Cheri said:
Ready for some More Questions? heh..
What time do you usual go to bed?
Well it depends on whats going on.. when I was in school and biking everywhere, I was in bed as early 1as 9:30 (i would get up at 6-6:30 but I also biked 32 miles a week to get to school n work.) But since school is out, i'd say about 10:30-11:30, saturday nights later because I dont work Sundays.)
If you could change one thing about Yourself what would it be?
Hmm well I'd like to change the fact I am overweight, but I could change that now if I really wanted to so.. I guess I'd want better hair!!
What was the last book/magazine have you read?
I just finished "Wicked" by Gregory Mcguire, if thats the way you spell it..
what Tv Shows can't you stand to watch?
I dont watch much tv, so I do not know what there is to not like. I used to hate South Park, but because of Megladon, its not so bad. Its funny only the first (or 2nd) time around, otherwise its just dumb lol
Do you like to be Suprised?
Oh hell yeah.. I've never had a surprise party or anything like that.. But Megladon has surprised me with flowers a few times. I dont like being surprised as in scared, I hate it when people scare me. It happens a lot at work, when Im focused or something. People come right up to me and tap me, it scares me. I scare easily, and its my dad's fault :P He thought it was really cute when I was a baby (and as I grew up) how I looked when he said "BOO!!!!!" and grabbed me. So I startle easily, and I'm scarred for life.. heh
What is your favorite Store to shop at?
Well I like Deb, and Barnes and Noble :Oops:
Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn?
Well I've always liked winter, because I over heat easily (even as a kid, i used to pass out from heat.) But this past winter was fucking cold because now that I live in a house, I realize that gas is expensive. So we kept the heat on minimal, and I still froze. =/
Hmm.. Well it seems every dessert out there is made of something milk or chocolate.. which sucks for me because I am lactose intolerant. Although I can have it, I get super sick afterwards, cramps n bsbs.. I have yet to find where my "limit" is.. I can hardly handle a bowl of cereal

So if I was not lactose intolerant, then strawberry cheesecake or something peanut buttery d:
Which one would you prefer a maid or Chef
I prolly would prefer a chef.. I can clean myself and I kind of like it..

I cant cook a whole lot if its not from a box... *hangs head in shame*
Runts!! Gobstoppers!! Twizzler, jelly beans, gummy bears.. yea I'm a candy freak.. Hence the overweightness of my body..
Hmm.. Well it would seem that Perkin's is my fave place to go because I go there all the time, but thats cause they make a mean bread bowl salad!!! But I also like Wendy's.. I try not to go out.. bleh, sucks up money.. =/
What Characteristics do you admire?
In other people or myself? Well in other people I admire generosity, kindness, respectfulness, etc etc. I like to see good people helping people. I try my best to help other people when I can. I also admire people who know when to stop or when not to help someone. You cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped, or if they havent really asked for it. Some people dont ask because its embarassing or whatnot, but in some cases you can just go ahead and help; in others you should not. I like people who know those limits because I like to think that I do too. I expect to same of most (not all) of my friends as what I expect from myself. Which is prolly why I dont have many friends (I have many acquaintences, but few friends - i am not complaining though) because I have such high expectations and stuff.
err.. I dont like holidays.. =/ I never liked spending time with my family and holidays only forced me to do that. I like Easter and Halloween, only for the candy :P I love cadbury eggs!!!! hehe..
Hmm.. any time I can be with Megladon?

I also like early evenings...
Hmm.. I like fruit, cause smoothies have extra stuff in it and I sometimes get sick from them.. =/
How many Rings are you wearing?
Right now? 2. I'll have 2 more before I go out.. I wear a spin ring (its got 2 layers, one is set against your skin, and has another ring on the inside, smaller, and it spins when u move it.) thats got waves on it, I wear that on my left ring finger (i know i know!) It matches the tattoo I have on my left wrist

then I wear my class ring (ugh i graduated 2 years ago but I cant part with the ring!) I wear another spin ring, on my right thumb, and I ususally wear a ring my grandma gave me last year, its really pretty, a little big but still pretty.

I used to wear 11 rings, but it got to be too much, although they do look cool.
How do you like your Meat Prepared?
Well done? *shrugs*
What was the last Greeting Card you send?
Omg.. like a long time ago.. I dont like to take the time to go to the store and buy a 3-5 dollar card for people who will just prolly throw it away. So.. I cant recall, really.
Onion Rings or French Fries?
Hmm both!! I like onion blossoms though.. *mmmm* and Wendy's french fries.. weee!
Do you like to play cards or board games?
ahh. both! I like uno and I like a few other board games. But I prefer card games than I do board games. I only recently started to enjoy Monopoly (Megladon and I brought it to my mom's friend's house for east and we had a BLAST!)
What is your dream vacation?
Hmm. *thinks* somewhere that is like MN in the spring, and where I can just relax. Ok, truth, I'd love to go back to Yellowstone.. I had an OK time there when i went back when I was 17, and it sucked because of my birth mom's friend. Everytime I spoke, he said "does she ever shut up?" and when I didnt talk he would say "oh shes all bored why did she even come." Yeah he had it in for me that trip. My mom was like, just leave her alone! And I;d play my cd player while driving around Yellowstone, and he'd be like "oh ugh her music is so loud i cant stand it." My mom was like, she's DEAF! She asked me to turn it down, and I said "but then I cant hear it!" I ended up just tossing the cd player down, then he turned on his CD player in this truck. Why couldnt he do that without complaining? Eh. He really bugged me, when we were at a restaurant, he took a menu and held it between my mom and I, when we were signing to each other. I was still insecure about talking in front of people i didnt know very well (imagine that!!) so I preferred to sign. I got so MAD! He did it again later on, but with his hand, and i got so pissed off and my mom knew, but she signed "just ignore it, dont do what i think you'll do." So yeah.. I'd like to have an enjoyable experience at Yellowstone
Least Favorite Household Chore?
Well I like to clean, really. I just hate cleaning up after people who never clean up themselves. I wish my room was always clean though, I just never clean it.
Do you believe in Psychics?
Hmm. Not really.
Romantic picnic!!!

I've never had one.. Megladon and I went biking/blading around a lake near my mom's apt.. I saw this couple laying next to a tree just holding each other, and I was like, aww! I told Megladon that we should do that
Gold , Silver or Platinum?
SILVER!! Everything I wear is silver, with the exception of the bracelet Flyfree bought me for graduation, its gold. (Sorry steph, I dont wear it often =/ ...)
ohhh I would say mountains, but I got to go to RI 2 summers ago and I loved the beach! I hate the sand, so I'm gonna stick with mountains
Done....Take Your Time Girly...*Hugs*
Holy shit girl.. that took forever.. I was 1/2 way done when my computer froze and I had to restart.. That made me so mad!! But I'm doing this in word, so Im saving it every 2 seconds.. lol.. thanks for the q's they made me think! Ask me more if you want! *hugs*