ts? :-/
·4· more days left for christmas
·10· days left for a new year begins @ midnight.
·1· more year left for my graduation!
·24· more days for my 21st! wh00a!

-thats 70's show theme:
hanging out!
down the street-
the same old thing
we did last week
not a thing to do-
but to talk to you
whoo yeah
we will be all all right
we will be all all right
hello wisconsin!

tupac's quote: *remix*
Inlife dere ar gung tu b sum theng zats gung tu moke et hurd tu smalie, bo whutver u da, thruhh oly derain end depain, u gunna kope sunset uva homur, u hevu smalie tor mo, won. REMMA RAT!
-Kupack™ (slangs' remix: kiandra mcfarland.)

-*(=_=)*!!!!_*(=_=)*,,,,_(bring it on...)


"take a chance u stupid ho":
-Life is short; live it or flush it

favorite television:
-should i applied for television show on mtv for battle of the sexes? i need
circle of friendship:
-"Friends are like ohana - a family that leaves no one behind."

oh blitznak..... b bak later.

-sitting in the corner of darkness at psycho hositpal... pondering: "i didnt know if i do have friends but they r never around... or was i never around? tsk, some friend am i... and a foe."
8-)heh8-) mmm drop me a msg to see if i am alive.

-Nice knowing you and you r the weakiest friend _,!,,>:o,,!,_ fawk yew all, good bye.

-do i love somebody? yes i do, no i dont, i mean yea i do, no no i dont, yea i think i did, no its impossible... gee, love is a confusion..

-call me if u know how. if not, then u is a retard! :-D Amen.

-We follow hood codes and everybody in the set know
We gas 'em, fuck 'em and pass 'em, what you expect ho?

-do u wanna know more about her? okay her name is
||//• //\\ ||\\ || ||¯"¸ ||D) //\\
||\\||//-\\ || \\|| ||_,' ||\\ //-\\
who is she to u?

-wanna play trivia game? here it goes.
who is mama8ear to u?
A. mama8ear loves you
B. mama8ear loves you not
C. mama8ear hates you
D. mama8ear hates you not
E. mama8ear does both at all
mine answer is E.
ur answer will be....

-Have a gobbler weekend!!! happy thanksgobbler! :-:-Daye

-(i have passed my 24th hour of night owl! and still counting 8-))

thats my away messages i had added on the notebook... hell its dumb.
eh.. I have many away messages... one of them I probably liked.. but I forgot but here goes nothing


my foot is giving me problems so I'm gonna take a rest so I'll be back in hour or so. leave a message or email me if u ever knew my email addy ;)