Ask JClarke Anything...

Ask JClarke anything, Part II

Since the first one with a different title is clogging up with so many posts so time for a new one!

Ask me anything.. since I have said this for the umpeeth time

Please carry on, ladies. :smoking:
It depends on the questions -- If the question is too personal, then I won't answer ;)
Guess we all are free to pry it all out of JClarke. :lol:

well yeah, he gave me all of his information.

He have $10 AUD (Australian dollar) left in his bank account.
He carry his own 10 foot cock.
He never heard of social security number before, so my question was no good.
He also gave me his passport #, if you want that #, pay me $10. :naughty:
well yeah, he gave me all of his information.

He have $10 AUD (Australian dollar) left in his bank account.
He carry his own 10 foot cock.
He never heard of social security number before, so my question was no good.
He also gave me his passport #, if you want that #, pay me $10. :naughty:

well yeah, he gave me all of his information.

He have $10 AUD (Australian dollar) left in his bank account.
He carry his own 10 foot cock.
He never heard of social security number before, so my question was no good.
He also gave me his passport #, if you want that #, pay me $10. :naughty:

Is that a picture of your finger in your avatar and is it wearing glasses?
It is very cute. :D (Don't have another question at the moment)