Ask Dixie anything - really anything......

nah I dont need them that badly..... :lol:
Why do you think many MySpace people show off their bodies like almost porn? It looks like a porn site.
Haha, I was joking about the bank details, but the address, when you're ready :)

I will PM you the details whenever I get home from church tomorrow afternoon. I'm too tired and lazy to do it now.
Why do you think many MySpace people show off their bodies like almost porn? It looks like a porn site.

Because it's 'porn' to pubic teenagers that have more hormones floating around in their bodies than they should be allowed to have in a lifetime. For some reason teenage boys get turned on by boobs with pimples on them. :lol:
Do you ever think about leaving your home state?

Absolutely, there isn't much opportunity here to move forward around this state. I've thought about moving out west to Denver or eastward to NYC or DC. Obviously Little Rock isnt big enough for me despite it being 10 times bigger than my hometown.
Do you believe in life on other planets?

Absolutely. Even if it is just microscopic bits, if it has a central nervous system and is actively reproducing offspring then yes it is life. I never rule anything out.
Absolutely. Even if it is just microscopic bits, if it has a central nervous system and is actively reproducing offspring then yes it is life. I never rule anything out.
What about living aliens that walk around and have technology more advanced than we do?
What about living aliens that walk around and have technology more advanced than we do?

Its entirely possible, we just haven't found each other yet being trillions of light years away and millions of galaxies apart from each other.
Why do you think many MySpace people show off their bodies like almost porn? It looks like a porn site.

because sex sells. The porn industry doesnt sell 5 Billion dollars annually selling girl scout cookies. People want to look/feel/come off as hot because they think its their golden ticket to success.
If I'm not mistaken I do believe the porn industry generates more profit than Hollywood does.