Atkins Diet

I have a hard time to lose weight. The doctor order me to lose 20 lbs due to my blood pressure went up. So, I am eating low fat, fat free and low carb foods.

So far, I lost 5lbs within 2 weeks. I walked around for 15 mins to 30 mins. I do the house chore *ugh* and doing the yardwork. I used to hate it and now I like it. I am not going to break the habit doing my chores. It helps me to keep going on and on.
VamPyroX said:
:werd: I always carry around a pack of those breath strips! :thumb: I'm addicted to them! Hehehe!

What is that ?? Can you find the link and show me what it looks like?
Yep, I tried, and lost 10 lbs.. No bread, no pasta and no potatoes, no pizza, no chips... :applause:

I mostly eat a lot of salads, and lot of water, and I drinks Crystal Lights all the time. But I can eat hamburger with no bread. During my appetizer, I eat vegetable and fruits.. When I am hungry, I eat celery or green peppers, and cucumbers. It helps...
And every day, I am the member at the university's gym, and I go there to work out and walk 5 miles on the trandmill.. And do 50 on butterfly equipment to lose the fat on my arms....
Sabrina said:
What is that ?? Can you find the link and show me what it looks like?

There you go! :thumb:
Liza said:
I have been sticking with the south beach diet (lost 7lbs on it so far since last Monday), and i think it's less scary than the atkins in my personal opinion from all the recent news these days.... long term health problems like kidneys and the heart.. due to long-time ketosis? atkins has given some people serious health problems... there is not much we know and that's why we evolve, and we should allow ourselves to evolve as new ideas and info come into light. I think Atkins was a good plan, introduced in the 1970s with the only available info.. today we have plenty of info :))) Take with a grain of salt, too... even with SBD...

Butterfly Gal, South Beach Diet offers a vegetarian option.. I am losing 7 lbs on SBD so far... one big problem about the diet plans offered by atkins, jenny craig, richard simmons, weight watchers and all - is that they make us eat frozen food entrees and special bars.... we have to be DEPENDENT without really resolving that craving thing. thats not what i want! fresh produces are encouraged on SBD, and you make it all on your own.. *grin* the point is to eat until you are full, not overeat, with the three phases of this diet plan with the last phase being for life. I am a big vegetable eater these days... and I like to do it the more harder way without health problems :))) I don't want to have to be worried about giving into cravings... my hubby and I are booking appointments for homepathy, too.

Review on SBD, dr phil and atkins books:

Atkins: Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolutionby Robert C. Atkins, considered the low-carb bible, allows people to eat too much red meat, which may raise the risk of colon or prostate cancer, she says.

Plus, if people keep going back to the induction phase, "the lack of fiber, vegetables and fruit may raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diverticulosis and constipation," Liebman says.

SBD: The South Beach Diet by cardiologist Arthur Agatston is a "healthy version of the Atkins diet that's backed by solid evidence on fats and heart disease."

The diet plan outlines foods {ndash}{ndash} whole grains, healthy fats, fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables {ndash}{ndash} that "are very close to what health experts are recommending," Liebman says.


Yep! Atkins is scary ...And, you're right...It's the long term ketosis that is problematic for people. Most people would probably do OK on Atkins on a SHORT TERM basis, but not long term. And, it IS NOT for people with kidney problems. I have a weight problem due to a physical disability. I'm simply not able to get enough exercise, so I've put on weight over the yrs. Not my fault, but in recent months, I've done a program where i combined Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet.

I admit that's kinda weird, but I started doing WW with Malfoyish about 8 mos ago. About 4 months ago, my Dad decided the family was going to do low-carb. Can we get a BIG GROAN from the peanut gallery on this one? lol I was SO NOT happy! Me give up pasta? Umm, no... lol But, I've compensated well enough. And, I've lost some weight.

Due to my disability, I'm not really able to weigh on a scale, but I know I've dropped a few ibs by the way my clothes fit me now. And, my Mother SWEARS she sees the weight loss in my face! lol So, I'm happy with that! To me, it's all about being realistic about what you can achieve. I KNOW I'll never be a super model! And, I can live with that! lol
I know, I know.. again long post.. -___-

Banjo said:
Dr. Atkins died last week because he had a slip 'n' fall accident...

.... seriously
While it is true but do you know that millions of millions who lives on high-carb diets found that thier organs grow in wrong way in their bodies (or shrinking... seirously) and usually got killed from insulin-related health problems? Many more that got killed, sudden deaths or serious conditions from high carbs or industrial-related diets, compared to high-protein diet, not many got killed or in serious condition. It is virtually impossible to have insulin-related health problems if you are on high protein and high fats diet :P That tells lots...

You gotta love Sweden's or Weston A. Price's researches, their researches are now starting to plow these blasphemy high carb diets out of the streets by prove thru numbers of non-profit researches and scientistic proofs.

I am trying to not make a long post like before but let me give you a example or ugly fact if you would like to call it.. Before I use that example or fact, do you know that thousands of diseases/conditions and cancers does NOT exist in the pre-industrial revolution time? Until we introduce the chemicals that can extend the foods' life, high-carbs/sugary diet & no-fat diet, Pasteurization, Homogenization, etc to our culture and suddenly new diseases comes out monthly, weekly and will-be daily in the future if we did not change our diet.

Ok, here's fact: Non-profit archaeologists found out that Neanderthal/prehistoric people practically have zero diseases, cancers, insulin-related problems, cold, etc etc etc that has occur in post-industrial revolution. It is true.. try to think back and do they have the medicines like we do today? Why did we have zillions of medicines in our time when they don't have any in their time? Think about it carefully.. consuming lots of vegetables, sweets, low/non-fat foods, etc will be guarantee to give you numbers of health problems. It may not affect you now but in 1, 5, 10, 20 years later, it will. It is inevitable because your body reject what you eat therefore it will cause you health problems. Like what Hippocrates said, our bodies aren't dumb, we are dumb :P

Here's part of article and would like to show you: (Scanned from "Well Being Journal", highly-respected journal)


Can you imagine.. 70-80 years old or older can suit up the heavy armor and fight the ferocious battles against other enemies? They ate high protein/high-fat diets and they live longer than us plus very healthy. Do you know most top activity our old people can do? Briskly walking or do light weightlifting, that's highest activity our old people who lives on post-industrial revolution diets can achieve compare to old times... No offense but in other words, we are wimpy. Seriously...

Anyway, Atkins Diet is a soundly and logical diet but that is compare against these blasphemy post-industrial revolution diets like high-carb and others. But sorry, VamPyroX, Atkins Diet have several flaws (I learned more from Weston A. Price and Nourishing Tradition books/researches, I was a Atkins Diet guy until these books). I don't know if you want to hear these out or not so I did not post these flaws because.. actually, foods/personal eating/diet is very senitive issue ever (second to religions) so in all honest, I am afraid that I may offend some of you with this post but it isn't my intention... I am well-know for being a bluntly guy so sorry if I offend you with my honest statements :x

Oh btw, I like to add one more thing before I finish with this topic (long again? -_-) I lost 35 lbs of muscles when I was a vegetarian for 5 years... sick and weak however I found a book, "40-30-30" (40, carbs - 30, protein - 30, fats ratio) by (I don't remember the author's name and will add once I find out) and it saved my life and my health. But it isn't work well in later time so I tried Atkins Diet but seem good enough for certain duration until Nourishing Tradition/Price's. I got my 35 lbs of muscles back in only 4 months compare to 2 years (in term of weightlifting) in the past... that's what organic properly high-protein/fats diet will do for you. Oh also, do you know that it is impossible to get fat on high protein/fat diet? It is virtually impossible yet it is more easier to get fat on carbs diet hence why it is HIGHLY profitable for corporates who sponsor these carb diets like AMA and such because of HIGHLY addictive. Can you stop eating right after taste ONE chip out of chip bag? I highly doubt it.

To summary up, I do support Atkins Diet, it is wonderful start for anyone who wants to be healthy but as permanent diet? It isn't, well for me anyway.

P.S. I had my bones check a while ago and I got 2 cm extra thickness from high protein/fat diet also it healed my old left shoulder injury as well. High protein/fat diet is indeed miracle and amazing.

P.S.S I have been on organic and properly high protein/fat diet for two years, I never have any breath problems, ask my date if you don't believe me. People who eats high carbs have AWFUL body odors, I absolutely despise to dance near them in night clubs! :P
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