Ask JClarke Anything...

I believe you have seen the movie/commerical (whatever it is) with Paul Hogan. I would like to do that, unless the croc's dead!

It actually arised from an article I read! Here is the post.
Ever had an encounter with a croc?

Ever hit a kangaroo while driving?

Would you go bushwacking in the outback?

Have you ever driven cross country nonstop?
If your apartment went up in flames, what's the first thing you grab?
what would you do if there was a complete blackout in your town for days, no communications going in or going out and you had no gas to leave town and only $2 in your pocket?
what would you do if there was a complete blackout in your town for days, no communications going in or going out and you had no gas to leave town and only $2 in your pocket?

I'll just raid the store and grab what I wanted :giggle: and keep the $2 for the fine becuase I was looting :lol:
ever had to swim in 30 degree water until you were exhausted?
ever had to swim in 30 degree water until you were exhausted?

What 30 degree? can you be more specific?

What do you think of this video? Have you seen it on TV?

YouTube - Australian Army Recruitment Ad

Yep and not impressed, sorry IMO

yeah.. very true. you had to answer it during our conversation. :roll: :giggle:

Sorry, Freckles! :( I missed your AIm conversation when you went offline, I had to go somewhere for few minutes but it was longer than I thought, sorry again!
MOD: Lock this thread as I am going to create Part II. Thanks! :locked: