Aussie Fire & Deaths

Ash Wednesday 1983 Bushfires - 75 dead



Black Saturday 2009 bushfires - 181 dead




What province is for Ash Wednesday 1983 Bushfire? same province as Victoria?
What province is for Ash Wednesday 1983 Bushfire? same province as Victoria?

from what I googled -

The fires triggered that day by accident - and regrettably also by arsonists - flared out of control in Victoria and southeastern South Australia, devastating many thousands of hectares of forest and many houses. Seventy-five people lost their lives (47 in Victoria, 28 in South Australia), and nearly 2,500 houses were destroyed (2080 in Victoria, 380 in South Australia).

The worst affected areas were the Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne, the Macedon area northwest of Melbourne, and the Mt Lofty Ranges east of Adelaide, all scenic areas with considerable residential populations. Heavily forested areas, such as Victoria’s eastern Otway Ranges, and the pine forests of southeastern South Australia were incinerated. The fierce conditions spawned freak effects: one survivor reported seeing a burning mattress hurtling through the air. Refugees from the Otways fire spent the night on nearby, ash-strewn beaches.

yep same area
from what I googled -

yep same area

If you are referring to the same areas as 2009's bushfires unfortunately, I have to say no. They are located in the northern outskirts of Melbourne
im felt bad for Australia residence

but HM Queen Elizabeth of England hears on news about Australia got fires and also Australia-born Princess Mary of Denmark hears on news about her hometown got fires.
Sara, her hometown is in tasmaina, and there is no fire there. Only in Victoria.
Sara, her hometown is in tasmaina, and there is no fire there. Only in Victoria.

yep! you're right i know Crown Princess Mary of Denmark comes from little town of Australia where she grews till she got married to Prince Fred in may 2004.
That's correct, plus due to the incredible speed of the firestorm, people didn't really have much chance to outrun the fire. Some were found in their cars, but just were overcome by the fire.
Australia is very fire-aware and have lots of safety precautionary measures put in place, but not all were successful in preventing the numbers of fatalities from skyrocketing.
There are a few fires suspected of being started by arsonists. *sigh*

I was especially saddened when I found out about Marysville being the 'epicenter' of the firestorm -- Marysville is no longer. :( I had a few ex-rellies live there and they lost their house, car and a few friends as well. (They lived on Sedgwick, just off the main street that runs through the town centre.)

This is the Australian's WORST bushfires in national's history. In the same state where the bushfire has happened, it has happened in the past. In 1939, and in 1969 and 'Ash Wednesday' in Mid 1980's *(I think 1983, but not sure). In Ash wednesday 75 people was dead in that year, but in 2009 was the worst.. Some affected areas was done by arnosits.

209 Deaths
1834 homes lost
MOre than 7,000 homeless
Now 210
1834 homes lost
7,000 homesless
30 people missing
Yeah, it's been bad. Now we're expecting another scorcher with high winds on Tues which will worsen the fire conditions *sighs*
I wonder that Victoria weather is hot and dry all years? Like Califorina bush wildfire?
But they been having an unusually hot summer, temps getting as high as 110+ F. The grass is dry and its basically fuel for the fires.

One lady from a dog forum showed me her yard was green and full of grass a few years ago and some recent ones showed the same yard being covered in mostly dirt and dried grass. Same yard. So I assume much of Australia has been in quite a drought for the past several years.