As for me, I sign mostly PSE but I've had some deaf complain i'm too SEE.
They complain about my SEE signs too, even said it was much slower than ASL. I asked them would you rather me to sign or use my voice? They shut up.

As for me, I sign mostly PSE but I've had some deaf complain i'm too SEE.
They complain about my SEE signs too, even said it was much slower than ASL. I asked them would you rather me to sign or use my voice? They shut up.![]()
Good question, Kaitin with SEE (Signing Exact English) You sign everything that you say and even the little words they place the word order the same as one does when writing English.
But, with having an interpreter, we do not uses an interpreter that uses SEE, we uses an interpreter that uses ASL. It's much easlier and faster.
for the reply, Cheri.
I don't know why my brain has a problem with understanding SEE in conversation (not with interpreter in class or something). When my (hearing) roommate was signing/spelling "a" and "the" and "me" I was just. I didn't think people used these in conversation with SEE, but now I know I was wrong.
ASL is so much faster to me. If I must stop and think about "the", "it" or "this" or "that", "is" or "are" or "will be", "y-o-u", "a" etc probably I never finish a sentence or forget what I want to say. :P
They complain about my SEE signs too, even said it was much slower than ASL. I asked them would you rather me to sign or use my voice? They shut up.![]()
Oh!! Are you talking about finger spelling the small letter words?
I don't fingerspell "the" "me" "is" "are" "will" "be" I sign the whole sentence, no finger spells.
I don't see anything wrong with SEE, they have said the same thing that it is Loooong and takes forever to finish one sentence than ASL. I told them well if they want to use ASL that is their choice, but to me, I felt it is lazy that they don't learn English. Am I wrong??? How will someone learn English if they don't learn SEE, like taking a driver's test, filling out their parents' form if they are dying in the hospital, etc... I rather use SEE because I am comfortable with it whether they like it or not. They said fingerspelling is pain in you know where, but what am I supposed to do about it, it was the way I was taught.
for the reply, Cheri.
I don't know why my brain has a problem with understanding SEE in conversation (not with interpreter in class or something). When my (hearing) roommate was signing/spelling "a" and "the" and "me" I was just. I didn't think people used these in conversation with SEE, but now I know I was wrong.
ASL is so much faster to me. If I must stop and think about "the", "it" or "this" or "that", "is" or "are" or "will be", "y-o-u", "a" etc probably I never finish a sentence or forget what I want to say. :P
Simple..learn English by reading and writing. Nothing to do with the use of language through the air. If one has a strong language foundation whether it is spoken or signed, one will be able to transfer that foundation into learning English.
I had a sereval friends had trouble understanding English, they felt ASL was the blame for not learning English. I didn't know what to say but I felt it may be true because the teacher refused to teach them higher education just because she felt that they were not 'ready' for English skills. I felt they should learn English before everything else. One couldn't drive because she had failed the test so many time, she didn't understand the booklet. They won't let interupter to come to help her with the test. Other is embrassed that everyone made fun of her because of her poor English, even her children that they had to control over her. That is why we are going to take English class, I want to be with her and help her through it.
In these cases, restless heart, it is not ASL that is to blame, but the teachers that refused to teach these students English skills.
I had a sereval friends had trouble understanding English, they felt ASL was the blame for not learning English. I didn't know what to say but I felt it may be true because the teacher refused to teach them higher education just because she felt that they were not 'ready' for English skills. I felt they should learn English before everything else. One couldn't drive because she had failed the test so many time, she didn't understand the booklet. They won't let interupter to come to help her with the test. Other is embrassed that everyone made fun of her because of her poor English, even her children that they had to control over her. That is why we are going to take English class, I want to be with her and help her through it.
They complain about my SEE signs too, even said it was much slower than ASL. I asked them would you rather me to sign or use my voice? They shut up.![]()
Oh!! Are you talking about finger spelling the small letter words?
I don't fingerspell "the" "me" "is" "are" "will" "be" I sign the whole sentence, no finger spells.
One of the reasons that SEE can be so confusing from a receptive standpoint is that the eye and the ear are designed to receive information differently. The eye receives information in a spatial and time-oriented way, therefore, the syntax of ASL is arranged to provide information in a way that is specialized for the visual system. The ear is designed to receive information in a linear sequence, and the syntax of spoken English is arranged to provide information in way that is compatible with the auditory system. When you provide visual information in an auditory sequence (signs in English syntax and using English grammar rules) it is very confusing for the brain.
Very interesting, Jillio!!
So Cheri, another question (sorry!) Do you sign "you" "me" "him" etc and not point?
I don't see anything wrong with SEE, they have said the same thing that it is Loooong and takes forever to finish one sentence than ASL. I told them well if they want to use ASL that is their choice, but to me, I felt it is lazy that they don't learn English. Am I wrong??? How will someone learn English if they don't learn SEE, like taking a driver's test, filling out their parents' form if they are dying in the hospital, etc... I rather use SEE because I am comfortable with it whether they like it or not. They said fingerspelling is pain in you know where, but what am I supposed to do about it, it was the way I was taught.
Yes, I signed "you" as pointing my finger at you, and I sign "me" as pointing my finger to my chest, I sign "him" as the same similar sign as you would sign "man" "boy", there's some pointing as for "you" and "me".![]()