Ask me whatever you want!

If you had a pig would you name it Napoleon ?
I am writing a fanfiction with a deaf character so I needed information :D and also learn what it means to be deaf. Ok, might not know what it is like to be deaf but I guess you get the picture ;) I have had lot of people helping me out with questions and I thank them so much for putting up with my silliness and my unknown knowledge of the Deaf Culture! But I am getting there :D


What is a "fanfiction?"
What is a "fanfiction?"

Fan Fiction. Fan writes their own fiction based on story by original creator. I am a fanfiction myself on a very small part - Superman and Wolverine :giggle:
What is a "fanfiction?"

Fanfiction is a term for stories written by fans of TV-shows, comic strips... They take the original characters written by the original creator but decline any sort of rights. hmmm...yeah... :cool2:
So they publish it? What about copyright?

I have my own message board where I post them and since I am the writer of those fanfictions any sort of copyright is not allowed! Fanfiction authors are prohibited from publishing their work!
So they publish it? What about copyright?

99.9% of them do not publish it for profit. they just share the stories among each other in fanclubs. Original creators seldom sell their rights to those who want to copy the story and use it to their own way... unless they're desperate for money
99.9% of them do not publish it for profit. they just share the stories among each other in fanclubs. Original creators seldom sell their rights to those who want to copy the story and use it to their own way... unless they're desperate for money

Now I understand it.

Who are you a fan of as author, JamieLynn?
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Now I understand it.

Who are you a fan of as author, Jamie Lynn?

ALIAS, Jennifer Garner (since the show started) and Michael Vartan (ever since I started hanging posters on my walls :giggle:)

PS. My name is written in ONE word ;)
Do you live in Paris or somewhere else ?
would you like to move to a different country?

BF and I are both looking for new jobs but with the economics... we'll see. Change country, maybe but only if necessary because bf's family is here so it can't be too far away :D
I googled Beligum women and came up with this


Is this what they look like ?
JamieLynn; since you have mentioned that your mother was/is an American. Does this mean you are a dual-citizen of France and the United States?