Cheri said:
Jamie,, Ready for More Questions Now?
What is the Most Important Thing In Your Life?
Hmm. Being the best I can be, really. I dont want to sound egoistical or self centered, but we should be the most impt thing in our lives, because without ourselves, there can be no "me." You know?
When you were Younger were you An Angel in School or a Bad Devil In School Heh!
I as a good girl, but I did poorly academically. I was selfish and rude, I really didnt care about much. It wasnt till the summer before I started HS, i started to change. So I was half and half, I guess.
How Many Boyfriends you have had all ur life?
Real ones? 3. Childish ones? Ahh too many.
When Did you learned your First Kiss?
Do you mean, when did I get my first kiss? Well if thats what you mean, i was 16 and it was outside the girls dormitory at MSAD (MN deaf school) and I barely felt it. My first REAL kiss was when I was 18 and i went to RI to visit Matty and complicated (it was not with either of them so blah.. lol)
Did you ever had a bad Relationship that make u think u wish u never had gotten urself into?
I've had.. I suppose bad relationships. I lost my virginity to a guy who later dated my best friend and then told me, "you were nothing to me." Uh huh, yeah then guy number 2 left me high and dry (not to mention he lives in Washington and I live in MN) so uhm. Those were big mistakes. Uh huh yeah. I was stupid. What can I say?
Have you ever had ur Poems Published before? if So Where and did you get Paid for that too? Or have u been into a Poet Contest before?
err.. I posted some on They said my stuff is in books but *shrugs* I relly dont care. I did it to satiate my friends and family. But no I've never been paid for it.
When you met some AD'ers from here in Real Life What the Best thing You like about them?
Well most of the AD'ers I claim to have met, I knew them before AD. They are all wonderful people and they're all a part of my life (even if they live far away and if we dont talk often.)
If You Saw someone getting beaten up in the Parking Lot would u go ur way helping that person to get away from an abusive person or would u just call the Cops and Keep urself Distance?
I'd call the cops, no sense in having the abuser turn on me.
Who do u admire most in ur Family? and Why?
Hmm I would have to say my uncle (my dad's brother.) Although he has his share of problems, he's been there for me when he can. My dad used to not allow me or my sister to see him because we had more fun with him than our own dad. I think I posted that somewhere. But nonetheless, he means a lot to me. I just dont see him often. Oddball, Lasza, Flyfree and uhm i dont know her user name but she's friends with Flyfree, they've met my uncle and sat around chatting with him for a few hours back when I graduated from HS. He's a good man, thats hard to find.
What kind of Car did you have when U first got a car and How old were you at that time?
I'm still waiting...
If you had to Choose what would u Choose Love or Money?
Love, Love, LOVE!!! I can't stress that more.
Have you ever Travel Out of State? Which States have u touched and What State do you like Most?
Hell yeah! I've been to like 23 states or something. I love Colorado for its' mountains, and Pennsylvania for its greeny look. But most of all I love Minnesota, what can I say, I belong with the 10,000 lakes and millions of mosquueeeetos!
What is your Favorite Number and Why?
5 and 11. Things happened to me a lot around the nbr 5. I was 5 when my dad started to notice i was becoming deaf and then i got my hearing aids. It was in 5th grade I got my period (ok TMI but hey I'm honest.) I was also 11 at that time. Ironically I went to 5 high schools througout my HS career. I guess the list goes on but those are the big ones, ya know?
If you ever won a dream trip of Two Who would u take along on ur Trip?
.. if its romantic? I'd take Megladon..

hehe if its for fun, I'd be torn between my mom and a few of my friends.
Have you ever Fly in a plane before and how was it?
Another hell yeah!! I first flew without my dad when I was uhm, 7-8 I believe. My sister and I went to go visit my birth mom, in Colorado. I've been flying since then. I love it!! I love window seats but I hate turbulence! I hate flying with hearing people cause I cant bring myself to shout. I dont like raising my voice much. (MUCH!!!) hehe.. Flying kicks ass, but hot damn its so expensive ):
Hope you Like my Questions Sorry if Some sounds Dumb.. heh. *Hugs*
I love youir questions!! they make me feel like you really wanna know

*hugs* thanks so much!!!