bloody phreak from hell
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Oh boy... more questions! Yay!Here it comes --

It depends on the purpose of going to the haunted house.What would you bring with you if you had to stay over at a haunted house?
If it was with some friends for a social gathering, I would bring my Monopoly, Clue, and Trivial Pursuit board games. Either that or a couple boxes of dominoes plus a couple packs of cards. It depends on what my friends want to do.
If it was by myself, I would bring my GBA SP and GB Micro with a couple games to keep myself company.
I would probably say emotional pain because it's not always something that I look back and laugh at later.What hurts more, physical pain, or emotional pain, and why?
If I cut my arm or my knee, I would be in pain. Years later, I would look back and laugh... "Boy, was I clumsy! Hahaha!" (Of course, I've cut myself all over. I've got memorial scars to prove it.)

Depends on what the information is and whether they're appealing to us or not.Are infomercials as informative as it can be?
There are some infomercials that I actually enjoy because of the hosts' acting skills and how knowledgeable they are. There are some infomercials where the hosts don't even look like they know what they're talking about.
Any particular infomercial you're referring to?
I have a few...What are some words to live by?
There are plenty of fishes in the sea.
Don't judge a book by its cover, but by what's inside.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
A job, a good woman, and money.What is hard to find these days?
I would like to discover the truth behind a lot of things.What would you like to discover?

Yes, it was in 1994 when my dad introduced me to AOL. It was on his Apple Color Macintosh computer with an internal 2.4 kbps modem. Since I've never been online, I thought 2.4 was "fast". It took me 30 minutes just to download a simple black & white comic strip of Calvin & Hobbes.Do you remember the VERY first time you got online?