Ask Sequoias Anything

Cool, is Iowa different from WA state? How exactly is it different?

Very different, big time. The topography is generally rolling hills, mostly dediclous trees up to 75-100 ft tall in forests. Eastern White Pines usually in Northeast corner of Iowa in scattered groves. You would see corn and soybeans farms almost all over Iowa also lot of pig farms, too.
Do you have any future plans to move back west?
Yes, we do have future plans of moving back to the wild, wild west. :)

Are you planning on moving to Northern Calif? I lived in Humboldt county in 1974 I wonder what Whitethorn looks like now? It was really wild and crazy when I lived there! It is beautiful up there , at least it was when I lived there.

OMG it being developed and all the beautiful trees are being killed! I could have brought some land that was going for $50 an acre in 1974.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

whatdidyousay! said:
Yes, we do have future plans of moving back to the wild, wild west. :)

Are you planning on moving to Northern Calif? I lived in Humboldt county in 1974 I wonder what Whitethorn looks like now? It was really wild and crazy when I lived there! It is beautiful up there , at least it was when I lived there.

OMG it being developed and all the beautiful trees are being killed! I could have brought some land that was going for $50 an acre in 1974.

We don't know for sure.