Ask me whatever you want!

What kind of french food do u like the most?
Do you prefer Belgium waffles or french toast?

Definitely French toast!!!! :D Sometimes I feel like eating a Belgian waffle, but then only with chocolate :D

What kind of french food do u like the most?

Ratatouille and quiche. In general I like a lot of the French cuisine, though at home we try to cook as much vegetarian-like as possible :D

so say yes :mad2:

To your proposal or to bf's (I'm still sleepy...) :kiss:

Sorry... I'm taken :giggle: (if not in front of the clergy but I still am)

Need an extra Jamie-hug? :hug:


Keep the questions coming :D

:mad2: if you were to live in USA for a while, where?
I'm pretty sure your answer is probably yes, but have you listened to the music of Enigma by Michael Cretu?

If so.. Bonus question. Do you like the song Principles of Lust? (Album MCMXC a.D.)
One of my favorites! only if someone could do me the favor of translating it ;).

Found it:
MCMXC a.D. said:
Procedamus in pace
In nomine christi, amen...

Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur

Attollite portas, principes, vestras
Et elevamini, portae aeternales
Et introibit rex gloriae
Qius est iste rex glorie?

Sade, dit moi...
Sade, donne moi...

Procedamus in pace
In nomine christi, amen...

Sade dit moi:
qu'est ce que tu vas chercher?
le bien par le mal?
la vertu par le vice?
Sade dit moi pourquoi l' 'evangile du mal?
Quelle est ta relígìon? Ou sont tes fidèles?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme
Sade, es-tu diabolique, ou divin?

Move to CA if you do make the choice of the states, JL. You and your heart, and your boyfriend know its the better of all choices offered!! Plus we have the best weather. YOu'll never complain.
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^I will get back to you later on tonight... ;) I gotta hurry off to work but I can translate this text for you (I hope my latin still works...)

I'm pretty sure your answer is probably yes, but have you listened to the music of Enigma by Michael Cretu?

I know Cretu from the 80s as a singer, but I am not much fan of his music... I'm definitely more into dance and trance, as well as miscellaneous club sounds :D

Move to CA if you do make the choice of the states, JL. You and your heart, and your boyfriend know its the better of all choices offered!! Plus we have the best weather. YOu'll never complain.

I know that, since I visited my friends and some cousins long ago in Los Angeles ;) Definitely love the sunny weather but a little bit less the fires!

Hi. I don't know you. I must be behind the news. I don't have time to read whole of threads. Anyways, I read your thread. That's interesting. Are you American? Where you was born in?

Do you use French Sign Language and ASL right? Is your boyfriend hearing or deaf?
Is it true that many French women do not shave underarms or legs? And why do the French, as a general group, hate Americans?
Will you kneel before me once we meet in person as I, Texas the Republican reborn, take over France?
Hi. I don't know you. I must be behind the news. I don't have time to read whole of threads. Anyways, I read your thread. That's interesting. Are you American? Where you was born in?

Do you use French Sign Language and ASL right? Is your boyfriend hearing or deaf?

I'm neither hoh, nor deaf ;) I don't know FSL, but I had one year of ASL during college year! If I want to learn FSL I have to drive 1.5 hour to Paris by train. That's a little bit too much for me right now since I only want to do it for *fun*. But you never know what happens in future life...

I am American/French still. I was born in Cape Town.... Adam is hearing just like me :D

Is it true that many French women do not shave underarms or legs? And why do the French, as a general group, hate Americans?

No but I am sure there are women out there (whether French or other nationality) not to shave *gross*. Same goes for hating the Americans... How come my American family doesn't want to have anything to do with me, especially my uncle, just because I am half French?!? :mad2:

Will you kneel before me once we meet in person as I, Texas the Republican reborn, take over France?

I have a question for you - do you know who Darren Hayes is?